Ying Huang, M.D., Ph.D.

Ying Huang, M.D., Ph.D.
- Faculty
Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy
Baylor College of Medicine
- Director, Advanced Endovascular Aortic Research Program
Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery
- Research Fellowship at Mayo Clinic
- Rochester, MN
- MSc from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
- Shanghai, China
- PhD from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
- Shanghai, China
- BS from Shanghai Second Medical University
- Shanghai, China
Professional Statement
Dr. Huang has over twenty years of clinical research experience in vascular surgery and cardiovascular diseases initially in Shanghai, China and then in the United States at Mayo Clinic, Rochester. Before transitioning from a vascular surgeon to a clinical researcher, she accumulated 17 years of extensive clinical experience in vascular surgery. During this time, she was awarded numerous research grants, and advanced academically to the rank of Clinical Professor of Surgery at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine before moving to Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN.Dr. Huang holds MD, Master’s and PhD degrees from the same medical school in Shanghai. In addition to completing her vascular surgery resident training in Shanghai, she also completed 1-year cardiovascular surgery resident training at Toulouse III University, Toulouse, France, conducted basic research in a national key lab in China, and received formal clinical research training including participation in Clinical Research Training Program at Mayo Clinic. Her clinical research initially focused on cardiovascular disease and shifted to aortic disease after joining UTHealth in 2022.
As a clinical trial co-investigator, Dr. Huang has played a pivotal role in leading three ongoing clinical trials involving physician-sponsored investigational device exemption for aortic devices, assisting the principal investigator, Dr. Oderich. She also served as Assistant Director of Advanced Endovascular Aortic Program before being appointed Director last September. She remains dedicated to education. She has published 60+ English-language peer-reviewed original articles, nine of which have been cited in society clinical practice guidelines.
Beyond her expertise in clinical research methodology, Dr. Huang has a strong foundation in biostatistics and a growing interest in data science. She holds an adjunct appointment at McWillams School of Biomedical Informatics at UTHealth Houston. Our goal is to build and sustain a robust research program, develop a strong team, and foster national and international collaborations.
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