Yan Li

Yan Li
PhD Candidate
- PhD Candidate
Baylor College of Medicine
- BS from University of Rochester
- 05/2017 - Rochester, New York United States
Selected Publications
- Chen Y, Chen X, Baserdem B, Zhan H, Li Y, Davis MB, Kebschull JM, Zador AM, Koulakov AA, Albeanu DF. "High-throughput sequencing of single neuron projections reveals spatial organization in the olfactory cortex.." Cell. 2022; Pubmed PMID: 36306734
- Ramos J, Han L, Li Y, Hagelskamp F, Kellner SM, Alkuraya FS, Phizicky EM, Fu D. "Formation of tRNA Wobble Inosine in Humans Is Disrupted by a Millennia-Old Mutation Causing Intellectual Disability." Mol Cell Biol.. 2019 Sep 11; Pubmed PMID: 31263000
- Zhou J, Cattoglio C, Shao Y, Tirumala HP, Vetralla C, Bajikar SS, Li Y, Chen H, Wang Q, Wu Z, Tang B, Zahabiyon M, Bajic A, Meng X, Ferrie JJ, LaGrone A, Zhang P, Kim JJ, Tang J, Liu Z, Darzacq X, Heintz N, Tjian R, Zoghbi HY "A novel pathogenic mutation of MeCP2 impairs chromatin association independent of protein levels.." Genes Dev. 2021 Oct 1; Pubmed PMID: 37890975
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