Steven Maximus, M.D., FACS

Steven Maximus, M.D., FACS
- Faculty
Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy
Baylor College of Medicine
- 7200 Cambridge Street (Clinic)
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-5700
- Fellowship at University of Houston Health Sciences Center
- Houston, TX
- Advanced Endovascular Aortic Vascular Surgery
- Fellowship at The University of Chicago
- Chicago, IL
- Vascular Surgery
- Residency at The University of California, Irvine
- Orange, CA
- General Surgery
- General Surgery
- American Board of Surgery
- Vascular Surgery
- American Board of Surgery
Honors & Awards
- Outstanding Vascular Surgery Faculty Member in a Teaching Capacity
- University of California, Davis, Department of Surgery
- Diamond Doctor Award
- University of California Davis Medical Center
Professional Interests
- Aortic arch aneurysms and dissections
- Aortoiliac aneurysms
- Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms and dissections
- Endovascular and Thoracic Endovascular aortic (EVAR/TEVAR)
- Fenestrated and Branched Endovascular aortic repair (FEVAR/BEVAR)
- Trans Carotid Arterial Revascularization (TCAR)
- Complex open surgical aortic repair
- Oncologic vascular procedures
- Thoracic Branched Endoprosthesis (TBE)
- Thoracoabdominal Branch Endoprosthesis (TAMBE)
Professional Statement
Dr. Maximus focuses on the clinical evaluation and treatment of aortic aneurysms, dissections, trauma and aortic pathology that involves any segment of the aorta, which includes the aortoiliac, juxtarenal, pararenal, complex abdominal thoracoabdominal and aortic arch. Dr. Maximus completed his vascular surgery fellowship at the University of Chicago, where he learned to provide multidisciplinary care of patients with complex vascular disorders. In addition to completing a vascular surgery fellowship, he has sought out additional training and completed an Advanced Endovascular Aortic Fellowship at the University of Texas, Houston under the mentorship of Dr. Gustavo Oderich, who is the world-renowned authority on innovative minimally invasive endovascular techniques to treat complex aortic aneurysms.Before joining Baylor College of Medicine, Dr. Maximus was the Director of Aortic Surgery at the University of California, Davis and the associate program director for the Vascular Surgery Residency. He performs both endovascular and open aortic procedures, such as endovascular aortic arch repair and repair of complex thoracoabdominal aneurysms with Physician Modified Endovascular Grafts (PMEGs). He is one of a handful of physicians in the United States to receive a Physician Sponsored Investigational Device Exemption (PS-IDE) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the study of Physician Modified Endografts. He is an expert in a number of other types of vascular diseases, including carotid pathology. He has extensive experience with Transcarotid Arterial Revascularization (TCAR), and proctors other physicians for this operation, and was the leading implanter in Northern California during his time at the University of California, Davis.
Dr. Maximus’ research interests include data regarding endovascular treatment for aortic aneurysm repair, both initial repair and the salvage of failing endografts. He is the principal investigator for several clinical trials and he has extensive experience with new and innovative devices. Dr. Maximus was the first physician in the entire University of California system to successfully deploy the Gore Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis (TBE), and is one of the leaders in the world in terms of the numbers of devices implanted. He has several publications regarding the initial experience with the device and uses for acute aortic pathology. He was one of the first physicians in California to implant the Gore Thoracoabdominal Branch Endoprosthesis (TAMBE) once it received FDA approval, and is a national leader in terms of devices implanted. He has several publications and is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a member of the Society for Vascular Surgery.
Selected Publications
- DiLosa KL, Manesh M, Kanamori LR, Chan M, Magee GA, Fleischman F, Lee JT, Zettervall SL, Sweet MP, Harding JP, Toursavadkohi S, Fatima J, Oderich GS, Han SM, Maximus S. "Multi-center experience with an off-the-shelf single retrograde thoracic branch endoprosthesis for acute aortic pathology." J Vasc Surg.;
- Maximus S, Oderich GS "Off the Shelf Gore Thoracoabdominal Multibranch Endoprosthesis: How will it impact Physician Modified Endografts?." J Vasc Surg.;
- Cralle L, DiLosa K, Maximus S "Endovascular Repair with the Gore Thoracoabdominal Multibranch Endoprosthesis for Proximal Degeneration After Prior Fenestrated Endovascular Aortic Repair." Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques.;
- DiLosa K, Pozolo CG, Humphries MD, Heafner T, Kwong M, Maximus S "Early Experience with the Gore TAG Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis for Treatment of Acute Aortic Pathology." Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques.;
- DiLosa K, Pozolo C, Cralle L, Hedayati N, Kwong M, Maximus S, Humphries M "Evaluating Growth Patterns of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Among Women." J Vasc Surg.;
- DiLosa, Harding J, Vuoncino M, Kwong M, Humphries M, Maximus S "Use of a prosthetic conduit for stent delivery in trans carotid artery revascularization for patients with unfavorable anatomy." Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques.;
- DiLosa K, Vuoncino M, Heafner T, Gifford S, Maximus S "Physician Modified Endograft for the Treatment of 1A Endoleaks." J Vasc Surg.;
- Maximus S, Skelly C, Milner R. "Velocities of Type 2 Endoleaks on Doppler Ultrasonography Predict Outcome." J Vasc Surg.;
- Maximus S, Long K, Babrowski T, Park J, Milner R "Right Sided Upper Extremity Access for Patients undergoing parallel Graft Placement During Endovascular Aortic Repair is Not Associated with Increased Neurologic Events When Compared to Left Upper Extremity Access." Annals of Vascular Surgery.;
- Maximus S, Kwong M, Harding J, Mell M "Radial Artery Access is a Safe Alternative to Brachial and Femoral Artery Access for Endovascular Lower Extermity Peripheral Arterial Disease." J Vasc Surg.;
- Physician Sponsored FDA-approved Investigational Device Exemption Study - G2400006
- Dr. Maximus is one of a handful of surgeons in the US that has FDA approval for the creative modification of other devices to treat patients with thoracoabdominal and complex aortic aneurysms who do not meet criteria for a custom made aortic device or an off the shelf aortic device. This study is designed for high risk patients who do not qualify for an investigational device or FDA approved device, giving patients with otherwise limited options access to an endovascular solution.
- American College of Surgeons
- Fellow
- American Medical Association
- Western Vascular Surgical Society
- Society for Vascular Surgery
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