Satid Thammasitboon, M.D., M.H.P.E.

- Associate Professor
Pediatrics-Critical Care
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- M.H.P.E. from University Of Illinois At Chicago
- 01/2002 - Chicago, IL United States
- M.D. from Prince Of Songkla University Hospital
- 01/1995 - Songkla, Thailand
- Fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine
- Houston, TX
- Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
- American Board of Pediatrics
- American Board of Pediatrics, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Professional Interests
- Evidence-Based Medicine
- Critical Thinking and Medical Decision-Making
- Diagnostic Errors in Medicine
- Educational Design Research
- Clinical Expertise Development
- Program Evaluation
- Programmatic Assessment
- Knowledge Synthesis (Scoping, Systematic Reviews)
Professional Statement
As a clinician, I strive to provide the best care possible to individual patients and family members. Clinical expertise encompasses an adaptive application of the standardized practice via evidence-based medicine and the less explicit knowledge in the form of the art of medicine. As an academician, I aspire to foster learners’ professional development by motivating learners to pursue clinical excellence, promoting deliberate practice in clinical medicine and scholarship, and mentoring learners on a journey towards expertise. My passion is to inspire learners with explicit message to shape mind, hands and heart of future physicians. Based on revolutionary advances in understanding of how ones become experts via deliberate practice, I apply science- and pedagogy-based principles to facilitate learners to achieve excellence in their academic endeavors. I dedicate myself on mentorship at the individual and programmatic levels. As an educational scholar, my focus in scholarship of discovery is in critical thinking, expedient development of expertise via deliberate practice, self-reflection and regulation. For a pursuit of scholarship of integration and application, I create innovative curricula, and educate various levels of learners about medical education.Websites
Selected Publications
- Thammasitboon S, Mariscalco MM, Yudkowsky R, Hetland MD, Noronha PA, Mrtek RG "Exploring individual opinions of potential evaluators in a 360-degree assessment: four distinct viewpoints of a competent resident.." Teach Learn Med.;20(4):314-22. Pubmed PMID: 18855235
- Thammasitboon S, Cutrer W "Diagnostic decision-making and strategies to improve diagnosis." Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2013;43:227-231.
- Thammasitboon S, Singhal G "Diagnosing diagnostic errors." . Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2013;43:232-241.
- Thammasitboon S, Singhal G "System-related factors contributing to diagnostic errors." 2013;43:241-247.
- Cutrer WB, Thammasitboon S "Team mental model creation as a mechanism to decrease errors in the intensive care unit*.." Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2012 May;13(3):354-6. Pubmed PMID: 22561263
- Thammasitboon S, Rosen DA, Lutfi R, Ely BA, Weber MA, Hilvers PN, Gustafson RA "An institutional experience with epidural analgesia in children and young adults undergoing cardiac surgery.." Paediatr Anaesth. 2010 Aug;20(8):720-6. Pubmed PMID: 20670235
- Hilvers P, Thammasitboon S "Does ICU Structure Impact Patient Outcomes After Congenital Heart Surgery? A Critical Appraisal of “Care Models and Associated Outcomes in Congenital Heart Surgery” by Burstein et al (Pediatrics 2011; 127: e1482–e1489)." Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2014;15:77-81.
- Thammasitboon S, Singhal S "Diagnostic Error in Agrawal A (ed.) Patient Safety: A Case-Based Comprehensive Guide. Springer Sciences +Business Media, LLC 2013." ;
- Castro D, Tcharmtchi MH, Thammasitboon S. "A Practical Application of Educational Theories in Developing a Boot Camp Program for Pediatric Critical Care Fellows." Acad Pediatr. 2016 Nov;16(8):707-711.
- Thammasitboon S, Ligon BL, Singhal G, Schutze GE, Turner TL. "Creating a medical education enterprise: leveling the playing fields of medical education vs. medical science research within core missions." Med Educ Online. 2017;22(1):1377038..
- Davalos MC, Samuels K, Meyer AN, Thammasitboon S, Sur M, Roy K, Al-Mutairi A, Singh H. "Finding Diagnostic Errors in Children Admitted to the PICU." Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2017 Mar;18(3):265-271.
- Thammasitboon S, Rencic JJ, Trowbridge RL, Olson APJ, Sur M, Dhaliwal G. "The Assessment of Reasoning Tool (ART): structuring the conversation between teachers and learners.." Diagnosis. 2018;5(4):197-203..
- Singhal G, Thammasitboon S "Education Module: Reducing Diagnostic Errors (electronic version). The National Patient Safety Foundation." ;
- Chartan C, Singh H, Krishnamurthy P, Sur M, Meyer A, Lutfi R, Stark J, Thammasitboon S. "Chartan C, Singh H, Krishnamurthy P, Sur M, Meyer A, Lutfi R, Stark J, Thammasitboon S. Isolating red flags to enhance diagnosis (I-RED): An experimental vignette study.." Int J Qual Health Care. 2019 Oct 31;31(8):G97-G102..
- Rissmiller B, Castro D, Minard CG, Sur M, Roy K, Turner T, Thammasitboon S. "The diagnostic expertise acceleration module (DEAM): promoting the formation of organized knowledge." Med Educ Online. 2019 Dec;24(1):1679945..
- Bavare AC, Thomas JK, Gurganious LM, Afonso N, Thomas TA, Thammasitboon S. "Fostering self-determination of bedside providers to promote active participation in rapid response events." Med Educ Online. 2019 Dec;24(1):1551028..
- Jain PN, Jones MB, Thammasitboon S. "Envisioning Distinctive Professional Identity for Critical Care Advanced Practice Providers: Fostering Integrative Transformation Beyond Orientation." Pediatr Crit Care Med.. 2020 Mar 13;
- Burns AM, Ackerman KG, Thammasitboon S, Rassbach CE, Ward MA, Blankenburg RL, Forster CS, McPhillips HA, Wenger TL, Powell WT, Heyman MB, Hogarty MD, Boyer D, Hostetter M, Weiss P, Nguyen ST, Parsons DW, Moore DJ, Byrne BJ, French AR, Orange JS. "Fixing the leaky pipeline: identifying solutions for improving pediatrician-scientist training during pediatric residency." Pediatr Res. 2020 Mar 16;
- Petrescu MS, Stalmeijer RE, Rethans JJ, Thammasitboon S. "Learning in Pediatric Emergency Situations: A Qualitative Study of Residents' Perspectives." 2020 Jun 10;
- Adler AC, Brown KA, Conlin FT, Thammasitboon S, Chandrakantan A. "Cardiac and lung point-of-care ultrasound in pediatric anesthesia and critical care medicine: Uses, pitfalls, and future directions to optimize pediatric care." Paediatr Anaesth. 2019 Aug;29(8):790-798..
- Vaewpanich J, Akcan-Arikan A, Coss-Bu JA, Kennedy CE, Starke JR, Thammasitboon S. "Fluid Overload and Kidney Injury Score as a Predictor for Ventilator-Associated Events." Front Pediatr. 2019;7(204)
- Hooli S, Colbourn T, Lufesi N, Costello A, Nambiar B, Thammasitboon S, Makwenda C, Mwansambo C, McCollum ED, King C. "Predicting Hospitalised Paediatric Pneumonia Mortality Risk: An External Validation of RISC and mRISC, and Local Tool Development (RISC-Malawi) from Malawi." PLoS One. 2018;13(2):e0193557.
- Guess R, Vaewpanich J, Coss-Bu JA, Phongjitsiri S, Kennedy C, Starke J, Thammasitboon S. "Risk Factors for Ventilator-Associated Events in a PICU." Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2018 Jan;19(1):e7-e13..
- Thomas TA, Thammasitboon S, Balmer DF, Roy K, McCullough LB. "A Qualitative Study Exploring Moral Distress Among Pediatric Resuscitation Team Clinicians: Challenges to Professional Integrity." 2016 Jul;17(7):e303-8.
- Thammasitboon S, Darby JB, Hair AB, Rose KM, Ward MA, Turner TL, Balmer DF. "A theory-informed, process-oriented Resident Scholarship Program." 2016;21:31021.
- Miller JO, Thammasitboon S, Hsu DC, Shah MI, Minard CG, Graf JM. "Continuing Medical Education for Air Medical Providers: The Successes and Challenges." Pediatr Emerg Care. 2016 Feb;32(2):87-92.
- Phongjitsiri S, Coss-Bu J, Kennedy C, Silva J, Starke J, Graf J, Thammasitboon S. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's New Definitions for Complications of Mechanical Ventilation Shift the Focus of Quality Surveillance and Predict Clinical Outcomes in a PICU." Crit Care Med. 2015 Nov;43(11):2446-51.
- Ligon B, Elizondo R, Thammasitboon S. "Twelve Tips for Creating an All-Day Writing Retreat for Health Profession Educators: An Immersive, Product-Oriented Learning Experience." MedEdPublish. 2019;3(8):39.
- Ligon B, Weinstein R, Thammasitboon S. "Developing a Writing Workshop for Clinician-Educators: A Synergistic Integration of Ethics, Rhetoric and Education Theories, and Social Science." 2017;3(3):23.
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