Ryan Coleman, M.D., B.A.

Ryan Coleman, M.D., B.A.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
- Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Critical Care Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- MD from University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio School of Medicine
- San Antonio, Texas United States
- 2010
- Residency at Baylor College of Medicine
- Houston, Texas United States
- Pediatrics, 2010
- Postdoctoral Training at Baylor College of Medicine
- Houston, Texas United States
- Clinical Scientist Training Program - Certificate of Added Qualification, 2014
- Postdoctoral Training at Children's Mercy Kansas City Center for Bioethics
- Kansas City, United States
- Certificate in Pediatric Bioethics, 2015
- Fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine
- Houston, Texas United States
- Pediatric Critical Care, 2016
- F.A.A.P.
- American Board of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics
- American Board of Pediatrics, Sub-board of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Professional Interests
- Pediatric ECMO
- Severe pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure
- Pediatric bioethics
Professional Statement
Care for critically ill children requires not only an understanding of the disease, but of the child and family affected by the disease as well. My approach to providing care to these children and their families is to always keep in mind “what would I want if it were one of my children?” and ensure that the therapy I recommend stays in line with that tenet. With all of the technology available today, it is imperative that we ensure we are doing things because we should, not simply because we can.Websites
Selected Publications
- Adair A, Greene SC, Greeley CS, Coleman R, Shekerdemian L "Synthetic Cannabinoid Exposure: A New Risk for Children?." Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2016 Oct;55(11):1075-7. Pubmed PMID: 27550872
- Sharef S, Coleman R, Rivenes S, Wilmot I, Altman C, Madden-Fuentes R, Salazar J "Stentless xenograft implantation in aortic position in a 7-year-old girl." Tex Heart Inst J. 2010;37(3):347-9. Pubmed PMID: 20548820
- Salazar JD, Zafar F, Siddiqui K, Coleman RD, Morales DL, Heinle JS, Rossano JW, Mossad EB, Fraser CD Jr "Fenestration during Fontan palliation: now the exception instead of the rule." J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010 Jul;140(1):129-36. Pubmed PMID: 20620378
- Salazar JD, Coleman RD, Griffith S, McNeil JD, Steigelman M, Young H, Hensler B, Dixon P, Calhoon J, Serrano F, DiGeronimo R "Selective cerebral perfusion: real-time evidence of brain oxygen and energy metabolism preservation." Ann Thorac Surg. 2009 Jul;(1):162-9. Pubmed PMID: 19559218
- Salazar J, Coleman R, Griffith S, McNeil J, Young H, Calhoon J, Serrano F, DiGeronimo R "Brain preservation with selective cerebral perfusion for operations requiring circulatory arrest: protection at 25 degrees C is similar to 18 degrees C with shorter operating times." Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Sep;36(3):524-31. Pubmed PMID: 19481468
- "Outcomes of pediatric patients with oncologic disease or following hematopoietic stem cell transplant supported on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: The PEDECOR experience." ; Pubmed PMID: 32519430
- "MicroRNA as a biomarker in pediatric pulmonary hypertension: a step closer to the Holy Grail?." ; Pubmed PMID: 32251186
- "Diagnosis and treatment of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia in a child on ECMO.." ; Pubmed PMID: 31469247
- "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Mortality in High-Risk Populations: An Analysis of the Pediatric Health Information System Database." ; Pubmed PMID: 31045920
- "Oral treprostinil in children – a multi-center, observational experience." ; Pubmed PMID: 31215346
- "Unilateral Withdrawal of Life-sustaining Therapy in a Severely Impaired Child." ; Pubmed PMID: 30315121
- "LA Decompression on VA ECMO: Getting to the Heart of the Matter." ; Pubmed PMID: 31397811
- Baylor College of Medicine Institutional Review Board,
- Clinical Ethics Committee, Texas Children's Hospital
- Fetal Therapy Board, Texas Children’s Hospital Pavilion For Women
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Society of Critical Care Medicine
- Pulmonary Hypertension Association – PH Clinicians and Researchers
- American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
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