Richard Alan Hopper, M.D., MS

Richard Alan Hopper, M.D., MS
Professor of Surgery
- Professor of Surgery
Division of Plastic Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
- Samuel Stal, MD Endowed Chair in Plastic Surgery
Texas Children's Hospital
- Medical Director, Plastic Surgery
Texas Children's Hospital Austin
- Texas Children's Hospital - Austin (Hospital)
9835 North Lake Creek Parkway
Austin, TX 78717
United States
- Residency at University of Toronto
- Toronto
- Plastic Surgery
- Clinical Fellowship at New York University Medical Center
- New York, NY
- Craniofacial Surgery
Professional Statement
Dr. Richard Hopper is an internationally recognized Craniofacial Plastic Surgeon who specializes in the surgical treatment of growth differences of the jaws and skull. This includes conditions such complex craniosynostosis, cleft lip and palate, and Treacher Collins, Crouzon, and Apert syndromes. Dr. Hopper is the former President of both the American Society of Craniofacial Surgery and the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery. His research interests have resulted in more than 100 publications focused on image-based outcome studies for craniosynostosis and complex craniofacial procedures as well as device design for cleft and craniofacial care. He has trained 38 craniofacial fellows who practice nationally and internationally. Dr. Hopper serves on the SmileTrain Global Medical Advisory Board to advise safety and quality treatment guidelines for patients born with cleft lip and palate around the world.Memberships
- American Associate of Plastic Surgeons
- American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
- American Society of Craniofacial Surgery
- American Society of Plastic Surgery
- International Society of Craniofacial Surgery
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