Nilesh Desai, M.D.

Nilesh Desai, M.D.
Associate Professor
- Associate Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Vice-Chair Quality and Safety
Texas Children's Hospital
- Texas Children's Hospital (Office)
Room: TXCH-165B
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- MD from Texas A&M University College of Medicine
- 06/2003 - College Station, TX
- Internship at Texas A&M University College of Medicine Scott and White Memorial Hospital
- 06/2004 - Temple, TX
- Internal Medicine
- Residency at University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center
- 06/2008 - Dallas, TX
- Diagnostic Radiology
- Fellowship at University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center
- 06/2009 - Dallas, TX
- Diagnostic Neuroradiology
- Fellowship at University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center-Children's Medical Center Dallas
- 06/2010 - Dallas, TX
- Pediatric Neuroradiology, Fetal Imaging
- Diagnostic Radiology
- (06/01/2008 - 03/01/2020)
- American Board of Radiology
- Certificate of Added Qualification in Diagnostic Neuroradiology
- (12/01/2011 - 12/31/2021)
- American Board of Radiology
Honors & Awards
- Outstanding Clinical Service Award- Junior Faculty
- Emory University Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences (07/2012 - 06/2013)
- Chief Quality Officer’s Award for Improvement
- Department of Radiology Texas Children's Hospital (06/2016)
- Chief Quality Officer’s Award for Improvement
- Department of Radiology Texas Children's Hospital (04/2017)
- Singleton Award for Leadership Excellence
- Texas Children's Hospital (04/2019)
- Star Award for Excellence in Patient Care
- Baylor College of Medicine (02/2020)
- 2021 Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Non-Pediatric Faculty Member” Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Professional Interests
- Quality and Safety
- Fetal Imaging
Selected Publications
- Mertiri L, Freiling JT, Desai NK, Kralik SF, Huisman TAGM "Pediatric and adult meningeal, parenchymal, and spinal tuberculosis: a neuroimaging review." J Neuroimaging. 2023 Dec 11; Pubmed PMID: 38073450
- Clary C, Desai N, Falco C "Empyema Necessitans From Actinomyces meyeri Masquerading as an SSTI." Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2024 Feb;63(2):231-234. Pubmed PMID: 37698129
- Huisman TAGM, Patel R, Kralik S, Desai NK, Meoded A, Chen K, Weiner HL, Curry DJ, Lequin M, Kranendonk M, Orman G, Jallo G, Huisman TAGM, Patel R, Kralik S, Desai NK, Meoded A, Chen K, Weiner HL, Curry DJ, Lequin M, Kranendonk M, Orman G, Jallo G "Advances in Imaging Modalities for Pediatric Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors." Pediatr Neurosurg. 2023;58(5):240-258. Pubmed PMID: 37604135
- Sandweiss AJ, Kannan V, Desai NK, Kralik SF, Muscal E, Fisher KS "Arterial Spin Labeling Changes Parallel Asymmetric Perisylvian and Perirolandic Symptoms in 3 Pediatric Cases of Anti-NMDAR Encephalitis." Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2023 Jul;10(4) Pubmed PMID: 37094999
- Mash LE, Kahalley LS, Raghubar KP, Goodrich-Hunsaker NJ, Abildskov TJ, De Leon LA, MacLeod M, Stancel H, Parsons K, Biekman B, Desai NK, Grosshans DR, Paulino AC, Chu ZD, Whitehead WE, Okcu MF, Chintagumpala M, Wilde EA "Cognitive Sparing in Proton versus Photon Radiotherapy for Pediatric Brain Tumor Is Associated with White Matter Integrity: An Exploratory Study." Cancers (Basel). 2023 Mar 19;15(6) Pubmed PMID: 36980730
- Intrapiromkul J, Wangaryattawanich P, Patay Z, Huisman TAGM, Wright JN, Jones JY, Ramakrishnaiah R, Patel R, Goldman-Yassen AE, Kralik S, Mamlouk M, Desai NK "Imaging of pediatric calvarial and skull base tumors: A COG Diagnostic Imaging Committee/SPR Oncology Committee/ASPNR White Paper." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2023 Jun;70(Suppl 4):e30165. Pubmed PMID: 36565281
- Mash LE, Kahalley LS, Okcu MF, Grosshans DR, Paulino AC, Stancel H, De Leon L, Wilde E, Desai N, Chu ZD, Whitehead WE, Chintagumpala M, Raghubar KP "Superior verbal learning and memory in pediatric brain tumor survivors treated with proton versus photon radiotherapy." Neuropsychology. 2023 Feb;37(4):204-217. Pubmed PMID: 36480379
- Trofimova A, Milla SS, Ryan ME, Pruthi S, Blount JP, Desai NK, Glenn OA, Islam MP, Kadom N, Mirsky DM, Myseros JS, Partap S, Radhakrishnan R, Rose E, Soares BP, Trout AT, Udayasankar UK, Whitehead MT, Karmazyn B "ACR Appropriateness Criteria? Seizures-Child." J Am Coll Radiol. 2021 May;18(5S):S199-S211. Pubmed PMID: 33958113
- Orbea M, Desai N, Foster C "Invasive Streptococcus Gallolyticus Infections in Infants At Texas Children's Hospital: A 9-Year Retrospective Review." Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2022 Nov 1;11:e494-e497. Pubmed PMID: 36223237
- Serrallach BL, Orman G, Boltshauser E, Hackenberg A, Desai NK, Kralik SF, Huisman TAGM "Neuroimaging in cerebellar ataxia in childhood: A review." J Neuroimaging. 2022 Sep;32(5):825-851. Pubmed PMID: 35749078
- McCurdy MD, Raghubar KP, Christopher K, Okcu MF, Wilde E, Desai N, Chu ZD, Gragert M, Stancel H, Warren EH, Whitehead WE, Grosshans D, Paulino AC, Chintagumpala M, Kahalley LS "Predicting neurocognitive function in pediatric brain tumor early survivorship: The neurological predictor scale and the incremental validity of tumor size." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 Sep;69(9):e29803. Pubmed PMID: 35709014
- Salman R, Chong I, Amans M, Hui F, Desai N, Huisman TAGM, Tran B "Pediatric tinnitus: The role of neuroimaging." J Neuroimaging. 2022 May;32(3):400-411. Pubmed PMID: 35307901
- Salman R, Huisman TAGM, Kralik S, Meoded A, Desai NK, McClugage SG, Orman G, Boltshauser E "Radiologic and clinical outcome of isolated fourth ventricle following post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus in children." Childs Nerv Syst. 2022 May;38(5):977-984. Pubmed PMID: 35305115
- Huisman TAGM, Kralik SF, Desai NK, Serrallach BL, Orman G "Neuroimaging of primary mitochondrial disorders in children: A review." J Neuroimaging. 2022 Mar;32(2):191-200. Pubmed PMID: 35107193
- Donaruma M, Desai N, Shanghvi D, Case M, Choudhary A, Greeley C "When opinion masquerades as fact." Acta Paediatr. 2022 Apr;111(4):891-892. Pubmed PMID: 34913203
- Serrallach BL, Orman G, Hicks MJ, Desai N, Kralik S, Huisman TA "Conventional and advanced MR imaging findings in a cohort of pathology-proven dermoid cysts of the pediatric scalp and skull." Neuroradiol J. 2022 Aug;35(4):497-503. Pubmed PMID: 34873956
- Orman G, Tran BH, Desai N, Meoded A, Kralik S, Smith V, Hicks J, Kirsch C, Huisman TAGM "Neuroimaging Characteristics of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Children." J Neuroimaging. 2020 Aug 30; Pubmed PMID: 32862510
- Tekes A, Palasis S, Durand DJ, Pruthi S, Booth TN, Desai NK, Jones JY, Kadom N, Lam HFS, Milla SS, Mirsky DM, Partap S, Robertson RL, Ryan ME, Saigal G, Setzen G, Soares BP, Trout AT, Whitehead MT, Karmazyn B. "ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Sinusitis-Child.." J Am Coll Radiol.. 2018 Nov 15;11S:S403-S412. Pubmed PMID: 30392608
- Hsu A, Desai N, Paldino MJ. "The Unwound Cochlea: A Specific Imaging Marker of Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome.." AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.. 2018 Nov 1;doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A5856. [Epub ahead of print]. Pubmed PMID: 30385470
- Heaphy-Henault KJ, Guimaraes CV, Mehollin-Ray AR, Cassady CI, Zhang W, Desai NK, Paldino MJ. "Congenital Aqueductal Stenosis: Findings at Fetal MRI That Accurately Predict a Postnatal Diagnosis.." AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.. 2018 May;39(5):642-948. Pubmed PMID: 29519789
- Moe JS, Desai NK, Aiken AH, Soares BP, Kang J, Abramowicz S "In Reply." J Oral Maxillofac Surg.. 2016 Sep;74(9):1711-2. Pubmed PMID: 27288841
- Moe JS, Desai NK, Aiken AH, Soares BP, Kang J, Abramowicz S "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Temporomandibular Joints of Children.." J Oral Maxillofac Surg.. 2016 Sep;74(9):1723-7. Pubmed PMID: 27102922
- Soares BP, Porter SG, Saindane AM, Dehkharghani S, Desai NK "Utility of double inversion recovery MRI in paediatric epilepsy.." Br J Radiol.. 2016;89(1057):20150325. Pubmed PMID: 26529229
- Desai NK, Hamrick SE, Strickland MJ, Matthews E, McMaster L, Mahle WT. "White matter injury and the inflammatory response following neonatal cardiac surgery.." Pediatr Cardiol.. 2015 Jun;36(5):942-9. Pubmed PMID: 25601135
- Ukatu CC, Desai NK, Todd NW Jr "Site for bone-anchored hearing system for children younger than 5 years.." Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.. 2015 Feb;152(2):348-52. Pubmed PMID: 25533787
- Saindane AM, Bruce BB, Desai NK, Roller LA, Newman NJ, Biousse V. "Transverse sinus stenosis in adult patients with Chiari malformation type I.." AJR Am J Roentgenol.. 2014 Oct;203(4):890-6. Pubmed PMID: 25247957
- Lenhart PD, Desai NK, Bruce BB, Hutchinson AK, Lambert SR "The role of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing optic nerve hypoplasia.." Am J Ophthalmol.. 2014 Dec;158(6):1164-1171. Pubmed PMID: 25128595
- Desai NK, Kang J, Chokshi FH "Screening CT angiography for pediatric blunt cerebrovascular injury with emphasis on the cervical "seatbelt sign".." AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.. 2014 Sep;35(9):1836-40. Pubmed PMID: 24722311
- Johnson PB, Melbourne-Chambers R, Saindane AM, Desai N, Smith M "A case of neurosarcoidosis with labyrinthine involvement.." Case Rep Radiol.. 2014;(2014:530431) Pubmed PMID: 24744945
- Johnson P, Melbourne-Chambers R, Desai N, Greenaway E "Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation in an eleven-year-old jamaican male.." Case Rep Radiol.. 2014;2014:858056. Pubmed PMID: 24600523
- Desai NK, Mullins ME "An imaging approach to diffuse white matter changes.." Radiol Clin North Am.. 2014 Mar;52(2):263-78. Pubmed PMID: 24582340
- Saindane AM, Mitchell BC, Kang J, Desai NK, Dehkharghani S. "Performance of spin-echo and gradient-echo T1-weighted sequences for evaluation of dural venous sinus thrombosis and stenosis.." AJR Am J Roentgenol.. 2013 Jul;201(1):162-9. Pubmed PMID: 23789671
- Desai NK, Young L, Miranda MA, Kutz JW Jr, Roland PS, Booth TN. "Pontine tegmental cap dysplasia: the neurotologic perspective.." Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.. 2011 Dec;145(6):992-8. Pubmed PMID: 21705787
- Desai NK, Runge VM. "Contrast use at low field: a review.." Top Magn Reson Imaging.. 2003 Oct;14(5):360-4. Pubmed PMID: 14625464
- Robertson RL, Palasis S, Rivkin MJ, Pruthi S, Bartel TB, Desai NK, Kadom N, Kulkarni AV, Lam HFS, Maheshwari M, Milla SS, Mirsky DM, Myseros JS, Partap S, Radhakrishnan R, Soares BP, Trout AT, Udayasankar UK, Whitehead MT, Karmazyn B. "ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Cerebrovascular Disease-Child." J Am Coll Radiol. 2020 May 17; Pubmed PMID: 32370977
- Ryan ME, Pruthi S, Desai NK, Falcone RA, Glenn OA, Joseph MM, Maheshwari M, Marin JR, Mazzola C, Milla SS, Mirsky DM, Myseros JS, Niogi SN, Partap S, Radhakrishnan R, Robertson RL, Soares BP, Udayasankar UK, Whitehead MT, Wright JN, Karmazyn B "ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Head Trauma-Child." J Am Coll Radiol. 2020 May 17; Pubmed PMID: 32370957
- Seghers VJ, Desai NK, Masand PM, Nasir S, Foster TL, Indiero DA, Johnson TD, Huisman TAGM "After the initial COVID-19 surge: a phased radiology departmental re-opening plan.." Pediatr Radiol. 2020; Pubmed PMID: 32827259
- Kadom N, Palasis S, Pruthi S, Biffl WL, Booth TN, Desai NK, Falcone RA, Jones JY, Joseph MM, Kulkarni AV, Marin JR, Milla SS, Mirsky DM, Myseros JS, Reitman C, Robertson RL, Ryan ME, Saigal G, Schulz J, Soares BP, Tekes A, Trout AT, Whitehead MT "CR Appropriateness Criteria® Suspected Spine Trauma-Child." J Am Coll Radiol.. 2019 May; Pubmed PMID: 31054755
- Moran EJ, Lapin WB, Calame D, Bray M, Wright LN, Desai NK, Stein F, Marcus M "Degos disease: A radiological-pathological correlation of the neuroradiological aspects of the disease." Ann Diagn Pathol. 2020 Aug; Pubmed PMID: 32505971
- Orman G, Kralik SF, Desai N, Meoded A, Vallejo JG, Huisman TAGM, Tran BH "Imaging of Paranasal Sinus Infections in Children: A Review." J Neuroimaging. 2019 Sep; Pubmed PMID: 32472739
- Orman G, Kralik SF, Meoded A, Desai N, Risen S, Huisman TAGM "MRI Findings in Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma: A Review." J Neuroimaging. 2020 Feb; Pubmed PMID: 31696594
- Emrick LT, Rosenfeld JA, Lalani SR, Jain M, Desai NK, Larson A, Kripps K, Vanderver A, Taft RJ, Bluske K, Perry D, Nagakura H, Immken LL, Burrage LC, Bacino CA, Belmont JW, Network UD, Lee B "Microdeletions excluding YWHAE and PAFAH1B1 cause a unique leukoencephalopathy: further delineation of the 17p13.3 microdeletion spectrum." Genet Med. 2019 Jul; Pubmed PMID: 30568308
- Cafuir L, Lawson D, Desai N, Kesner V, Voloschin A. "Inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy versus leptomeningeal disease following Ipilimumab." J Immunother Cancer. 2018 Jan; Pubmed PMID: 29382383
- Herring R, Desai N, Parnes M, Jarjour I "West Nile Virus-Associated Neuroinvasive Disease: A Review of the Literature." Pediatr Neurol. 2019 Mar; Pubmed PMID: 30611518
- Orman G, Tran BH, Desai N, Meoded A, Kralik S, Smith V, Hicks J, Kirsch C, Huisman TAGM "Neuroimaging Characteristics of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Children." J Neuroimaging. 2021 Jan;31(1):137-143. Pubmed PMID: 32862510
- Radhakrishnan R, Shea LAG, Pruthi S, Silvera VM, Bosemani T, Desai NK, Gilbert DL, Glenn OA, Guimaraes CV, Ho ML, Lam HFS, Maheshwari M, Mirsky DM, Nadel HR, Partap S, Schooler GR, Udayasankar UK, Whitehead MT, Wright JN, Rigsby CK "ACR Appropriateness Criteria? Ataxia-Child." J Am Coll Radiol. 2022 Nov;19(11S):S240-S255. Pubmed PMID: 36436955
- American Society of Neuroradiology
- American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology
- Society of Pediatric Radiology
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