Monisha Arya, MD, MPH

Monisha Arya, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Medicine
- Assistant Professor of Medicine
Sections of Infectious Diseases
Department of Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX November 2008 to present
- Director of Marketing
Houston AIDS Education & Training Center
- Director of Digital Media Strategy
Houston AIDS Education & Training Center
- Health Communications Investigator
Health Decision Making and Communication Program
Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety (IQuEST), a VA Health Services Research and Development Center of Innovations
- Clinical Instructor in Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
July 2007 to June 2008
- Fellowship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/ Harvard Medical School
- 01/2008 - Boston, Massachusetts
- Infectious Diseases
- Residency at Georgetown University Medical Center
- 06/2003 - Washington, District of Columbia
- Internal Medicine
- Internship at Georgetown University Medical Center
- 06/2001 - Washington, District of Columbia
- Internal Medicine
- MD from George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Washington, District of Columbia
- MPH from George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services
- Washington, District of Columbia
- BS from University of Maryland
- College Park, Maryland
Honors & Awards
- Outstanding Junior Investigator in HIV Research
- Selected to represent Baylor College of Medicine Miami, FL, November 7, 2013
- 2013 University of Miami Annual Center for AIDS Research Conference and Scientific Symposium
- Outstanding Teaching Award
- Department of Family & Community Medicine Houston, TX, 2013
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Outstanding Junior Investigator in HIV Research
- Selected to represent Baylor College of Medicine San Francisco, CA, November 8, 2012
- 2012 NIH National Center for AIDS Research Symposium
- "String of Pearls" Teaching Award
- Department of Internal Medicine Washington, DC, 2002
- Georgetown University Medical Center
- Mentor of the Year Award
- Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness, & Safety Houston, TX August 2019
- Baylor College of Medicine (08/2019)
Professional Interests
- Patient and provider barriers to preventive health screenings
- Mobile health (mHealth)
- Social marketing
- Health campaign design
- Health communication
- Marketing
- Health literacy
Professional Statement
I am an infectious disease physician, skilled health communications and marketing professional, and a passionate and award-winning educator.I have over 15 years of experience in the research, design, and evaluation of patient- and physician-facing health campaigns. I am a skilled medical writer having written over 40 peer-reviewed publications, numerous successfully funded federal grants, editorials in popular press, policy reports for think tanks, health education brochures for the community, and marketing copy for the biotech industry.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I parlayed my expertise and passions to lead Zoom-based interactive, half-day workshops to teach the principles and practice of health campaign design. Testimonials from this Zoom-based activity included:
"[Her] lecturing style was amazing and [her}
passion was very evident!"
"I enjoyed analyzing the Covid campaigns
because it was very relevant to our lives."
"I loved how engaging and interactive it was, especially because Dr. Arya used many real-life examples."
Most recently, I began leading the marketing and branding efforts for several Centers and Departments within Baylor College of Medicine. I bring my marketing experience, expertise, and tools to the table to help groups achieve brand awareness and uptake of services or programs.
My overall goal is to help others communicate their work and passions with clarity and impact—and using principles of buyer psychology— so that healthcare and education goals are achieved and surpassed. Outcomes matter.
If your group would like marketing consulting, I'd love to chat to see how I can help you promote your services, products, or work.
Find me on LinkedIn Monisha Arya
Selected Publications
- Kumar D, Arya M "mHealth is an innovative approach to address health literacy and improve patient-physician communication - an HIV testing exemplar." Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine. 2015 Jan 1;4(1):25-30. Pubmed PMID: 25729441
- Arya M, Patel S, Kumar D, Zheng MY, Amspoker AB, Kallen MA, Street RL Jr, Viswanath K, Giordano TP "Why physicians don't ask: interpersonal and intrapersonal barriers to HIV testing-making a case for a patient-initiated campaign." Journal of the International Association of P. 2014 Nov 23; Pubmed PMID: 25421929
- Phillips AL, Kumar D, Patel S, Arya M "Using text messages to improve patient-doctor communication among racial and ethnic minority adults: an innovative solution to increase influenza vaccinations." Preventative Medicine. 2014 Dec;(69):117-9. Pubmed PMID: 25241643
- Arya M, Kumar D, Patel S, Street RL Jr, Giordano TP, Viswanath K "Mitigating HIV health disparities: the promise of mobile health for a patient-initiated solution." American Journal of Public Health. 2014 Dec;104(12):2251-5. Pubmed PMID: 25322292
- Arya M, Kallen MA, Street RL Jr, Viswanath K, Giordano TP "African-American patients' preferences for a health center campaign promoting HIV testing: an exploratory study and future directions." Journal of the International Association of P. 2014 Nov;13(6):488-91. Pubmed PMID: 24739209
- Arya M, Zheng MY, Amspoker AB, Kallen MA, Street RL, Viswanath K, Giordano TP "In the routine HIV testing era, primary care physicians in community health centers remain unaware of HIV testing recommendations." Journal of the International Association of P. 2014 Jul;13(4):296-9. Pubmed PMID: 24476961
- Zheng MY, Suneja A, Chou AL, Arya M "Physician barriers to successful implementation of US Preventive Services Task Force routine HIV testing recommendations." Journal of the International Association of P. 2014 May;13(3):200-5. Pubmed PMID: 24442739
- Arya M, Amspoker AB, Lalani N, Patuwo B, Kallen M, Street R, Viswanath K, Giordano TP "HIV testing beliefs in a predominantly Hispanic community health center during the routine HIV testing era: does English language ability matter?." AIDS Patient Care & STDS. 2013 Jan;27(1):38-44. Pubmed PMID: 23305261
- Arya M, Patuwo B, Lalani N, Bush AL, Kallen MA, Street RL "Are primary care providers offering HIV testing to patients in a predominantly Hispanic community health center? An exploratory study.." AIDS Patient Care & STDS. 2012 May;26(5):256-8. Pubmed PMID: 22372868
- Arya M, Kallen MA, Williams LT, Street RL, Viswanath K, Giordano TP "Beliefs about who should be tested for HIV among African American individuals attending a family practice clinic." AIDS Patient Care & STDS. 2012 Jan;26(1):1-4. Pubmed PMID: 22053770
- John B. Kellogg, Jessica D. Lee, Daniel R. Murphy, Monisha Arya "mHealth Can Activate Patients to Discuss Hepatitis C Screening with Physicians." Journal MTM. 2019;8(1):20-28.
- Julika Kaplan, Haley Marek, Monisha Arya "Patients’ Attitudes Towards Text Messages about HIV and Hepatitis C Screening." Journal MTM. 2018 Dec;7(2):51-54.
- Fisk RJ, Kumar D, Murphy DR, Arya M. "Complementing EMR-based Interventions to Improve Hepatitis C Screening." J Transl Int Med. 2018 Dec;6(4):198-199.
- Fisk RJ, Kumar D, Kellogg JB, Murphy DR, Staggers KA, Arya M "A Proof of Concept Study Demonstrating the Feasibility of a Text Message Prompt for Hepatitis C Testing in the 1945-1965 Birth Cohort.." Cureus. 2019 May;11(5):e4745.
- Society for Health Communication
- American Marketing Association
- American Medical Writers Association
- Designing a HIV Testing Campaign for Health Centers Serving African-Americans - #1K23MH094235-01A1 (04/01/2012 - 03/31/2018) Grant funding from NIH/NIMH
- This research used quantitative and qualitative research methods to understand and address patient and physician barriers to HIV screening in a publicly funded healthcare system serving predominantly racial/ethnic minorities. This research guided the development and pilot testing of a patient-facing HIV testing campaign using mobile phones and a provider-facing HIV testing campaign using YouTube video.
- Messages for a Mobile Health HIV Testing Campaign - #P30 AI36211 (05/01/2015 - 04/30/2016) Grant funding from Baylor-UT Houston Center for AIDS Research
- This research leveraged Dr. Arya’s skills acquired from attending the 2013 NIH mHealth Training Institute to create and pilot test a mobile phone HIV testing campaign to prompt patients to discuss testing needs with their physicians.
- Health campaign design
- Marketing
- Medical writing
- Health communications
- Social media
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