Matthew Neil Rasband, Ph.D.

Matthew Neil Rasband, Ph.D.
Professor and Vivian L. Smith Endowed Chair in Neuroscience
- Professor and Vivian L. Smith Endowed Chair in Neuroscience
Department of Neuroscience
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Director
Graduate Program in Neuroscience
Baylor College of Medicine
- PhD from University Of Rochester
- 01/1999 - Rochester, New York United States
- Biophysics
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship at State University Of New York At Stony Brook
- 01/2002 - Stony Brook, New York United States
- BS from Brigham Young University
- 04/1994 - Provo, Utah United States
- Physics
Selected Publications
- Hamdan H, Lim BC, Torii T, Joshi A, Konning M, Smith C, Palmer DJ, Ng P, Leterrier C, Oses-Prieto JA, Burlingame AL, Rasband MN. "Mapping axon initial segment structure and function by multiplexed proximity biotinylation." Nature Communications. 2020;11:100. Pubmed PMID: 31900387
- Torii T, Ogawa Y, Liu CH, Ho TS, Hamdan H, Wang CC, Oses-Prieto JA, Burlingame AL, Rasband MN. "NuMA1 promotes axon initial segment assembly through inhibition of endocytosis.." Journal of Cell Biology. 2020;219:e201907048.
- Zhang C, Joshi A, Liu Y, Sert O, Haddix SG, Teliska LH, Rasband A, Rodney GG, Rasband MN. "Ankyrin-dependent Na+ channel clustering prevents neuromuscular synapse fatigue." Current Biology. 2021; Pubmed PMID: 34289389
- Stevens SR, Longley CM, Ogawa Y, Teliska LH, Arumanayagam AS, Nair S, Oses-Prieto JA, Burlingame AL, Cykowski MD, Xue M, Rasband MN. "Ankyrin-R regulates fast-spiking interneuron excitability through perineuronal nets and Kv3.1b K+ channels." Elife. 2021; Pubmed PMID: 34180393
- Teliska LH, Dalla Costa I, Sert O, Twiss JL, Rasband MN. "Axon Initial Segments Are Required for Efficient Motor Neuron Axon Regeneration and Functional Recovery of Synapses." Journal of Neuroscience.; Pubmed PMID: 36096668
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