- Professor
Pathology & Immunology
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Member
Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Advanced Training from Baylor College Of Medicine Affiliate Hospitals
- 01/1990 - Houston, TX United States
- Advanced Training from University Of Colorado Affiliate Hospitals
- 01/1989 - Denver, CO United States
- Advanced Training from Presbyterian / St. Luke's Medical Center
- 01/1988 - Denver, CO United States
- M.D. from University Of Miami
- 01/1988 - Miami, FL United States
- Ph.D. from University Of Iowa
- 01/1982 - Iowa City, IA United States
- M.S. from University Of Iowa
- 01/1978 - Iowa City, IA United States
- D.D.S. from University Of Iowa
- 01/1976 - Iowa City, IA United States
- B.S. from University Of Iowa
- 01/1973 - Iowa City, IA United States
Selected Publications
- Basu CB, Leong M, Hicks MJ "Acellular cadaveric dermis decreases the inflammatory response in capsule formation in reconstructive breast surgery.." Plast. Reconstr. Surg.. 2010 Dec;126(6):1842-7. Pubmed PMID: 21124125
- Bahrami A, Gown AM, Baird GS, Hicks MJ, Folpe AL "Aberrant expression of epithelial and neuroendocrine markers in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma: a potentially serious diagnostic pitfall.." Mod. Pathol.. 2008 Jul;21(7):795-806. Pubmed PMID: 18487991
- Bernhardt MB, Hicks MJ, Pappo AS "Administration of high-dose interleukin-2 in a 2-year-old with metastatic melanoma.." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2009 Dec 15;53(7):1346-8. Pubmed PMID: 19731326
- Sandoval SE, Bullocks JM, Hicks MJ, Hollier LH "An unusual presentation of a vascular birthmark: a focal area of congenital lipoatrophy on the buttock.." J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 Apr;63(4):e376-9. Pubmed PMID: 19913468
- Hicks MJ, Lam BJ, Hertel KJ "Analyzing mechanisms of alternative pre-mRNA splicing using in vitro splicing assays.." Methods. 2005 Dec;37(4):306-13. Pubmed PMID: 16314259
- Boyanton BL, Noroski LM, Reddy H, Dishop MK, Hicks MJ, Versalovic J, Moylett EH "Burkholderia gladioli osteomyelitis in association with chronic granulomatous disease: case report and review.." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J.. 2005 Sep;24(9):837-9. Pubmed PMID: 16148855
- Allen CE, Li L, Peters TL, Leung HC, Yu A, Man TK, Gurusiddappa S, Phillips MT, Hicks MJ, Gaikwad A, Merad M, McClain KL "Cell-specific gene expression in Langerhans cell histiocytosis lesions reveals a distinct profile compared with epidermal Langerhans cells.." J. Immunol.. 2010 Apr 15;184(8):4557-67. Pubmed PMID: 20220088
- Christiansen J, Dyck JD, Elyas BG, Lilley M, Bamforth JS, Hicks M, Sprysak KA, Tomaszewski R, Haase SM, Vicen-Wyhony LM, Somerville MJ "Chromosome 1q21.1 contiguous gene deletion is associated with congenital heart disease.." Circ. Res.. 2004 Jun 11;94(11):1429-35. Pubmed PMID: 15117819
- Curry CV, Dishop MK, Hicks MJ, Naeem R, Reed JA, López-Terrada DH "Clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue: diagnostic utility of fluorescence in situ hybridization and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.." J. Cutan. Pathol.. 2008 Apr;35(4):411-7. Pubmed PMID: 18333903
- Hicks MJ, Roth JR, Kozinetz CA, Wang LL "Clinicopathologic features of osteosarcoma in patients with Rothmund-Thomson syndrome.." J. Clin. Oncol.. 2007 Feb 1;25(4):370-5. Pubmed PMID: 17264332
- Mukhopadhyay SS, Leung KS, Hicks MJ, Hastings PJ, Youssoufian H, Plon SE "Defective mitochondrial peroxiredoxin-3 results in sensitivity to oxidative stress in Fanconi anemia.." J. Cell Biol.. 2006 Oct 23;175(2):225-35. Pubmed PMID: 17060495
- Holsinger FC, Hafemeister AC, Hicks MJ, Sulek M, Huh WW, Friedman EM "Differential diagnosis of pediatric tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses: a 45-year multi-institutional review.." Ear Nose Throat J. 2010 Nov;89(11):534-40. Pubmed PMID: 21086277
- Cheng PJ, Vu LT, Cass DL, Hicks MJ, Brandt ML, Kim ES "Endoscopic specimen pouch technique for removal of giant fibroadenomas of the breast.." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2012 Apr;47(4):803-7. Pubmed PMID: 22498401
- Russell H, Hicks MJ, Bertuch AA, Chintagumpala M "Infantile fibrosarcoma: clinical and histologic responses to cytotoxic chemotherapy.." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2009 Jul;53(1):23-7. Pubmed PMID: 19340853
- Montufar-Solis D, Schaefer J, Hicks MJ, Klein JR "Massive but selective cytokine dysregulation in the colon of IL-10-/- mice revealed by multiplex analysis.." Int. Immunol.. 2008 Jan;20(1):141-54. Pubmed PMID: 18046045
- Shohet JM, Hicks MJ, Plon SE, Burlingame SM, Stuart S, Chen SY, Brenner MK, Nuchtern JG "Minichromosome maintenance protein MCM7 is a direct target of the MYCN transcription factor in neuroblastoma.." Cancer Res.. 2002 Feb 15;62(4):1123-8. Pubmed PMID: 11861392
- Swartz SJ, Eldin KW, Hicks MJ, Feig DI "Minimal change disease with IgM+ immunofluorescence: a subtype of nephrotic syndrome.." Pediatr. Nephrol.. 2009 Jun;24(6):1187-92. Pubmed PMID: 19219463
- Vasudevan SA, Shang X, Chang S, Ge N, Diaz-Miron JL, Russell HV, Hicks MJ, Ludwig AD, Wesson CL, Burlingame SM, Kim ES, Khan J, Yang J, Nuchtern JG "Neuroblastoma-derived secretory protein is a novel secreted factor overexpressed in neuroblastoma.." Mol. Cancer Ther.. 2009 Aug;8(8):2478-89. Pubmed PMID: 19671756
- Cantu MA, Lupo PJ, Bilgi M, Hicks MJ, Allen CE, McClain KL "Optimal therapy for adults with langerhans cell histiocytosis bone lesions.." PLoS ONE. 2012;7(8):e43257. Pubmed PMID: 22916233
- Warren M, Thompson KS, Popek EJ, Vogel H, Hicks J "Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade in Neonates: Sudden Unexpected Death Associated with Total Parenteral Nutrition via Central Venous Catheterization.." Ann. Clin. Lab. Sci.. 2013;43(2):163-71. Pubmed PMID: 23694791
- Dishop MK, Bree AF, Hicks MJ "Pathologic changes of skin and hair in ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip/palate (AEC) syndrome.." Am. J. Med. Genet. A. 2009 Sep;149(9):1935-41. Pubmed PMID: 19697429
- De Bortoli M, Castellino RC, Skapura DG, Shen JJ, Su JM, Russell HV, Hicks MJ, Man TK, Kim JY "Patched haploinsufficient mouse rhabdomyosarcoma overexpress secreted phosphoprotein 1 and matrix metalloproteinases.." Eur. J. Cancer. 2007 May;43(8):1308-17. Pubmed PMID: 17467979
- Rojas Y, Warneke CL, Dhamne CA, Tsao K, Nuchtern JG, Lally KP, Vasudevan SA, Hayes-Jordan AA, Cass DL, Herzog CE, Hicks MJ, Kim ES, Austin MT "Primary malignant pancreatic neoplasms in children and adolescents: A 20year experience.." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2012 Dec;47(12):2199-204. Pubmed PMID: 23217876
- Ludwig AD, Feig DI, Brandt ML, Hicks MJ, Fitch ME, Cass DL "Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of pheochromocytoma in children.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Dec;194(6):792-6; discussi. Pubmed PMID: 18005773
- Glick RD, Hicks MJ, Nuchtern JG, Wesson DE, Olutoye OO, Cass DL "Renal tumors in infants less than 6 months of age.." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2004 Apr;39(4):522-5. Pubmed PMID: 15065020
- Clewing JM, Antalfy BC, Lücke T, Najafian B, Marwedel KM, Hori A, Powel RM, Do AF, Najera L, SantaCruz K, Hicks MJ, Armstrong DL, Boerkoel CF "Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia: a clinicopathological correlation.." J. Med. Genet.. 2007 Feb;44(2):122-30. Pubmed PMID: 16840568
- Shah SK, Stayer SE, Hicks MJ, Brandt ML "Suprasternal bronchogenic cyst.." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2008 Nov;43(11):2115-7. Pubmed PMID: 18970953
- Sturm-O'Brien AK, Hicks MJ, Giannoni CM, Sulek M, Friedman EM "Tonsillectomy in post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in children.." Laryngoscope. 2010 Mar;120(3):608-11. Pubmed PMID: 20131364
- Scott P, Podemski L, Baptista Wyatt K, Walker C, Haase SM, Elyas BG, Sprysak KA, Lilley M, Christian S, Hicks M, Somerville MJ, Hume SL "Toward optimal detection of the common prenatal aneuploidies by quantitative fluorescent-polymerase chain reaction: comparison of two commercial assays.." Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 Aug;16(8):943-7. Pubmed PMID: 22747196
- Wangler MF, Chavan R, Hicks MJ, Nuchtern JG, Hegde M, Plon SE, Thompson PA "Unusually early presentation of small-bowel adenocarcinoma in a patient with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.." J. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol.. 2013 May;35(4):323-8. Pubmed PMID: 23426006
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