Linda A Alpuing Radilla

Linda A Alpuing Radilla
Research Coordinator III
- Research Coordinator III
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Division of Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
Texas United States
- MD from Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla
- Puebla, Mexico
- Clerkship at Texas Medical Center
- 06/2017 - Houston, Texas
Selected Publications
- "EP20.06: Impact of diagnosis and management of fetal anomalies on maternal anxiety." ;
- "Impact of Transfer of Maternal Care for Fetal Anomalies on Maternal Depression and Anxiety Screening: A Prospective Cohort at a Tertiary Care Center." ; Pubmed PMID: 37276841
- "Gestational diabetes mellitus and COVID-19: The epidemic during the pandemic." ; Pubmed PMID: 37664480
- "Impaired bone morphogenetic protein signaling pathways disrupt decidualization in endometriosis." ; Pubmed PMID: 37790548
- "Inhibition of CSF1R and KIT with pexidartinib reduces inflammatory signaling and cell viability in endometriosis." ; Pubmed PMID: 38227801
- "Time to intervention or delivery in monochorionic diamniotic twins with abnormal screening ultrasound findings." ;
- Role of Kinases in endometrial function and dysfunction
- Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine
- Texas, United States
- Artificial Intelligence approaches to find new treatments for endometriosis
- Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine
- Texas, United States
- Genomic markers in menstrual blood for diagnosis of uterine disorders
- Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery, Baylor College of medicine
- Texas, United States
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