Lauren Michael Rash

Lauren Michael Rash
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Medicine - General Med/Ben Taub
Baylor College of Medicine
- BS from The University of Texas at Austin
- Austin, United States
- Neurobiology
- MD from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- San Antonio, Texas United States
- Residency at Tulane University School of Medicine
- New Orleans, Louisiana United States
- Board Certified in Internal Medicine
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- Texas Medical License
- Texas Medical Board
Professional Interests
- Medical Education
- Quality Improvement
- Medical Student Mentorship
- Internal Medicine Core Faculty
Selected Publications
- Bean, N, Michael, L, Nuradin, N, Cossich SJ. "An Unexpected Epidemic in Young Adults: A case report of E-Cigarette or Vaping Product Induced Lung Injury (EVALI)." J Gen Intern Med. 2020;35(11):S383.
- Smith CJ, Nordhauser JE, Bernstein E, Jordan CE, Jibowu DF, Rice CA, Michael LK, Ascher JM, Brophleh P, Berggren RE, Rosenfeld JA. "Evaluation of a Visual-Aid Toolkit for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Education in the Bateyes of La Romana, Dominican Republic." Annals of Global Health. 2016;82(3):488.
- Michael, L "Two Worlds: A short story in the 55-word literary style.." Connective Tissue, Literary and Visual Arts Journal of the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio.. 2017;10:74.
- Vizuete J, Aziz T, Michael L, Haddad N, Randall C. "Updates in the Medical Management of Crohn's Disease." Internal Medicine Review. 2018 May;4(5):1-9.
- Momento on Lomento: a case reporting fungemia with the novel and highly resistant Lomentospora prolificans.
- Society of Hospital Medicine
- National Harbor, MD
- Poster presentation in March 2019 Authors: Michael, L, Cravanas, T, and Cossich, SJ.
- A Common Presentation Masking a Life-Changing Diagnosis: An inpatient diagnosis of ALS.
- Society of General Internal Medicine, Southern Regional Annual Meeting (02/2018 - present)
- New Orleans, LA
- Oral Presentation
- Advanced Internal Medicine Course
- Tulane University School of Medicine, Deming Dept. of Internal Medicine (06/2020 - 06/2021)
- New Orleans, LA
- Created a curriculum developed for internal medicine residents designed to bring medicine back to the bedside incorporating the areas of: - POCUS skills - Advanced physical exam - Art of observation - Clinical reasoning - Bedside procedures
- A Rare Case of Cryptococcal Meningitis in an Immunocompetent Host
- Society of Hospital Medicine Coverage
- San Diego, California
- Poster presentation in April 2024 Authors: Boldt, C, Buell,J, Alderazi, A, May, T, and Rash, LM.
- Society of Hospital Medicine
- American College of Physicians
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