- Professor
Psychiatry & Behav Sciences
Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Medical Office Bldg-McNair (Office)
Room: MMOB-E4.400
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- MBChB from University Of Otago, New Zealand
- Otago, New Zealand
- Fellowship at Royal College of Australia and New Zealand Psychiatrists
- Auckland, New Zealand
- MEd from University Of Houston
- Houston, TX United States
- MD from University of Otago
- Otago, New Zealand
Honors & Awards
- Vestermark Award
- American Psychiatric Association/NIMH
- Barbara and Corbin J Robertson Jr. Presidential Award
- Baylor College of Medicine
- John P. McGovern Outstanding Teacher Award for the Clinical Sciences
- 2006, 2011, 2015
- Investing Marshall Graduation Ceremonies
- Selected by the Graduating Class of Medical Students for the Graduation ceremony: 2013, 2014, 2015
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Master Clinician Award
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Inducted into the Outstanding Faculty Hall of Fame
- Baylor College of Medicine (04/2014)
- Outstanding Faculty Award
- 2006, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Arnold P. Gold Humanism in Medicine Awards
- 2012, 2016
- AAMC Presidential Award
- AOA Robert J Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award (2017)
- Fulbright and Jaworski Awards
- 2002, 2004, 2009
Selected Publications
- Coverdale J, Roberts L, Louie A, Beresin E "Writing the methods.." Acad Psychiatry.;30(5):361-4. Pubmed PMID: 17021142
- Coverdale JH, Roberts LW, Balon R, Beresin EV "Writing for academia: Getting your research into print: AMEE Guide No. 74.." Med Teach. 2013;35(2):e926-34. Pubmed PMID: 23228107
- Coverdale JH, Balon R, Roberts LW "Which educational programs promote the success of international medical graduates in psychiatry training?." Acad Psychiatry. 2012 Jul 1;36(4):263-7. Pubmed PMID: 22851020
- McCullough LB, Coverdale JH, Chervenak FA "A comprehensive ethical framework for responsibly designing and conducting pharmacologic research that involves pregnant women.." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.. 2005 Sep;193(3):901-7. Pubmed PMID: 16157085
- Nairn R, Coverdale S, Coverdale JH "A framework for understanding media depictions of mental illness.." Acad Psychiatry. 2011;35(3):202-6. Pubmed PMID: 21602444
- Bayer T, Coverdale J, Chiang E "A national survey of physicians' behaviors regarding sexual contact with patients.." South. Med. J.. 1996 Oct;89(10):977-82. Pubmed PMID: 8865790
- Ameratunga SN, Norton RN, Connor JL, Robinson E, Civil I, Coverdale J, Bennett D, Jackson RT "A population-based cohort study of longer-term changes in health of car drivers involved in serious crashes.." Ann Emerg Med. 2006 Dec;48(6):729-36. Pubmed PMID: 16997425
- Coverdale JH, Nairn R "A research agenda concerning depictions of mental illness in children's media.." Acad Psychiatry.;30(1):83-7. Pubmed PMID: 16474001
- Coverdale J "A response to Psychoactive drug prescribing in Japan."." J Med Philos. 1991 Apr;16(2):155-7. Pubmed PMID: 11642887
- Coverdale J, Gale C, Weeks S, Turbott S "A survey of threats and violent acts by patients against training physicians.." Med Educ. 2001 Feb;35(2):154-9. Pubmed PMID: 11169089
- McKenna BG, Poole SJ, Smith NA, Coverdale JH, Gale CK "A survey of threats and violent behaviour by patients against registered nurses in their first year of practice.." Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2003 Mar;12(1):56-63. Pubmed PMID: 14685960
- Shiralkar MT, Harris TB, Eddins-Folensbee FF, Coverdale JH "A systematic review of stress-management programs for medical students.." Acad Psychiatry. 2013 May 1;37(3):158-64. Pubmed PMID: 23446664
- Balon R, Coverdale J, Roberts LW "Academic mission revisited: emerging priority of faculty development.." Acad Psychiatry. 2013 Mar 1;37(2):69-71. Pubmed PMID: 23475229
- Roberts LW, Coverdale J, Louie A, Beresin EV "Academic psychiatry: coming of age.." Acad Psychiatry.;29(3):237-9. Pubmed PMID: 16141116
- Balon R, Coverdale J, Roberts LW "Academician: what's in a name?." Acad Psychiatry.;34(3):169-71. Pubmed PMID: 20431090
- Bushong C, Coverdale J, Battaglia J "Adolescent mental health: a review of preventive interventions.." Tex Med. 1992 Mar;88(3):62-8. Pubmed PMID: 1574782
- Gale C, Arroll B, Coverdale J "Aggressive acts by patients against general practitioners in New Zealand: one-year prevalence.." N. Z. Med. J.. 2006;119(1237):U2050. Pubmed PMID: 16862196
- Coverdale JH, Aruffo JF "AIDS and family planning counseling of psychiatrically ill women in community mental health clinics.." Community Ment Health J. 1992 Feb;28(1):13-20. Pubmed PMID: 1572151
- Aruffo JF, Coverdale JH, Vallbona C "AIDS knowledge in low-income and minority populations.." Public Health Rep.;106(2):115-9. Pubmed PMID: 1902302
- Aruffo JF, Coverdale JH, Pavlik VN, Vallbona C "AIDS knowledge in minorities: significance of locus of control.." Am J Prev Med.;9(1):15-20. Pubmed PMID: 8439432
- Coverdale JH, Aruffo JF, Laux LF, Vallbona C, Thornby JI "AIDS, minority patients, and doctors: what's the risk? Who's talking?." South. Med. J.. 1990 Dec;83(12):1380-3. Pubmed PMID: 2251525
- McKenna BG, Simpson AI, Coverdale JH, Laidlaw TM "An analysis of procedural justice during psychiatric hospital admission.." Int J Law Psychiatry.;24(6):573-81. Pubmed PMID: 11795221
- Coverdale JH, Balon R, Beresin EV, Louie AK, Tait GR, Roberts LW "An argument for conducting methodologically strong, randomized, controlled trials in educational research.." Acad Psychiatry. 2013 May 1;37(3):145-9. Pubmed PMID: 23632922
- Bayer TL, Chiang E, Coverdale JH, Bangs M, Goodearle H "Anxiety in experimentally induced somatoform symptoms.." Psychosomatics.;34(5):416-23. Pubmed PMID: 8140191
- Balon R, Coverdale JH, Roberts LW "Are we heading into a workforce crisis?." Acad Psychiatry. 2011;35(1):41277. Pubmed PMID: 21209398
- McCullough LB, Chervenak FA, Coverdale JH "An ethical framework for conducting research on pregnant, opioid-dependent women.." Addiction. 2013 Feb;108(2):248-9. Pubmed PMID: 23331876
- Bak MK, Louie AK, Tong LD, Coverdale J, Weiss Roberts L "Applying to psychiatry residency programs.." Acad Psychiatry.;30(3):239-47. Pubmed PMID: 16728772
- Ho J, Ralston DC, McCullough LB, Coverdale JH "When should psychiatrists seek criminal prosecution of assaultive psychiatric inpatients?." Psychiatr Serv. 2009 Aug;60(8):1113-7. Pubmed PMID: 19648200
- McKenna BG, Simpson AI, Coverdale JH "What is the role of procedural justice in civil commitment?." Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2000 Aug;34(4):671-6. Pubmed PMID: 10954400
- Burnett J, Coverdale JH, Pickens S, Dyer CB "What is the association between self-neglect, depressive symptoms and untreated medical conditions?." J Elder Abuse Negl. 2006;18(4):25-34. Pubmed PMID: 17972657
- Melton BB, Coverdale JH "What do we teach psychiatric residents about suicide? A national survey of chief residents.." Acad Psychiatry.;33(1):47-50. Pubmed PMID: 19349444
- Coverdale JH "Virtues-based advice for beginning medical students.." Acad Psychiatry.;31(5):354-7. Pubmed PMID: 17875618
- Coverdale JH "Virtues-based advice for beginning medical students.." Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Feb;111(2):427-30. Pubmed PMID: 18238983
- Coverdale JH, Ismail N, Mian A, Dewey C "Toolbox for evaluating residents as teachers.." Acad Psychiatry.;34(4):298-301. Pubmed PMID: 20576992
- Harris TB, Mian A, Lomax JW, Scott-Gurnell K, Sargent JA, Phillips JL, Mao AR, Thompson B, Searle N, Folensbee-Eddins F, Andrews LB, Primm AB, Coverdale JH "The Texas Regional Psychiatry Minority Mentor Network: A Regional Effort To Increase Psychiatry's Workforce Diversity.." Acad Psychiatry. 2012 Jan 1;36(1):60-3. Pubmed PMID: 22362440
- Laidlaw TM, Falloon IR, Barnfather D, Coverdale JH "The stress of caring for people with obsessive compulsive disorders.." Community Ment Health J. 1999 Oct;35(5):443-50. Pubmed PMID: 10547119
- Coverdale JH "The status of ethics education in Australasian psychiatry.." Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1996 Dec;30(6):813-8. Pubmed PMID: 9034471
- Bayer TL, Coverdale JH, Chiang E, Bangs M "The role of prior pain experience and expectancy in psychologically and physically induced pain.." Pain. 1998 Feb;74(41308):327-31. Pubmed PMID: 9520247
- Coverdale JH, Roberts LW, Balon R "The public health priority to address the accessibility and safety of firearms: recommendations for training.." Acad Psychiatry.;34(6):405-8. Pubmed PMID: 21041461
- Engelhardt HT, Coverdale JH "The Psychiatric Admission Index: deciding when to admit a patient.." J Clin Ethics. 1993;4(4):315-8; discussi. Pubmed PMID: 7803826
- Camp ME, Webster CR, Coverdale TR, Coverdale JH, Nairn R "The joker: a dark night for depictions of mental illness.." Acad Psychiatry.;34(2):145-9. Pubmed PMID: 20224029
- Moffic HS, Coverdale J, Bayer T "The Hippocratic Oath and clinical ethics.." J Clin Ethics. 1990;1(4):287-9; discussi. Pubmed PMID: 2131083
- Coverdale JH, McCullough LB, Chervenak FA "The ethics of randomized placebo-controlled trials of antidepressants with pregnant women: a systematic review.." Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Dec;112(6):1361-8. Pubmed PMID: 19037048
- Coverdale J, McCullough LB, Roberts LW "The ethics of psychiatric education.." Psychiatr. Clin. North Am.. 2009 Jun;32(2):413-21. Pubmed PMID: 19486822
- Louie AK, Roberts LW, Coverdale J "The enculturation of medical students and residents.." Acad Psychiatry.;31(4):253-7. Pubmed PMID: 17626184
- Hunt DP, Haidet P, Coverdale JH, Richards B "The effect of using team learning in an evidence-based medicine course for medical students.." Teach Learn Med. 2003;15(2):131-9. Pubmed PMID: 12708072
- Gale C, Arroll B, Coverdale J "The 12-month prevalence of patient-initiated aggression against psychiatrists: a New Zealand national survey.." Int J Psychiatry Med. 2009;39(1):79-87. Pubmed PMID: 19650531
- Nairn RG, Coverdale JH, Elkind GS "Teaching the principles of behaviour change to medical students: evaluation of a programme.." Med Educ. 1995 Nov;29(6):443-8. Pubmed PMID: 8594409
- Coverdale JH, Balon R, Roberts LW "Teaching sexual history-taking: a systematic review of educational programs.." Acad Med. 2011 Dec;86(12):1590-5. Pubmed PMID: 22030763
- Crisp-Han H, Chambliss RB, Coverdale J "Teaching psychiatry residents to teach: a national survey.." Acad Psychiatry. 2013 Jan 1;37(1):23-6. Pubmed PMID: 23338868
- Coverdale JH, Turbott SH "Teaching medical students about the appropriateness of social and sexual contact between doctors and their patients: evaluation of a programme.." Med Educ. 1997 Sep;31(5):335-40. Pubmed PMID: 9488853
- Coverdale JH, Weiss Roberts L, Louie AK "Teaching evidence-based psychiatry to residents and fellows: developing the curriculum.." Acad Psychiatry.;32(6):453-7. Pubmed PMID: 19190286
- Roberts LW "Teaching by great teachers.." Acad Psychiatry. 2011;35(5):275-6. Pubmed PMID: 22007081
- Dvir Y, Moniwa E, Crisp-Han H, Levy D, Coverdale JH "Survey of threats and assaults by patients on psychiatry residents.." Acad Psychiatry. 2012 Jan 1;36(1):39-42. Pubmed PMID: 22362435
- Chang E, Eddins-Folensbee F, Coverdale J "Survey of the prevalence of burnout, stress, depression, and the use of supports by medical students at one school.." Acad Psychiatry. 2012 May 1;36(3):177-82. Pubmed PMID: 22751817
- Coverdale JH, Thomson AN, White GE "Social and sexual contact between general practitioners and patients in New Zealand: attitudes and prevalence.." Br J Gen Pract. 1995 May;45(394):245-7. Pubmed PMID: 7619570
- Coverdale JH, McCullough LB, Chervenak FA "Sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies in chronically ill psychiatric patients.." Med. J. Aust.. 1997 Mar 3;166(5):231-2. Pubmed PMID: 9076264
- Coverdale JH, Bayer TL, McCullough LB, Chervenak FA "Sexually transmitted disease prevention services for female chronically mentally ill patients.." Community Ment Health J. 1995 Aug;31(4):303-15. Pubmed PMID: 7587152
- Coverdale J, Falloon I, Turbott S "Sexually transmitted disease and family planning counselling of psychiatric patients in New Zealand.." Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1997 Apr;31(2):285-90. Pubmed PMID: 9140638
- Coverdale JH, Turbott SH "Sexual and physical abuse of chronically ill psychiatric outpatients compared with a matched sample of medical outpatients.." J. Nerv. Ment. Dis.. 2000 Jul;188(7):440-5. Pubmed PMID: 10919703
- Bellon A, Perez-Garcia G, Coverdale JH, Chacko RC "Seizures associated with levofloxacin: case presentation and literature review.." Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol.. 2009 Oct;65(10):959-62. Pubmed PMID: 19707748
- Coverdale JH, Turbott SH "Risk behaviors for sexually transmitted infections among men with mental disorders.." Psychiatr Serv. 2000 Feb;51(2):234-8. Pubmed PMID: 10655009
- Coverdale JH, Bayer TL, McCullough LB, Chervenak FA "Respecting the autonomy of chronic mentally ill women in decisions about contraception.." Hosp Community Psychiatry. 1993 Jul;44(7):671-4. Pubmed PMID: 8354506
- Dewey CM, Coverdale JH, Ismail NJ, Culberson JW, Thompson BM, Patton CS, Friedland JA "Residents-as-teachers programs in psychiatry: a systematic review.." Can J Psychiatry. 2008 Feb;53(2):77-84. Pubmed PMID: 18357925
- Louie AK, Beresin EV, Coverdale J, Tait GR, Balon R, Roberts LW "Residents as teachers.." Acad Psychiatry. 2013 Jan 1;37(1):41279. Pubmed PMID: 23338863
- Coverdale JH, Louie AK, Roberts LW "Protecting the safety of medical students and residents.." Acad Psychiatry.;29(4):329-31. Pubmed PMID: 16223893
- Molinari V, McCullough LB, Coverdale JH, Workman R "Principles and practice of geriatric assent.." Aging Ment Health. 2006 Jan;10(1):48-54. Pubmed PMID: 16338814
- Weiss Roberts L, Coverdale J, Louie A "Professionalism and the ethics-related roles of academic psychiatrists.." Acad Psychiatry.;29(5):413-5. Pubmed PMID: 16387961
- Balon R, Coverdale JH, Beresin EV, Louie AK, Roberts LW "Richness and creativity in medical student education in psychiatry.." Acad Psychiatry. 2012 May 1;36(3):159-62. Pubmed PMID: 22751812
- McCullough LB, Coverdale JH, Chervenak FA "Argument-based medical ethics: a formal tool for critically appraising the normative medical ethics literature.." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.. 2004 Oct;191(4):1097-102. Pubmed PMID: 15507927
- Naik AD, Kunik ME, Cassidy KR, Nair J, Coverdale J "Assessing safe and independent living in vulnerable older adults: perspectives of professionals who conduct home assessments.." J Am Board Fam Med.;23(5):614-21. Pubmed PMID: 20823356
- Coverdale JH, McCullough LB, Chervenak FA "Assisted and surrogate decision making for pregnant patients who have schizophrenia.." Schizophr Bull. 2004;30(3):659-64. Pubmed PMID: 15631258
- Lustig BA, Coverdale J, Bayer T, Chiang E "Attitudes toward the use of deception in psychologically induced pain.." IRB.;15(6):41433. Pubmed PMID: 11654097
- Louie A, Coverdale J, Roberts LW "Balancing the personal and the professional: should and can we teach this?." Acad Psychiatry.;31(2):129-32. Pubmed PMID: 17344452
- McKenna BG, Simpson AI, Coverdale JH "Best practice management strategies for mental health nurses during the clinical application of civil commitment: an overview.." Contemp Nurse.;21(1):62-70. Pubmed PMID: 16594883
- Engelhardt HT, Coverdale JH "Cases and social reality: making the decision to admit.." J Clin Ethics. 1993;4(4):354-6. Pubmed PMID: 7803839
- Laidlaw TM, Coverdale JH, Falloon IR, Kydd RR "Caregivers' stresses when living together or apart from patients with chronic schizophrenia.." Community Ment Health J. 2002 Aug;38(4):303-10. Pubmed PMID: 12166917
- McCullough LB, Coverdale JH, Chervenak FA "Preventive ethics for including women of childbearing potential in clinical trials.." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.. 2006 May;194(5):1221-7. Pubmed PMID: 16647904
- Dhawan N, Kunik ME, Oldham J, Coverdale J "Prevalence and treatment of narcissistic personality disorder in the community: a systematic review.." Compr Psychiatry.;51(4):333-9. Pubmed PMID: 20579503
- Landy DC, Coverdale JH, McCullough LB, Sharp RR "Prepublication review of medical ethics research: cause for concern.." Acad Med. 2009 Apr;84(4):495-7. Pubmed PMID: 19318788
- Ameratunga S, Tin Tin S, Coverdale J, Connor J, Norton R "Posttraumatic stress among hospitalized and nonhospitalized survivors of serious car crashes: a population-based study.." Psychiatr Serv. 2009 Mar;60(3):402-4. Pubmed PMID: 19252057
- Thio IM, Oakley Browne MA, Coverdale JH, Argyle N "Postnatal depressive symptoms go largely untreated: a probability study in urban New Zealand.." Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2006 Oct;41(10):814-8. Pubmed PMID: 16838090
- Roberts LW, Coverdale J, Louie AK "Philanthropy, ethics, and leadership in academic psychiatry.." Acad Psychiatry.;30(4):269-72. Pubmed PMID: 16908601
- Nairn RG, Coverdale JH "People never see us living well: an appraisal of the personal stories about mental illness in a prospective print media sample.." Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2005 Apr;39(4):281-7. Pubmed PMID: 15777366
- McKenna BG, Simpson AI, Coverdale JH "Patients' perceptions of coercion on admission to forensic psychiatric hospital: a comparison study.." Int J Law Psychiatry.;26(4):355-72. Pubmed PMID: 12726810
- McKenna BG, Simpson AI, Coverdale JH "Outpatient commitment and coercion in New Zealand: a matched comparison study.." Int J Law Psychiatry.;29(2):145-58. Pubmed PMID: 16412508
- Falloon IR, Held T, Roncone R, Coverdale JH, Laidlaw TM "Optimal treatment strategies to enhance recovery from schizophrenia.." Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1998 Feb;32(1):43-9. Pubmed PMID: 9565182
- McKenna B, Poole S, Smith N, Coverdale J "New nurses face endemic violence.." Nurs N Z. 2004 Jun;10(5):41612. Pubmed PMID: 19774932
- Coverdale J, Bayer T, Chiang E, Thornby J, Bangs M "National survey on physicians' attitudes toward social and sexual contact with patients.." South. Med. J.. 1994 Nov;87(11):1067-71. Pubmed PMID: 7973886
- Coverdale JH, Balon R, Roberts LW "Mistreatment of trainees: verbal abuse and other bullying behaviors.." Acad Psychiatry.;33(4):269-73. Pubmed PMID: 19690101
- Wilson C, Nairn R, Coverdale J, Panapa A "Mental illness depictions in prime-time drama: identifying the discursive resources.." Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1999 Apr;33(2):232-9. Pubmed PMID: 10336221
- Gale C, Pellett O, Coverdale J, Paton Simpson G "Management of violence in the workplace: a New Zealand survey.." Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl. 2002;(412):41-3. Pubmed PMID: 12072125
- Poynter BA, Hunter JJ, Coverdale JH, Kempinsky CA "Hard to swallow: a systematic review of deliberate foreign body ingestion.." Gen Hosp Psychiatry.;33(5):518-24. Pubmed PMID: 21851984
- Coverdale J, Falloon I "Home or hospital-based emergency care for chronic psychiatric patients?." N. Z. Med. J.. 1993 Jun 9;106(957):218-9. Pubmed PMID: 8367075
- McKenna BG, Smith NA, Poole SJ, Coverdale JH "Horizontal violence: experiences of Registered Nurses in their first year of practice.." J Adv Nurs. 2003 Apr;42(1):90-6. Pubmed PMID: 12641816
- Wilson C, Nairn R, Coverdale J, Panapa A "How mental illness is portrayed in children's television. A prospective study.." Br J Psychiatry. 2000 May;176:440-3. Pubmed PMID: 10912219
- Roberts LW, Coverdale J, Edenharder K, Louie A "How to review a manuscript: a down-to-earth" approach."." Acad Psychiatry. 2004;28(2):81-7. Pubmed PMID: 15298858
- Louie A, Roberts LW, Coverdale J "Imparting the knowledge, science, and art of psychopharmacology: thoughts on educational research questions.." Acad Psychiatry.;29(2):113-5. Pubmed PMID: 15937254
- Coverdale JH, Weiss Roberts L, Balon R, Louie AK, Beresin EV "Improving the impact" of academic psychiatry."." Acad Psychiatry.;32(3):169-72. Pubmed PMID: 18467469
- Aruffo JF, Coverdale JH, Chacko RC, Dworkin RJ "Knowledge about AIDS among women psychiatric outpatients.." Hosp Community Psychiatry. 1990 Mar;41(3):326-8. Pubmed PMID: 2312083
- Haidet P, Hunt D, Coverdale J "Learning by doing: teaching critical appraisal of randomized trials by performing an in-class randomized trial.." Acad Med. 2002 Nov;77(11):1161. Pubmed PMID: 12431940
- Owusu Y, Kunik M, Coverdale J, Shah A, Primm A, Harris T "Lessons learned: a homeless shelter intervention" by a medical student."." Acad Psychiatry. 2012 May 1;36(3):219-22. Pubmed PMID: 22751825
- Balon R, Roberts LW, Coverdale J, Louie A, Beresin E "Globalization of medical and psychiatric education and the focus of Academic Psychiatry on the success of international" authors."." Acad Psychiatry.;32(2):151-3. Pubmed PMID: 18349337
- Coverdale J, Roberts LW "Global challenges and ethics in protecting and promoting the interests of psychiatrically ill patients.." Int Rev Psychiatry. 2010;22(3):229-34. Pubmed PMID: 20528651
- Molinari V, McCollough LB, Workman R, Coverdale J "Geriatric assent.." J Clin Ethics. 2004;15(3):261-8. Pubmed PMID: 15630869
- Coverdale J, Louie A, Roberts LW "Getting started in educational research.." Acad Psychiatry. 2005;29(1):14-8. Pubmed PMID: 15772398
- White GE, Coverdale J "General practitioner attitudes toward mandatory reporting of doctor-patient sexual abuse.." N. Z. Med. J.. 1998 Feb 27;111(1060):53-5. Pubmed PMID: 9539917
- Sellman JD, Adamson S, Robertson P, Sullivan S, Coverdale J "Gambling in mild-moderate alcohol-dependent outpatients.." Subst Use Misuse. 2002 Jan;37(2):199-213. Pubmed PMID: 11863275
- Nairn R, Coverdale J, Claasen D "From source material to news story in New Zealand print media: a prospective study of the stigmatizing processes in depicting mental illness.." Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2001 Oct;35(5):654-9. Pubmed PMID: 11551282
- Swindell JS, Coverdale JH, Crisp-Han H, McCullough LB "Focus on patient management: responsibly managing psychiatric inpatient refusal of medical or surgical diagnostic work-up.." Psychiatr Serv. 2010 Sep;61(9):868-70. Pubmed PMID: 20810583
- Beresin EV, Balon R, Coverdale JH, Roberts LW "Challenges in child and adolescent psychiatric education.." Acad Psychiatry. 2012 Nov 1;36(6):429-32. Pubmed PMID: 23154685
- Coverdale JH, McCullough LB, Chervenak FA, Bayer T "Clinical implications and management strategies when depression occurs during pregnancy.." Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 1996 Nov;36(4):424-9. Pubmed PMID: 9006826
- Coverdale JH, McCullough LB, Chervenak FA, Bayer T, Weeks S "Clinical implications of respect for autonomy in the psychiatric treatment of pregnant patients with depression.." Psychiatr Serv. 1997 Feb;48(2):209-12. Pubmed PMID: 9021852
- Coverdale J, Roberts LW, Louie A "Committing to the scientific basis of psychiatry: implications for training and educational research.." Acad Psychiatry. 2004;28(4):261-2. Pubmed PMID: 15673818
- Louie AK, Coverdale J, Roberts LW "Competency-based training: where will it lead us?." Acad Psychiatry. 2004;28(3):161-3. Pubmed PMID: 15507548
- McCullough LB, Coverdale JH, Chervenak FA "Constructing a systematic review for argument-based clinical ethics literature: the example of concealed medications.." J Med Philos.;32(1):65-76. Pubmed PMID: 17365446
- Wilson C, Nairn R, Coverdale J, Panapa A "Constructing mental illness as dangerous: a pilot study.." Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1999 Apr;33(2):240-7. Pubmed PMID: 10336222
- Coverdale JH, Balon R, Roberts LW "Cultivating the professional virtues in medical training and practice.." Acad Psychiatry. 2011;35(3):155-9. Pubmed PMID: 21602435
- Coverdale JH, Turbott SH "Family planning outcomes of male chronically ill psychiatric outpatients.." Psychiatr Serv. 1997 Sep;48(9):1199-200. Pubmed PMID: 9285985
- Coverdale JH, Aruffo JA "Family planning needs of female chronic psychiatric outpatients.." Am J Psychiatry. 1989 Nov;146(11):1489-91. Pubmed PMID: 2817124
- Coverdale JH, Turbott SH, Roberts H "Family planning needs and STD risk behaviours of female psychiatric out-patients.." Br J Psychiatry. 1997 Jul;171:69-72. Pubmed PMID: 9328499
- Coverdale JH, Schotte D, Ruiz P, Pharies S, Bayer T "Family planning needs of male chronic mental patients in the general hospital psychiatry clinic.." Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1994 Jan;16(1):38-41. Pubmed PMID: 8039681
- Roberts LW, Coverdale JH, Louie AK "Evidence, methods, and psychiatric education.." Acad Psychiatry. 2003;27(4):227-8. Pubmed PMID: 14754842
- Battaglia J, Coverdale JH, Bushong CP "Evaluation of a Mental Illness Awareness Week program in public schools.." Am J Psychiatry. 1990 Mar;147(3):324-9. Pubmed PMID: 2309950
- Thompson BM, Levine RE, Kennedy F, Naik AD, Foldes CA, Coverdale JH, Kelly PA, Parmelee D, Richards BF, Haidet P "Evaluating the quality of learning-team processes in medical education: development and validation of a new measure.." Acad Med. 2009 Oct;84(10):S124-7. Pubmed PMID: 19907373
- Moffic HS, Coverdale J, Bayer T "Ethics education for psychiatry.." J Clin Ethics. 1991;2(3):161-6. Pubmed PMID: 1773105
- McCullough LB, Coverdale J, Bayer T, Chervenak FA "Ethically justified guidelines for family planning interventions to prevent pregnancy in female patients with chronic mental illness.." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.. 1992 Jul;167(1):19-25. Pubmed PMID: 1442925
- McCullough LB, Chervenak FA, Coverdale JH "Ethically justified guidelines for defining sexual boundaries between obstetrician-gynecologists and their patients.." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.. 1996 Aug;175(2):496-500. Pubmed PMID: 8765276
- Coverdale JH, Chervenak FA, McCullough LB, Bayer T "Ethically justified clinically comprehensive guidelines for the management of the depressed pregnant patient.." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.. 1996 Jan;174(1):169-73. Pubmed PMID: 8572002
- Coverdale J, McCullough LB, Molinari V, Workman R "Ethically justified clinical strategies for promoting geriatric assent.." Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2006 Feb;21(2):151-7. Pubmed PMID: 16416459
- McCullough LB, Coverdale JH, Chervenak FA "Ethical challenges of decision making with pregnant patients who have schizophrenia.." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.. 2002 Sep;187(3):696-702. Pubmed PMID: 12237650
- Weiss Roberts L, Geppert CM, Coverdale J, Louie A, Edenharder K "Ethical and regulatory considerations in educational research.." Acad Psychiatry. 2005;29(1):41279. Pubmed PMID: 15772395
- Coverdale J, Roberts LW, Louie AK, Beresin E "Enhancing the international status of academic psychiatry.." Acad Psychiatry.;31(3):177-9. Pubmed PMID: 17496170
- Coverdale JH, McCullough LB, Chervenak FA "Enhancing decision-making by depressed pregnant patients.." J Perinat Med. 2002;30(4):349-51. Pubmed PMID: 12235727
- Coverdale JH, Roberts LW, Louie AK "Encountering patient suicide: emotional responses, ethics, and implications for training programs.." Acad Psychiatry.;31(5):329-32. Pubmed PMID: 17875611
- Bellon A, Coverdale JH "Delirium, thrombocytopenia, insomnia, and mild liver damage associated with MAOI withdrawal.." Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol.. 2009 Dec;65(12):1269-70. Pubmed PMID: 19655131
- Weber JB, Coverdale JH, Kunik ME "Delirium: current trends in prevention and treatment.." Intern Med J. 2004 Mar;34(3):115-21. Pubmed PMID: 15030459
- Coverdale J, Nairn R, Claasen D "Depictions of mental illness in print media: a prospective national sample.." Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2002 Oct;36(5):697-700. Pubmed PMID: 12225457
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- Coverdale JH "Doctor-patient communication: the example of communicating with the peptic ulcer patient.." N. Z. Med. J.. 1979 Mar 28;89(632):221-3. Pubmed PMID: 286909
- Falloon IR, Kydd RR, Coverdale JH, Laidlaw TM "Early detection and intervention for initial episodes of schizophrenia.." Schizophr Bull. 1996;22(2):271-82. Pubmed PMID: 8782286
- Falloon IR, Coverdale JH, Laidlaw TM, Merry S, Kydd RR, Morosini P "Early intervention for schizophrenic disorders. Implementing optimal treatment strategies in routine clinical services. OTP Collaborative Group.." Br J Psychiatry Suppl. 1998;172(33):33-8. Pubmed PMID: 9764124
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- Louie AK, Coverdale J, Roberts LW "Emotional intelligence and psychiatric training.." Acad Psychiatry.;30(1):41277. Pubmed PMID: 16473985
- Cheng J, Kumar S, Nelson E, Harris T, Coverdale J "A national survey of medical student suicides." Acad Psychiatry. 2014;542-546.
- Cheng J, Kumar S, Nelson E, Harris T, Coverdale J "A national survey of medical student suicides." Acad Psychiatry. 2014;542-546.
- Johnson RS, Ostermeyer B, Sikes KA, Nelsen AJ, Coverdale J "Prevalence and treatment of frotteurism in the community: a systematic review." J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2014;478-483.
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- Coverdale J, Bayer T, Isbell P, Moffic S "Are we teaching psychiatrists to be ethical?." Acad Psychiatry. 1992;199-205.
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- Falloon IRH, Coverdale J "Cognitive-behavioural family interventions for major mental disorders." Behav Change. 1994;213-222.
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- Coverdale J, Bayer T, Chiang E, Moore C, Bangs M "Medical students’ attitudes towards specialist physicians’ social and sexual contact with their patients.." Acad Psychiatry. 1996;35-42.
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- Coverdale J "HIV risk behavior in the chronically mentally ill.." Int Review Psychiatry. 1996;149-156.
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- Coverdale J, Nairn R, Claasen D "A legal opinion’s consequences for the stigmatization of the mentally ill." Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. 2000;192-197.
- Coverdale J, Henning M "An analysis of cheating behaviours during training by medical students.." Med Teach. 2000;582-584.
- Gale C, Simpson S, McKenna B, Coverdale J "Implications for training of violent acts by patients against psychiatry registrars." Australasian Psychiatry. 2001;345-348.
- Andrews L, Coverdale J, Turbott S "Training directors’ and registrars’ views on research training in Australasian psychiatry.." Australasian Psychiatry. 2001;20-24.
- Melding P, Coverdale J, Robinson E. "Comparison of an objective structured clinical examination of final year medical students training in psychiatry and their supervisors' appraisals.." Australasian Psychiatry. 2001;
- Coverdale J, Azariah S "How sexual health clinics address the needs of patients with major mental disorders: an Australasian survey." Venereology. 2001;105-108.
- Fernando P, Coverdale J, Brookbanks W "Implications of autonomy for forensic consequences of extended suicide." Psychiatry, Psychology & Law. 2002;146-150.
- Nairn R, Coverdale J "Breakfast and then death”; imputations of madness and print media depictions of a mass killing." Australian J Communication. 2006;143-161.
- Roberts LW, Coverdale J, Louie A "Committing to medical student education.." Acad Psychiatry. 2006;93-94.
- Nairn R, Coverdale J "What is the role of intertextuality in media depictions of mental illness? Implications for forensic psychiatry." Psychiatry, Psychology & the Law. 2006;243-250.
- Donnelly R, Bolouri M, Prashad S, Coverdale J, Hays J "Comorbid Capgras and Diogenes syndromes.." J Psychiatric Practice. 2008;312-317.
- Gale C, Oud N, Coverdale J "A survey of perceived client/patient aggression in a sample of community support workers." Australasian Psychiatry. 2009;407-501.
- Coverdale J, McCullough LB, Chervenak F. "Ethical issues in managing schizophrenia during pregnancy.." Current Women’s Health Reviews. 2010;63-67.
- Singh H, Shah A, Gupta V, Coverdale J, Harris T "Efficaciousness of mental health outreach programs to religious settings." Am Journal Psychiatric Rehabilitation. 2012;290-298.
- Kwok S, Ostermeyer B, Coverdale J. "A systematic review of the prevalence of patient assaults against residents.." J Graduate Med Education. 2012;296-300.
- Turner TL, Balmer DF, Coverdale J "Methodologies and study designs relevant to medical education research.." International Review Psychiatry. 2013;301-310.
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