Jeffrey A Jones, M.D.

- Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Jamail-Abramson Chair in Urology Research
Baylor College of Medicine
- Chief
MEDVAMC Urology Service
- Member
Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Michael E. DeBakey VAMC (Clinic)
Urology Clinic
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-4001
- Urology - Baylor College of Medicine Medical Center (Clinic)
7200 Cambridge St. , Suite 10 B
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-4001
- B.A. from Trinity University
- 01/1981 - San Antonio, TX United States
- M.D. from Baylor College Of Medicine
- 01/1984 - Houston, TX United States
- Internship at Indiana University Hospitals
- 06/1986 - Indianapolis, Indiana United States
- General Surgery
- Residency at Indiana University Hospitals
- 06/1987 - Indianapolis, Indiana United States
- Resident in General Surgery
- Residency at Indiana University Hospitals
- 06/1991 - Indianapolis, Indiana United States
- Resident in Urology
- MS from University Of Texas Medical Branch
- 01/1998 - Galveston, TX United States
- Fellowship at Indiana University
- 06/1992 - Indianapolis, Indiana United States
- AFUD Scholar/Research Fellow in Urologic Oncology
- Residency at University of Texas Medical Branch/NASA - Johnson Space Center
- 05/1998 - Galveston, Texas United States
- American Board of Urology
- American Board of Preventive Medicine - Aerospace Medicine
Honors & Awards
- Alpha Omega Alpha
- 05/1984
- Distinguished Leadership Award – Outstanding Contribution in Medical Education and Research
- Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Faculty (01/1995)
- Young Investigator’s Award
- Space Medicine Branch of Aerospace Medical Association (01/1998)
- Individual Special Space Flight Achievement Award, ISS Medical Operations Lead
- 01/2001
- International Space Station Individual Superior Accomplishment Award
- 01/2002
- NSA HQs ISS Expeditionary Medicine Group Award, Accepted as Group Lead
- 01/2002
- Special Spaceflight Achievement Award, Medical Operations HRF Ultrasound Test Team
- 01/2002
- Superior Performance Award, Orion Vehicle Integration and Design Support
- 01/2009
- Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal
- 01/2011
- Air Medal - Combat Tour with F-18 / EA-6 Squadrons in Al Asad, Iraq and Collateral Duty as Electronics Countermeasures Officer and Trauma Triage at CSH
- 01/2010
- Bruce Jackson Naval Reserve Flight Surgeon of the Year
- 01/2011
- Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Thirty Years of Service
- 01/2019
Professional Interests
- • Urologic Oncology - Carcinogenesis and Cancer Therapeutics
- • Aerospace Medicine - Fighter Aircraft and Spaceflight Countermeasures
Professional Statement
Dr. Jeffrey Jones is a professor at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) with a joint appointment in the Department of Urology and Center for Space Medicine. He is a board-certified Urologic Surgeon with fellowship training in Urologic Oncology and is board certified in Aerospace Medicine. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, American College of Preventive Medicine and the Aerospace Medical Association. He is currently the Chief of Urology at the Michael E. DeBakey Veteran Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC) and an active participant in the Southwest Oncology Group. He is Principal or Co-Investigator on multiple clinical cancer trials at BCM and MEDVAMC, including a VALOR Challenge grant from the Prostate Cancer Foundation. He currently sits in the Jamail-Abramson Chair of Urologic Research at BCM.He is also a US Naval Flight Surgeon currently the reserve Aeromedical Specialty Leader and Wing Surgeon with Fleet Logistics at Naval Air Station Fort Worth; but he participated in Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom while on active duty. He was a NASA Flight Surgeon for 13 years, and served tenures as crew/deputy surgeon for Shuttle and ISS missions, the lead flight surgeon for both the International Space Station and Exploration Medicine programs, the NASA JSC Radiation and Countermeasures Integrated Product Team lead, the Multilateral Medical Operations Panel Radiation Health and Countermeasures Working Group lead and has been Co-investigator on multiple spaceflight medical science studies. He has participated in many prior human and animal studies of radiation exposure, tumor biology, cancer therapy and space countermeasures development, including a clinical study of astronauts for the use of potassium citrate and alendronate + resistive exercise in preventing spaceflight-induced renal calculi and bone loss. He has authored many peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters on urological surgery, cancer therapy, stone management, space radiation health, radiation bioeffects, and radiation-induced carcinogenesis.
Selected Publications
- Stepaniak PC, Ramchandani SR, Jones JA "Acute urinary retention among astronauts.." Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007 Apr;78(4):A5-8. Pubmed PMID: 17511293
- Cucinotta FA, Manuel FK, Jones J, Iszard G, Murrey J, Djojonegro B, Wear M "Space radiation and cataracts in astronauts.." Radiat. Res.. 2001 Nov;156(5):460-6. Pubmed PMID: 11604058
- Pietrzyk RA, Jones JA, Sams CF, Whitson PA "Renal stone formation among astronauts.." Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007 Apr;78(4):A9-13. Pubmed PMID: 17511294
- Ball CG, Kirkpatrick AW, Williams DR, Jones JA, Polk JD, Vanderploeg JM, Talamini MA, Campbell MR, Broderick TJ "Prophylactic surgery prior to extended-duration space flight: Is the benefit worth the risk?." Can J Surg. 2012 Apr;55(2):125-31. Pubmed PMID: 22564516
- Gleason PE, Jones JA, Regan JS, Salvas DB, Eble JN, Lamph WW, Vlahos CJ, Huang WL, Falcone JF, Hirsch KS "Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), androgens and inflammation: possible etiologic factors in the development of prostatic hyperplasia.." J. Urol.. 1993 Jun;149(6):1586-92. Pubmed PMID: 7684794
- Jones JA, Kirkpatrick AW, Hamilton DR, Sargsyan AE, Campbell M, Melton S, Barr YR, Dulchavsky SA "Percutaneous bladder catheterization in microgravity.." Can J Urol. 2007 Apr;14(2):3493-8. Pubmed PMID: 17466154
- Scheuring RA, Mathers CH, Jones JA, Wear ML "Musculoskeletal injuries and minor trauma in space: incidence and injury mechanisms in U.S. astronauts.." Aviat Space Environ Med. 2009 Feb;80(2):117-24. Pubmed PMID: 19198198
- Jones JA, Cherian SF, Barr YR, Stocco A "Medullary sponge kidney and urinary calculi: aeromedical concerns.." Aviat Space Environ Med. 2008 Jul;79(7):707-11. Pubmed PMID: 18619133
- Jones JA, Riggs PK, Yang TC, Pedemonte CH, Clarke MS, Feeback DL, Au WW "Ionizing radiation-induced bioeffects in space and strategies to reduce cellular injury and carcinogenesis.." Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007 Apr;78(4):A67-78. Pubmed PMID: 17511301
- Scheuring RA, Jones JA, Polk JD "Human spaceflight health systems for the Constellation Project.." Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007 Dec;78(12):1179-80. Pubmed PMID: 18064927
- Baisden DL, Beven GE, Campbell MR, Charles JB, Dervay JP, Foster E, Gray GW, Hamilton DR, Holland DA, Jennings RT, Johnston SL, Jones JA, Kerwin JP, Locke J, Polk JD, Scarpa PJ, Sipes W, Stepanek J, Webb JT "Human health and performance for long-duration spaceflight.." Aviat Space Environ Med. 2008 Jun;79(6):629-35. Pubmed PMID: 18581950
- Jones JA, Jennings R, Pietryzk R, Ciftcioglu N, Stepaniak P "Genitourinary issues during spaceflight: a review.." Int. J. Impot. Res.. 2005 Dec;17:S64-7. Pubmed PMID: 16391546
- Society of Urologic Oncology
- Member
- Southwest Oncology Group
- Member
- American Urological Association
- Member
- South Central Section, American Urological Association
- Member, Board of Directors
- Society of Government Service Urologists
- Member, Board of Directors
- Urologic Society for American Veterans
- Immediate Past President
- Society for Basic Urologic Research
- Member
- Endourological Society
- Member
- Texas Urological Society
- Member
- Society of Academic Urologists
- Member
- Société International D’Urologie
- Member
- American Association of Clinical Urologists
- Member
- Aerospace Medicine Association
- Member
- Space Medicine Association
- Life Member
- Society of NASA Flight Surgeons
- Past President
- American Society of Aerospace Medicine Specialists
- Ethics Chair
- Life Sciences Bio-Engineering Branch
- Member
- American Medical Corps Officers of the Navy
- Member
- Association of Military Surgeons of the United States
- Member
- National Space Society
- Member
- American Astronautical Society
- Member
- Planetary Society
- Member
- Texas Medical Association
- Member
- Clinical Interests
- Urologic oncology; calculus disease; urological applications for space and flight medicine
- Research Interests
- Prostate Cancer Foundation - VALOR - Clinicopathologic Correlation of Prostate Cancer in Veterans Exposed to Battlefield Agents (Principal Investigator); Southwest Oncology Group: Genitourinary Cancer Clinical Trials, Harris Health - Ben Taub General Hospital and Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Center for Space Medicine/NASA-Johnson Space Center: Countermeasure for In-flight Bone Loss Using Bisphosphonate (Co-Investigator), Oxidative Stress Countermeasures for Spaceflight Extra-vehicular Activities (Principal Investigator); C-spine Countermeasures for military aviators (Co-Investigator)
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