James Eric Tudor

James Eric Tudor
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
- MD from University of Toledo College of Medicine
- Toledo
- Residency at Henry Ford Hospital
- Detroit
Selected Publications
- Tudor J, Klochko C, Patel, M, Siegal D. "Order Entry Protocolling is an Amenable Target for Workflow Automation." J Am Coll Radiol.. 2018 Jun;15(6):854-858. Pubmed PMID: 29691135
- Tudor J, Williams TR, Myers DT, Umar, B "Appendiceal Endosalpingiosis: Clinical Presentation and Imaging Appearance of a Rare Condition of the Appendix." Abdom Radiol. 2019 Oct;44(10):3246-3251. Pubmed PMID: 30367212
- Tudor J, Cantley RL, Samay J. "Primary Small Cell Carcinoma Arising from a Bladder Diverticulum." J Urol. 2014 Jul;192(1):236-7. Pubmed PMID: 24747653
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