Dongwon Lee

Dongwon Lee
Postdoctoral Associate
- Postdoctoral Associate
Baylor College of Medicine
- PhD from KAIST
- 02/2016 - Daejeon, South Korea
- BS from Korea University
- 02/2010 - Seoul, South Korea
Professional Interests
- Animal modeling of neurodevelopmental disorders, testing novel gene therapy in the disease models
Selected Publications
- Ha S*, Lee D*, Cho YS, Chung C, Yoo YE, Kim J, Lee J, Kim W, Bae YC, Tanaka-Yamamoto K, Kim E. "Cerebellar Shank2 Regulates Excitatory Synapse Density, Motor Coordination, and Specific Repetitive and Anxiety-Like Behaviors." J Neurosci.. 2016;36:12129-12143. Pubmed PMID: 27903723
- Lee D, Kim E, Tanaka-Yamamoto K. "Diacylglycerol kinases in the coordination of synaptic plasticity. (Mini Review)." Front Cell Dev Biol.. 2016;4:92. Pubmed PMID: 27630986
- Lee D, Yamamoto Y, Kim E, Tanaka-Yamamoto K. "Functional and physical interaction of diacylglycerol kinase ζ with protein kinase Cα is required for cerebellar long-term depression.." J Neurosci.. 2015;35:15453-15465. Pubmed PMID: 26586831
- Yamamoto Y, Lee D, Kim Y, Lee B, Seo C, Kawasaki H, Kuroda S, Tanaka-Yamamoto K. "Raf Kinase Inhibitory Protein is Required for Cerebellar Long-Term Synaptic Depression by Mediating PKC-Dependent MAPK Activation.." J Neurosci.. 2012;32:14254-14264. Pubmed PMID: 23055494
- Kim Y, Kim T, Rhee JK, Lee D, Tanaka-Yamamoto K, Yamamoto Y. "Selective transgene expression in cerebellar Purkinje cells and granule cells using adeno-associated viruses together with specific promoters.." Brain Res.. 2015;1620:1-16. Pubmed PMID: 25988836
- Chung C, Ha S, Kang H, Lee J, Um SM, Yan H, Yoo YE, Yoo T, Jung H, Lee D, Lee E, Lee S, Kim J, Kim R, Kwon Y, Kim W, Kim H, Duffney L, Kim D, Mah W, Won H, Mo S, Kim JY, Lim CS, Kaang BK, Boeckers TM, Chung Y, Kim H, Jiang YH, Kim E. "Early Correction of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Function Improves Autistic-like Social Behaviors in Adult Shank2-/- Mice.." Biol Psychiatry.. 2019 Apr 1;85(7):534-543. Pubmed PMID: 30466882
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