Deirdre Mary Scully, Ph.D

Deirdre Mary Scully, Ph.D
Postdoctoral Fellow
- Postdoctoral Fellow
Integrative Physiology
Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)
Houston, Texas United States
- PhD from University College Dublin
- 06/2020 - Dublin, Ireland
Selected Publications
- Deirdre M Scully, Deirdre Campion, Fiona McCartney, Kate Dulohery, Sven Reese, Sabine Kölle "Cystic ovary disease impairs transport speed, smooth muscle contraction, and epithelial ion transport in the bovine oviduct." Mol Reprod Dev. 2021 Aug; Pubmed PMID: 34164863
- Kate Dulohery, Deirdre Scully, Georga J Longhurst, Danya M Stone, Thomas Campbell "Emerging from emergency pandemic pedagogy: A survey of anatomical educators in the United Kingdom and Ireland." Clin Anat. 2021 Sep; Pubmed PMID: 33998056
- Deirdre Scully, Eleanor Keane, Emily Batt, Priyadarssini Karunakaran, Debra F Higgins, Nobue Itasaki "Hypoxia promotes production of neural crest cells in the embryonic head." Development. 2016 May; Pubmed PMID: 27190038
- Deirdre M Scully, Irina V Larina "Mouse embryo phenotyping with optical coherence tomography." Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Sep 9; Pubmed PMID: 36158219
- Georga J Longhurst, Danya M Stone, Kate Dulohery, Deirdre Scully, Thomas Campbell, Claire F Smith "Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) Analysis of the Adaptations to Anatomical Education in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic." Anat Sci Educ. 2020 May; Pubmed PMID: 32306550
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD - #F32HD110222 National Institute of Health
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