Christopher Hovorka, PhD, MS, CPO, FAAOP

Christopher Hovorka, PhD, MS, CPO, FAAOP
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
School of Health Professions
Orthotics and Prosthetics Program
Baylor College of Medicine
- Baylor College of Medicine (Office)
Ben Taub Annex, Rm 107A
Houston, TX 77030-3411
United States
Phone: (713) 798-8702
- PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology
- 05/2015 - Atlanta, Georgia United States
- Applied Physiology / Biomechanics
- MSc from University of Connecticut
- 05/1998 - Storrs, Connecticut United States
- Allied Health Science / Vascular Physiology
- BSc from University of Washington
- 06/1991 - Seattle, Washington United States
- Prosthetics and Orthotics
- Residency at Connecticut Children's Medical Center (formerly Newington Children's Hospital)
- 12/1993 - Hartford, Connecticut United States
- Prosthetics
- Residency at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
- 12/1992 - Springfield, Illinois United States
- Orthotics / Orthopedics
- BSc from University of New Mexico
- 12/1987 - Albuquerque, New Mexico United States
- Exercise Science
- Certified Prosthetist and Orthotist
- American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics
- Certified Exercise Physiologist
- American College of Sports Medicine
Honors & Awards
- Honorary Member
- Contributions to Scientific Research
- Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society (10/2024)
- Fellowship
- American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (03/2007)
- Excellence in Educational Leadership
- Multiple awards from 2004 to 2023
- Who's Who Among America's Educators (07/2004 - 07/2023)
- Best Paper Prize for Advancing Education
- 19th World Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico
- International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (04/2023)
- Distinguished Teaching Award
- University of Pittsburgh Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology (12/2019)
- Best Scientific Achievement Award: AMTI Force and Motion
- Omaha, NE
- 4th Annual Human Movement Variability Conference, Omaha, NE (05/2019)
- Award for Excellence in Teaching and Instruction
- Multiple awards between 2005 to 2016
- Georgia Institute of Technology (06/2005 - 06/2016)
Professional Statement
I am interested in understanding adaptation and learning from the perspective of a client-patient (e.g., their performance using orthoses, prostheses and footwear as a "tool" to enable desired movements during walking) and from a healthcare professional perspective (e.g., consuming knowledge and skills practice to develop clinical competencies). Specifically, I am exploring and developing lower limb orthoses and footwear systems to optimize rollover during walking and simulations to reinforce student attainment of clinical competencies.Professional Development
- Transitioning to a client-centric approach to Orthotics and Prosthetics (Part 1 )
- Seminar (Presenter, 2023)
- This is the first of a two-part series describing the need for the Orthotics and Prosthetics profession to transition from a device-centric approach to a more holistic approach to care. Accessed at:
- Evidence-based medical practitioners. A client-centered approach (Part 2)
- Seminar (Presenter, 2023)
- This is the second in the series describing how to transition to a client-centered values-based approach to care in the Orthotics and Prosthetics profession. It also describes how employing a more systematic approach using an evidence-based strategy has the potential to advance care. Accessed at:
Selected Publications
- Kogler GF, Hovorka CF "Academia's role to drive change in the Orthotics and Prosthetics profession." Can Prosthet Orthot J. 2021;4(2)
- Hovorka CF, Kogler GF, Gregor RJ, Chang Y-H "Material properties and applicationof biomechanical principles provide significant motion control performance in experimental ankle foot orthosis-footwear combination." Clin Biomech. 2021;82
- Hovorka CF, Acker DA, Schofield K "Orthotic considerations for arthritis and overuse syndromes in the upper extremity." Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices (in press). 2025;6th edition
- Hovorka CF, Raschke SU "Orthotics and Prosthetics workforce demands: Entry-level practice considerations.." J Prosthet Orthot. 2023;35(3 Suppl):11-15.
- Hovorka CF, Kogler GF, Gregor RF, Chang Y-H "Selective orthotic constraint of lower limb movement reveals new insights nto neuromuscular adaptation." Front Rehabil Sci - Advances in Tech Assisted Rehabil. 2024;
- Hovorka CF "Transitioning the Orthotics and Prosthetics profession to a client-centric and values-based care model that leverages digital workflows." Can Prosthet Orthot J. 2023;6(2):1-8.
- American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists
- Member (06/2002 - 12/2025)
- International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics
- Member (06/2002 - 06/2026)
- Sigma Xi
- Member (10/2023 - 12/2026)
- American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association
- Member
- American Society of Biomechanics
- Member
- Increasing soft tissue remodeling after Lateral Ankle Sprain by deploying exoskeleton integrated boots to support longer term rehabilitation protocols in return to duty - #CDMRP2023 (06/01/2025 - 05/31/2027) Grant funding from Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) - Peer Reviewed Orthopedic Research Program (OPRP) Clinical Translational Research Award
- 30 projects funded (01/01/1999 - 12/31/2024) NIH, NSF, Dept. of Education, and other agencies
- 30 prior projects funded from 1999-2024 in multiple areas such as movement adaptation to use of orthoses, prostheses, footwear and examining and developing interdisciplinary training and education programs for Orthotist, Prosthetists and other allied healthcare providers Funing awarded by multiple agencies such as the National Institute of Health, National Science Foundation, Department of Education, Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation, the Orthotic and Prosthetic Foundation, and more
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