Caitlin M. Pinciotti, Ph.D.

Caitlin M. Pinciotti, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences - Psychiatry Research
Baylor College of Medicine
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at Rogers Behavioral Health
- 08/2020 - Oconomowoc, Wisconsin United States
- OCD and Anxiety
- Residency at Rogers Behavioral Health
- 08/2019 - Oconomowoc, Wisconsin United States
- OCD and Anxiety
- PhD from Northern Illinois University
- 08/2019 - DeKalb, Illinois United States
- Clinical Psychology, Trauma Psychology Track
- MA from Cleveland State University
- 05/2013 - Cleveland, Ohio United States
- Clinical Psychology
- BS from Xavier University
- 05/2011 - Cincinnati, Ohio United States
- Major: Psychology, Minor: Gender and Diversity Studies
- Licensed Clinical Psychologist
- Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
- Licensed Clinical Psychologist
- State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services
Professional Statement
My research and clinical work focuses on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and trauma, including an expertise on the intersection of these phenomena and how these intersections impact symptom severity, presentation, and responsiveness to cognitive behavioral treatment. I have conducted research and provided evidence-based treatment with individuals with trauma and/or OCD at all levels of care ranging from Veterans’ Administration and community outpatient centers to residential treatment facilities. My research primarily focuses on factors that facilitate or impede recovery from trauma, PTSD, and OCD, with a secondary focus on mental health inequities in gender and sexual minorities.Websites
Professional Development
- Gender and sexual orientation OCD: Updated treatment recommendations through a justice-based lens
- Conference (Presenter, 2022)
- Sponsor: International OCD Foundation
- Pinciotti, C. M., Smith, Z., Wetterneck, C. T., Wadsworth, L. P., & Pinder-Amacker, S. (2022, July). Gender and sexual orientation OCD: Updated treatment recommendations through a justice-based lens. Invited plenary talk presented at the 27th annual meeting of the International OCD Foundation, Denver, CO.
- Preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of concurrent exposure and ritual prevention for OCD and prolonged exposure for PTSD
- Conference (Presenter, 2021)
- Sponsor: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
- Pinciotti, C. M., McKay, D., Wetterneck, C. T., Miron, L. R., Post, L., Riemann, B. C. (2021, November). Preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of concurrent exposure and ritual prevention for OCD and prolonged exposure for PTSD. In H. J. Ojalehto & J. S. Abramowitz (Chairs), Understanding links between trauma, PTSD, and OCD: From conceptualization to treatment. Paper presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New Orleans, LA.
- Does a “Posttraumatic OCD” factor structure exist?: Examination of overlapping OCD and PTSD symptom clusters.
- Conference (Presenter, 2021)
- Sponsor: Anxiety and Depression Association of America
- Pinciotti, C. M., Horvath, G., Wetterneck, C. T., & Riemann, B. C. (2021, March). Does a “Posttraumatic OCD” factor structure exist?: Examination of overlapping OCD and PTSD symptom clusters. In N. Van Kirk (Chair), The relationship between trauma, OCD and PTSD: Translating research into practice. Symposium presented at the virtual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
- Assessment and treatment of comorbid OCD and PTSD: Integrating research and clinical practice
- Conference (Presenter, 2020)
- Sponsor: International OCD Foundation
- Pinciotti, C. M. (2020, August). Assessment and treatment of comorbid OCD and PTSD: Integrating research and clinical practice. Invited symposium presented at the Online OCD Conference, International OCD Foundation.
Selected Publications
- Pinciotti, C. M., Post, L. M., Miron, L. R., Wetterneck, C. T., & Riemann, B. C. "Preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of concurrent exposure and response prevention for OCD and prolonged exposure for PTSD." Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders. 2022;34
- Pinciotti, C. M., Wadsworth, L. P., Miron, L. R., Riemann, B. C., & Leonard, R. C. "Transgender and gender diverse patients in intensive mood disorder treatment: A comparative examination of clinical presentation and treatment outcomes." Behavior Therapy. 2022;53(5):1062-1076.
- Pinciotti, C. M., Allen, C. A., & Riemann, B. C. "Peritraumatic assault characteristics predict worsened obsessive-compulsive contamination symptoms in survivors of sexual trauma." Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders. 2022;34
- Pinciotti, C. M., & Fisher, E. K. "Perceived traumatic and stressful etiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder." Psychiatry Research Communications. 2022;2(2)
- Pinciotti, C. M., Wetterneck, C. T., & Riemann, B. C. "Symptom severity and presentation in comorbid OCD and PTSD: A clinical replication." Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. 2022;86(3):183-203.
- Pinciotti, C. M., Fontenelle, L. F., Van Kirk, N., & Riemann, B. C. "Co-occurring obsessive-compulsive and posttraumatic stress disorder: A review of conceptualization, assessment, and cognitive-behavioral treatment." Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 2022;36(3):207-225.
- Pinciotti, C. M., Horvath, G., Wetterneck, C. T., & Riemann, B. C. "Does a unique co-occurring OCD and PTSD factor structure exist?: Examination of overlapping OCD and PTSD symptom clusters." Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2022;85
- Pinciotti, C. M., Smith, Z., Singh, S., Wetterneck, C. T., & Williams, M. T. "Call to action: Recommendations for justice-based treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder with sexual orientation and gender themes." Behavior Therapy. 2022;53(2):153-169.
- Pinciotti, C. M., Riemann, B. C., & Abramowitz, J. S. "Intolerance of uncertainty and obsessive-compulsive disorder dimensions." Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2021;81
- Pinciotti, C. M., Riemann, B. C., & Wetterneck, C. T. "Trauma type and obsessive-compulsive symptom domains: The unique relationship between indirectly experienced trauma and just right symptoms.." Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders. 2021;29
- Pinciotti, C. M. & Orcutt, H. K. "Common symptom presentations in individuals with probable comorbid OCD and PTSD.." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 2020;208(10):777-784.
- Pinciotti, C. M., & Orcutt, H. K. "Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in sexual minorities." Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. 2021;8(4):487-495.
- Pinciotti, C. M., Nuñez, M., Riemann, B. C., & Bailey, B. E. "Clinical presentation and treatment trajectory of gender minority patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder." Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 2022;36(1):42-59.
- International OCD Foundation
- Member (01/2019)
- Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
- Member (01/2015)
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