Amit K Dash

Amit K Dash
Staff Scientist
- Staff Scientist
Breast Center - Fuqua
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- BCM Alkek Graduate School (BCMN) N1220 (Lab)
MS: BCM600
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University
- 03/2018 - New Delhi, New Delhi India
- DVM from College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, OUAT
- 10/2008 - Bhubaneswar, Odisha India
Honors & Awards
- Outstanding Abstract Award
- ENDO 2020
- Endocrine Society, USA
- Editorial Board Member
- Endocrinology (01/2022)
- Early Career Reviewer
- Endocrinology (01/2020 - 12/2021)
- Early Career Forum
- Endocrine Society (06/2023)
Professional Statement
I am a trained clinical animal biochemist and cellular and molecular biologist. As a student of science, I started my journey from veterinary medicine in 2008 and now continue to explore this field more as a biochemist as well as cellular and molecular biologist. As a student of veterinary medicine and biochemistry, I always curious about the different aspects of health and disease. During my Ph.D. I was introduced to the exciting world of nuclear receptors, which are a large superfamily of ligand modulated transcription factors and control almost every physiological process of the human body. Regulation of these transcription factors is highly essential for a disease-free state. During my postdoctoral training, I mostly introduced to the Androgen receptor, which functions as a transcription factor and regulates the development and growth of the prostate and also plays an essential role in the development and maintenance of male reproductive tracts as well as male sexual characteristics. During this stage, I developed my interest in transcriptional regulation of Androgen and Glucocorticoid receptors in prostate cancer, which is the second most leading cause of death due to cancer among United States males. By utilizing my training in veterinary medicine, clinical biochemistry, and different cellular and molecular biological techniques, I wished to decipher some aspects of this important disease in man, which may help them to live a little longer and enjoying rest their life to the fullest.Selected Publications
- "The Prostate Cancer Androgen Receptor Cistrome in African American Men Associates with Upregulation of Lipid Metabolism and Immune Response." ; Pubmed PMID: 35731919
- "Cistrome and transcriptome analysis identifies unique androgen receptor (AR) and AR-V7 splice variant chromatin binding and transcriptional activities." ; Pubmed PMID: 35354884
- Rana M, Dash AK, Ponnusamy K, Tyagi RK "Nuclear localization signal region in nuclear receptor PXR governs the receptor association with mitotic chromatin." Chromosome Res.. 2018 Jul 15; Pubmed PMID: 30009337
- Dash AK, Yende AS, Jaiswal B, Tyagi RK "Heterodimerization of Retinoid X Receptor with Xenobiotic Receptor partners occurs in the cytoplasmic compartment: Mechanistic insights of events in living cells." Exp Cell Res.. 2017 Nov 15;360(2):337-346. Pubmed PMID: 28939253
- Dash AK, Yende AS, Tyagi RK "Novel Application of Red Fluorescent Protein (DsRed-Express) for the Study of Functional Dynamics of Nuclear Receptors." J Fluoresc. 2017 Jul;27(4):1225-1231. Pubmed PMID: 28470379
- Mathew SP, Thakur K, Kumar S, Yende AS, Singh SK, Dash AK, Tyagi RK "A Comprehensive Analysis and Prediction of sub-cellular localization of localization of human nuclear receptors." Nucl Receptor Res. 2017;5:Article ID 101324.
- Dash AK, Tyagi RK "A Compendium of Nuclear Receptors: The Superfamily of Ligand-Modulated Transcription Factors." Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction. 2016;20(1):1–27.
- Dash, AK., Yende, AS.,Kumar, S., Singh, SK., Kotiya, D., Rana, M., Tyagi, RK "The Constitutive Androstane Receptor (CAR): a nuclear receptor in health and disease." Journal of endocrinology and reproduction. 2014;18(2):59 – 74.
- Dutta GK, Thakur K, Mandal S, Dash AK "Comparative study of haematinic and iron utilization property of pre-and flowering plant leaf extracts of Asteracantha longifolia (L.) Nees.." Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 2014;13(2):352-358.
- Gargi Bagchi, Amit K. Dash, Sanjay Kumar, Shoulei Jiang, Soon C. Ahn, Bandana Chatterjee, Rakesh K. Tyagi "Sex Steroids, Cognate Receptors, and Aging." 2019 Jul 31;(1):265-296.
- Pattanaik PK, Sahoo G, Barik N, Mishra SK, Dash AK, Bisoi PC "Partial purification and characterisation of sheep mucosal layer proteins." Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2013;83(2):133–137.
- Pattanaik PK, Sahoo G, Barik N, Bisoi PC, Dash AK "In vitro antimicrobial efficacy of mucosal proteins from sheep and goat." The Indian Veterinary Journal. 2012;89(2):19-22.
- Kumar S, Vijayan R, Dash AK, Gourinath S, Tyagi RK. "Nuclear receptor SHP dampens transcription function and abrogates mitotic chromatin association of PXR and ERα via intermolecular interactions." Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech.. 2021 Mar;1864(3):194683.. Pubmed PMID: 33444783
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