Ahmed Mufeed Hamdi, M.D.

- Assistant Professor
Medicine - Infectious Disease
Baylor College of Medicine
- 7200 Cambridge St. (Clinic)
8th Floor, Suite 8B
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-2900
- MD from University of Jordan
- 06/2010 - Amman, Amman Jordan
- Residency at McLaren Hospital-Michigan State University program
- 06/2017 - Flint, Michigan United States
- Fellowship at Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education
- 06/2020 - Rochester, Minnesota United States
- Full Medical License
- Baylor College of Medicine
Selected Publications
- "Stenotrophomonas Bacteremia Antibiotic Susceptibility and Prognostic Determinants: Mayo Clinic 10-Year Experience." ; Pubmed PMID: 32016126
- "Retrospective Analysis of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiles of Nocardia Species from a Tertiary Hospital and Reference Laboratory." ; Pubmed PMID: 31818815
- "Long-Term Outcomes of Patients with Human Herpesvirus 6 Encephalitis." ; Pubmed PMID: 31334297
- "Babesiosis: A Retrospective Review of 38 Cases in the Upper Midwest." ; Pubmed PMID: 31363764
- Ahmed Hamdi, MD; Madiha Fida , M.B.B.S; Sharon M. Deml; Omar Abu Saleh, M.B.B.S; Nancy L. Wengenack, Ph.D "Utility of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis PCR in ruling out active disease and impact on isolation requirements in low prevalence setting." 2020 Aug;
- "Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria From Septic Patients Using 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene-Targeted Metagenomic Sequencing." ; Pubmed PMID: 33893492
- Don Bambino Geno S. Tai a, Maryam Mahmood a, Joseph D. Yao b, John D. Zeuli a c, Ahmed Hamdi d, Edison J. Cano Cevallos e, Mary Jo Kasten "False-positive HIV and viral hepatitis serologic test results in a cluster of pork processing plant workers." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667038022000229. 2022;
- Simran Gupta, 1 Leah M. Grant, Harry R. Powers, Kathryn E. Kimes, 2 Ahmed Hamdi, 3 and Holenarasipur R. Vikram "Invasive Nocardia Infections across Distinct Geographic Regions, United States." Emerg Infect Dis.. 2023 Dec; Pubmed PMID: 37987603
- Fernando H Centeno 1, Ahmed M Hamdi 1 2, Todd M Lasco 3 2, Mayar Al Mohajer 1 2 "Detection of invasive Bartonella infections with next-generation sequencing of microbial cell-free DNA." Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol. 2024 Feb; Pubmed PMID: 38415091
- Marilyne Daher , Roumen Iordanov, and Ahmed Mufeed Hamdi "Clinical utility of metagenomic next-generation sequencing in fever of undetermined origin." Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease. 2024 Apr;
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