Baylor College of Medicine News

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Ethics experts provide information on how healthcare professions can most ethically help patients with decision-making.
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Renowned cardiologist Dr. Eric J. Topol commencement speaker for BCM's 203 graduates.
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Whitmore Presidential Lecture brings nationally recognized health care leaders to BCM.
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BCM researchers find taking fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids with other vitamins does not slow vision destroying macular degeneration.
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The Danny B. Jones Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology recognizes Jones' 30 years service as chair of the department, 40 years with College.
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The 18th annual Charity Ball to benefit Houston-area charities.
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The series, directed by Dr. Kenya Steele, is free and open to the public.
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Series of lectures, hosted by Baylor College of Medicine, is free and open to the public.
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Free and public Compassion and the Art of Medicine series hosted at BCM.
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The 2017 Partnership for Baylor College of Medicine gala event, themed Café Society Soiree, raised money to support cancer research being conducted…
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BCM experts offer signs of hearing loss, tips to address issue.
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At Baylor, 173 fourth-year medical students participated in the National Resident Matching Program, which pairs students with residency programs…
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BCM's Dr. Huda Zoghbi, who identified the gene that causes Rett syndrome, will co-chair events June 22.
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Match Day is the culmination of the National Residents Matching Program that pairs fourth-year medical students with residency programs across the…
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Fourth-year medical students at Baylor learn their future at Match Day 2015.
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New Center for globalization plans to partner with a leading health care provider in India
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