Dr. Thompson Appointed Co-Chair for BOLD Task Force

Dr. Alastair M. Thompson, professor and chief of the Section of Breast Surgery in the Division of Surgical Oncology at Baylor College of Medicine, has been appointed to serve as the Co-Chair of the Breast Oncology Local Disease Task Force of the National Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Steering Committee for a three-year period. BOLD Task Force was established to provide early input into concepts for studies of localized breast cancer treated with surgery or radiation therapy.
Dr. Thompson is the Olga Keith Wiess Chair of Surgery and co-director of the Lester and Sue Smith Breast Center at Baylor College of Medicine. Over the last 35 years, Dr. Thompson has trained and practiced as a clinician-scientist focused on multidisciplinary patient care alongside translational “bench to bedside” studies and innovative clinical trials in cancer. He initiated and lead a successful breast cancer laboratory program, provided leadership for a cancer center in the United Kingdom, chaired the UK national breast cancer trials portfolio of 120 studies and engaged in a range of pivotal roles in key drug, radiation therapy and surgical trials involving the UK, Europe, the United States and Australia.