Dr. Bryan Burt Receives NIH Grant for Mesothelioma

Dr. Bryan Burt, associate professor and chief of the Division of General Thoracic Surgery, has been awarded an NIH grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) totaling over $2.5M over the initial 5-year funding segment for his project titled, "Proteomic Determinants of Response to Checkpoint Blockade in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma."
Dr. Burt's R01 application received a score within the NCI pay line for experienced investigators and was thus converted to an R37 MERIT award, which provides longer term grant support to Early Stage Investigators. Dr. Burt will receive an initial award of up to five years and an opportunity for an extension of up to two additional years, based on an expedited NCI review of the accomplishments during the initial funding segment. The study is expected to be conducted over the period of the 2021-2028.
Dr. Burt is a Harvard-trained thoracic surgeon and surgical oncologist who prides himself on providing the highest level of care for his patients, without exception. Dr. Burt is a minimally invasive robotic surgeon and surgical innovator who thrives in the art and science of multi-disciplinary patient care.