Research Facilities

The Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology occupies extensive, modern facilities that are generously equipped with a full range of instrumentation required for research in cellular, molecular, developmental, and endocrine biology.
Special facilities include core laboratories for recombinant DNA research, histopathology, multiple tissue culture facilities, laser scanning confocal microscopy, high throughput fluorescent microscopy, deconvolution microscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, computer facilities for structural/computational biology, baculovirus/monoclonal antibody production, large and small scale immunoisolation of protein complexes and viral vector production.
A modern transgenic mouse facility provides state-of-the-art technology to generate transgenic and knockout mutant mouse models that are used by many faculty and students. The high level of cooperation among the various departments and Centers at Baylor College of Medicine and the institutions of the Houston scientific community provide access to additional facilities.
Areas of Research
- Bioinformatics
- Cancer Biology (Breast and Prostate)
- Developmental Biology
- Diabetes
- Gene Expression
- Gene Therapy
- Hormone Action
- Molecular Genetics
- Neurobiology
- Proteomics
- Reproductive Biology
- Stem Cell Biology
- Translational Biology
Faculty Labs
- Rachel Arey Lab
- Andrea Catic Lab
- Eric Chang Lab
- Chonghui Cheng Lab
- Allen Davis Lab
- Ruhee Dere Lab
- Kyle Eagen Lab
- Gloria Echeverria Lab
- Richard Finnell Lab
- Margaret Goodell Lab
- Daniel Gorelick Lab
- H. Courtney Hodges Lab
- Michael Lewis Lab
- Yi Li Lab
- Shailaja Mani Lab
- Nagireddy Putluri Lab
- Kevin Roarty Lab
- Jeffrey Rosen Lab
- Arun Sreekumar Lab
- Zheng Sun Lab
- Cheryl Walker Lab
- Margot Williams Lab
- Fen Yang Lab
- Xiang Zhang Lab
Advanced Technology Cores
The Advanced Technology Cores at Baylor College of Medicine expand the research capabilities of all researchers and essentially create unlimited research opportunities.
From the Labs
From the Laboratories is an online blog designed to highlight new information about research going on at Baylor College of Medicine.