Aaron Thrift, Ph.D.
Dr. Thrift’s research aims to identify lifestyle and genetic risk factors for gastrointestinal cancers and pre-cancerous conditions, and derive models for better patient risk stratification.

Hoda J. Badr, Ph.D.
Dr. Badr is an associate professor in the Department of Medicine and leads the Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences Program in the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center. Her research seeks to identify the cancer care needs of patients and their family caregivers, assess factors that influence cancer care implementation and outcomes, and address disparate outcomes of care through the development, implementation and evaluation of multilevel interventions.

Elaine Symanski, Ph.D.
Dr. Symanski is professor in the Center of Precision Environmental Health and director of the Program in Population and Environmental Health Disparities. She is director of a funded NIMHD P50 Environmental Health Disparities Center and deputy director of the NIEHS P30 Gulf Coast Center for Precision Environmental Health (GC-CPEH) where she also directs the GC-CPEH Integrated Health Sciences Facility Core that provides access to next-gen technologies. Trained in epidemiology and exposure science, she is an expert in the development and application of quantitative methods for modeling occupational and environmental exposures and investigations into associated health effects, among vulnerable and underserved populations.

Dr. Oluyomi’s research focuses on measuring neighborhood-level stressors and investigating the pathways through which these stressors relate to disease. He has interests in population health, environmental health, and data science.

Dr. Cheng’s research focuses on the development and application of computational approaches to better understand the mechanisms of human diseases, particularly in cancer systems biology and cancer immunology.
Members of the Internal Advisory Committee

Cheryl Walker, Ph.D.
Dr. Walker is the Internal Advisory Committee chair and a professor in the departments of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. She is also director of the Center for Precision Environmental Health and the NIEHS T32 Training Program in Precision Environmental Health Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Walker is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine.

Jeff Rosen, Ph.D.
Dr. Rosen is a professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and the Smith Breast Center. He is also the program leader of the Breast Program in the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center and directs the CPRIT Comprehensive Cancer Training Program in Cancer Biology at Baylor.

Jason Yustein, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Yustein is an assistant professor in the Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology and the Department of Pediatrics for Baylor College of Medicine.