The Dermatology Residency Program at Baylor College of Medicine provides diverse training experiences at world-renowned hospitals located within the Texas Medical Center, the world's largest medical complex.
Patients come to the institutions of the Texas Medical Center from all over Houston, Texas and the world, ensuring that our residents see a wide range of disorders from simple skin issues to very complex cases.
Each of the three years of the program offers unique training opportunities and responsibilities.
We accept four residents to our program each year.
Our faculty are committed to training residents to follow in their footsteps as board-certified experts in the various fields of dermatology: medical dermatology, pediatric dermatology, dermatologic surgery, dermatopathology, and cosmetic dermatology.
Training Locations
Ben Taub Hospital and Smith Clinic

The Ben Taub Hospital is part of Harris Health System, the public healthcare system providing primary, specialty and hospital care to the residents of Harris County, Texas. Harris County is the third most populous county in the United States, with a population of nearly four million people.
Residents conduct inpatient consults and participate in surgeries at Ben Taub Hospital and see 25-35 patients for outpatient visits in a typical half-day at the Smith Clinic located at Ben Taub.
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center

The Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center is one of the largest hospitals in the VA system nationwide. Residents participate in both inpatient consults and outpatient clinics. There are approximately 20,000 patient visits yearly for dermatology at the VA and 80-100 patients are seen in clinic daily. Over 100 patients are seen each month for nonmelanoma skin cancers and five to ten are treated each month for melanomas. Mohs surgery is performed daily at the VA, and there is a Mohs fellowship.
Texas Children's Hospital

Texas Children's is one of the nation's largest and most highly regarded children's hospitals, consistently ranking among the top five in the U.S. In addition to the pediatric hospital, Texas Children's also includes the Pavilion for Women.
Residents participate in both inpatient consults and outpatient clinics at Texas Children's, including a vascular anomalies clinic, patch testing, laser surgery and NB-UVB therapy. Our residents also have the opportunity to work with children impacted by cancer at Camp Discovery, which provides children a fun and “normal” camp experience, an experience they would not be able to get at a traditional residential camp.
Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center

Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center is jointly owned by Baylor College of Medicine and CommonSpirit Health and is part of the St. Luke’s Health System. The medical staff at Baylor St. Luke’s includes full-time Baylor faculty members and advanced practice providers, as well as community physicians. Residents participate in inpatient consults.
Jamail Specialty Care Center

The Jamail Specialty Care Center is home to our dermatology faculty practice. We focus on skin cancer, cutaneous lymphomas, pediatric skin diseases, diseases of the hair and nail, skin allergies, blistering diseases, autoimmune skin diseases, acne, psoriasis, warts, and other skin conditions, both common and rare. Treatments frequently provided at the clinic include Mohs surgery, laser surgery, sclerotherapy, injectables, PUVA, NB-UVB and CoolSculpting.