Summary: This article describes the governance by which electronic communication resources at Baylor College of Medicine are developed and maintained.
Approving Authority: Office of Communications & Community Outreach, Institutional Web Management, and the Office of Information Technology
Last Updated: Dec. 20, 2018
Purpose: The purpose of this governance is to ensure electronic communication resources are properly managed and used for their intended purpose.
Scope: This governance applies to all distribution lists, listservs, and shared mailboxes that exist within the domain. This governance does not apply to the default email mailbox that is assigned to individuals at the beginning of their relationship with the College.

An email list used to send email to a group of people. Email sent to a distribution list is delivered to a group of people. Email sent to a distribution list is delivered to the mailbox of the members of the list. Distribution lists can receive email from internal or external email addresses, but only College faculty, staff and students can be added to the distribution list.

Similar to a distribution list, however, listservs can contain both College employees and external recipients, or external recipients only. If only College employees will be added to the list, then a distribution list should be used instead.

A shared mailbox is an address and inbox to which multiple individuals have access and responsibility. It is typically used to manage email communications for a group entity, for example Shared emails may communicate with both internal and external individuals, i.e., non-“” email addresses.

The individual who is responsible for maintaining and adding names to the distribution list and/or listserv.
Review and Approval
Requests for shared mail resources should be submitted through the IT ServicePortal using the New Shared Mail Resource Catalog Request Item form. The Office of Communications & Community Outreach, Institutional Web Management, is responsible for approving all requests for shared mail resources. The Office of Information Technology is responsible for processing all requests for new shared mail resources. Owners are responsible for updates to their shared mail resources

Information that is restricted or confidential needs to be sent with “[Secure]” in the subject line. For example, “BCM Picnic [Secure]”.
Shared mail resources which are not used within a six month period may be closed.
The term “Baylor” cannot be used in the address. “BCM” is already included in the address as so the acronym “BCM” should not be included in the forward extension.

Distribution lists may only include College email addresses with the suffix.
The list name will be formatted as DL-BCM-Department-Name, for example DL-BCM-PEDI-ResearchTrial.
The default email address will be, unless specifically requested and approved by Institutional Web Management.
The DL name must be 8 characters minimum with no underscores (hyphens are allowed).
One list owner must be identified. Up to two list owners are allowed. Owners must be College employees.
A business justification must be provided for approval.
If a student is making the request, a faculty sponsor is required.

Listservs can contain both College email addresses and external email addresses.
The listserv name may use a prefix which is informative of its purpose.
The listserv email address will be formatted as
The listserv name must be 8 characters minimum with no underscores (hyphens are allowed).
One list owner must be identified. Owners must be College employees.
Please specify if the users should be allowed to self-subscribe/unsubscribe.
Please specify if the list should be moderated. If a list is moderated, all postings to the list must be approved by the moderator(s) before being accepted for distribution to the list.
A business justification must be provided for approval.
If a student is making the request, a faculty sponsor is required.

Shared Mailbox names may use a prefix which is informative of its purpose and will be formatted as Name, for example ResearchTrial, and is not too similar to one already in use (Requestor will be informed if this is the case).
The Shared Mailbox email address will be formatted as
The shared mailbox must be 8 characters minimum with no underscores (hyphens are allowed).
An Access List (distribution) group will be created for all shared mailboxes. The distribution group will be named AL-Name. The owners of the shared mailbox will be responsible for adding members to this distribution group.
Members of this distribution group are automatically granted access to this shared mailbox.
At least one person must manage shared mailboxes. Up to two owners may be specified. Owners must be College employees.
A business justification must be provided for approval.
If a student is making the request, a faculty sponsor is required.
Deviations from this guidance will result in shared mail resources being closed.
*Note: Policies cited in the Digital Governance document (approved by the Board and published in March 2019) supersede any previous agreement, policy and/or guideline.
Cognizant Office: Office of Communications & Community Outreach, Institutional Web Management
General questions should be directed to the Digital Governance Subcommittee.