Current Protocols
3C Assay (Chromosome conformation capture assay)
Adenovirus infection of primary MECs
ChIP Assay (Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay)
Freeze mammary gland pieces (for later transplantation)
Hematoxylin and Eosin (staining of tissue sections)
Hormone treatment, acute (2 day E+P) plus BrdU injection
Immunostaining tutorial
Immunostaining: dilutions and conditions
Immunostaining: Representative images
Immunofluorescence: General protocol
Immunofluorescence staining of 3D organoids
Immunohistochemistry: General protocol
Immunohistochemistry: "Milk Method"
Immunoprecipitation Assay (for Western blotting)
Lentiviral Production and Titering
Masson Trichrome staining (stain for collagen)
Paraformaldehyde, 4% (tissue fixative)
Primary MEC isolation and transduction protocol
Primary MEC extracts (for Western blots/IP assays)
Progesterone receptor/ BrdU double immunofluorescence
Retroviral infection of tissue culture cells
RNA Immunoprecipitation Assay (RIP)
TSA immunofluorescence amplification
Tumor Propagation/Freezing Protocol
TUNEL assay (in situ detection of apoptotic cells)
Whole mount staining (hematoxylin staining of whole mammary glands)
Whole mount staining II (carmine alum staining of mammary glands)
X-Gal staining of tissue (to detect LacZ expression). Also see more information.
MMTV Promoter MKbpAII Transgene Vector
WAP Promoter WKbpAII Transgene Vector