Xiang Zhang, Ph.D

Xiang Zhang, Ph.D
- Director
Lester and Sue Smith Breast Center
- William T. Butler, M.D., Endowed Chair for Distinguished Faculty
Baylor College of Medicine
- Professor
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- McNair Scholar
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Member
Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
- 06/2011 - New York, New York United States
- PhD from Columbia University
- 05/2006 - New York, New York United States
- BS from Fu-Dan University
- 01/2000 - Shanghai, China, People's Rep
Honors & Awards
- Era of Hope Scholar
- Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, Breast Cancer Research Program (03/2016 - 03/2021)
- NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00)
- National Cancer Institute (09/2010 - 09/2014)
- Career Catalyst Research Award
- Susan G. Komen Foundation (09/2014 - 08/2017)
- Excellence in Research
- Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, BCM (08/2016)
- Michael E. DeBakey Award for Excellence in Research
- Baylor College of Medicine (05/2018)
- Sue Eccles Young Investigator Award
- Metastasis Research Society (08/2018)
- Laura Zisken Prize
- Stand Up To Cancer (01/2020 - 01/2021)
- Leadership Award
- Theresa's Research Foundation (10/2016)
Selected Publications
- Xiang H.-F. Zhang*, X Jin*, S Malladi, YH Wen, E Brogi, M Smid, JA Foekens, and J Massagué. "Bone Metastasis seed pre-selection by the primary tumour stroma." Cell. 2013;154(5):1060-73. Pubmed PMID: 3974915
- H Wang; C Yu; X Gao; T Welte; A Muscarella; L Tian; J Liu; H Zhao; Z Zhao; J Tao; B Lee; TF Westbrook; STC Wong; JM. Rosen; CK Osborne; Xiang H.-F. Zhang "The Osteogenic Niche Promotes Early-Stage Bone Colonization of Disseminated Breast Cancer Cells." Cancer Cell. 2015 Feb 9;27(2):193-210.
- T Welte, IS Kim, L Tian, X Gao, H Wang, J Li, XB Holdman, JI Herschkowitz, A Pond, G Xia, S Kurley, T Nguyen, L Liao, LE Dobrolecki, Q Mo, DP Edwards, S Huang, L Xin, J Xu, Y Li, MT Lewis, T Wang, TF Westbrook, JM Rosen*, and Xiang H.-F. Zhang* "Oncogenic mTOR signaling recruits myeloid-derived suppressor cells to promote tumor initiation.." Nature Cell Biology. 2016 Jun;18:632-644.
- L Tian, A Goldstein, H Wang, IS Kim, HC Lo, T Welte, K Sheng, L Dobrolecki, X Zhang, N Putluri, T Phung, SA Mani, F Stossi, A Sreekumar, MA Mancini, C Zong, WK Decker, MT Lewis, and Xiang H.-F. Zhang "Mutual regulation of tumour vessel normalization and immunostimulatory reprogramming." Nature. 2017 Apr 3;544(7649):250-254.
- H Wang, L Tian, A Goldstein, HC Lo, J Liu, K Sheng, G Zbigniew, F Stossi, C Zong, Z Li, MA Mancini and Xiang H.-F. Zhang "Bone-in-culture array as a platform to model early-stage bone metastases and discover anti-metastasis therapies." Nature Communications. 2017;8(15045):DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15045.
- H Wang, L Tian, J Liu, A Goldstein, I Bado, W Zhang, BR Arenkiel, Z Li, M Yang, S Du, H Zhao, DR Rowley, STC Wong, Z Gugala, and Xiang H.-F. Zhang "The osteogenic niche is a calcium reservoir of bone micrometastases and confers unexpected therapeutic vulnerability." Cancer Cell.;34(5):823-839.
- Kim IS, Gao Y, Welte T, Wang H, Liu J, Janghorban M, Sheng K, Niu Y, Goldstein A, Zhao N, Bado I, Lo H-C, ..., Li Y, Mo Q, Westbrook TF, Zong C, Rao A, Sreekumar A, Rosen JM, Zhang XHF "Immuno-subtyping of breast cancer reveals distinct myeloid cell profiles and immunotherapy resistance mechanisms." Nature Cell Biology. 2019 Sep;21(9):1113-1126.
- Lo HC, Xu Z, Kim IS, Pingel B, Aguirre S, Kodali S, Liu J, Zhang W, Muscarella AM, Hein SM, Krupnick AS, Neilsen JR, Paust S, Rosen JM, Wang H, and Xiang H.-F. Zhang "Resistance to Natural Killer cell immunosurveillance confers a selective advantage to polyclonal metastasis." Nature Cancer. 2020;1:709–722.
- Muscarella MM, Dai W, Mitchell PG, Zhang W, Wang H, Jia L, Stossi F, Mancini MA, Chiu W, and Xiang H.-F. Zhang "Unique cellular protrusions mediate breast cancer cell migration by tethering to osteogenic cells." NPG Breast Cancer. 2020 Sep 7;
- Zhang W*, Bado IL*, Hu J, Wan YW, Wu L, Wang H, Gao Y, Jeong HH, Xu Z, Hao X, Lege BM, AI-Ouran R, Li L, Li J, Yu L, Singh S, Lo H-C, Niu M, Liu J, Jiang W, Li Y, Wong STC, Cheng C, Liu Z, Xiang H.-F. Zhang "The bone microenvironment invigorates metastatic seeds for further dissemination." Cell. 2021 Apr 19;Online ahead of print(*: Equal contribution)
- Bado IL*, Zhang W*, Wang H, Hu J, Sarkar P, Liu J, Zbigniew G, Xu Z, Zhang W, Li L, Wan YW, Wu W, Lo H-C, Kim IS, Singh S, Janghorban M, Muscarella A, Goldstein A, Singh P, Jeong HH, Liu C, Huang S, Schiff R, Gaber MW, Liu Z, Ellis MJ, Xiang H.-F. Zhang "The bone microenvironment increases phenotypic plasticity of ER+ breast cancer." Dev. Cell. 2021 Apr 19;56(8):1100-1117 *: equal contribution.
- Zeru Tian, Ling Wu, Chenfei Yu, Yuda Chen, Zhan Xu , Igor Bado , Axel Loredo , Lushun Wang , Hai Wang , Kuan-Lin Wu , Weijie Zhang , Xiang H.-F. Zhang*, Han Xiao* "Harnessing the power of antibodies to fight bone metastasis." Sci. Adv.. 2021 Jun 23;7(eabf2051):* Co-senior authors.
- Zhang W, Zhan X, Hao X, He T, Li J, Shen Y, Liu K, Gao Y, Liu J, Edwards DG, Muscarella AM, Wu L, Yu L, Xu L, Chen X, Wu YH, Bado IL, Ding Y, Aguirre S, Wang H, Gugala Z, Satcher RL, Wong STC, Xiang H.-F. Zhang "Bone metastasis initiation is coupled with bone remodeling through osteogenic differentiation of NG2+ cells." Cancer Discovery. 2023;13(2):474-495.
- Hao X, Shen Y, Chen N, Zhang W, Valverde E, Wu L, Chan HL, Xu Z, Yu L, Gao Y, Bado I, Michie LN, Rivas CH, Becerra-Dominguez L, Aguirre S, Pingel BC, Wu Y-H, Liu F, Ding Y, Edwards DG, Liu J, ..., Shu-Hsia Chen, Mien-Chie Hung, Bora Lim, Xiang H.-F. Zhang "Osteoprogenitor-GMP crosstalk underpins solid tumor-induced systemic immunosuppression and persists after tumor removal." Cell Stem Cell. 2023;30(5):648-664.
- X Hao, Y Shen, J Liu, ..., Ueno NT, Lim B, Xiang H.-F. Zhang "The solid tumor-induced systemic immunosuppression involves dichotomous myeloid-B cell interactions." Nature Cell Biology. 2024 Nov;26(11):1971-83.
- Yu L, Liebenberg K, Shen Y, Liu F, Xu Z, Wu L, Hao X, Zhang W, Chan HL, Wei B, Lorenzi P, Gao Y, Bado I, Dominguez LB, Rivas CH, Aguirre S, Pingel B, Wu, Y-H, Ding Y, Liu J, Edwards DG, Eberlin LS, and Xiang H.-F. Zhang "Lipid-laden cancer cells transmit arachidonic acids to neutrophils to acquire resistance against combined anti-PD-1 and paclitaxel treatment." Immunity. 2025;Accepted
- American Association of Cancer Research
- Member (01/2012)
- Metastasis Research Society
- Member (03/2016)
- American Association of Immunology
- Member (12/2016)
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