Sharmila Anandasabapathy, M.D., AGAF

- Professor
Corporate Officers
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas
- Member
Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Vice President & Senior Associate Dean, Global Programs
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
VP for Baylor's Global Programs
- Baylor College of Medicine Medical Center, McNair Campus (Clinic)
7200 Cambridge St., 8th Floor, Suite 8B
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-0950
Clinic Website
- Neurosensory/Jones Tower, Room 105 (Office)
Baylor Global Health
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 792-8092
- BA from Yale University
- New Haven, Connecticut United States
- English Literature
- MD from Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- New York, New York United States
- MD with distinction in Research, Molecular Biology
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Cornell Medical Center
- New York, New York United States
- Intern & Resident
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Mount Sinai Medical Center
- New York, New York United States
- Fellow, Division of Gastroenterology
- American Board of Internal Medicine
Honors & Awards
- Zelig A. Rosen Award for Excellence in Cardiology
- 1996
- Medical Society of the State of NY Award for Outstanding Community Service
- 1997
- AMSA/National Health Service Corps Award for a Community Service Project: The Einstein Youth Violence Program
- 1998
- Ciba-Geigy Award for Outstanding Community Service by a Medical Student
- 1999
- Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) National Broadstreet Pump Award in Public Health
- 1999
- David E. Rogers Memorial Research Award Finalist, The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY
- 2001
- Chief fellow in Gastroenterology, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY
- 2003-2004
- FOCDD Database Development Award Recipient, Barrett’s Esophagus Database
- 2004
- Gulf Coast Digestive Disease Center (DDC) Pilot Project Award Recipient “Fluorescence and Reflectance Imaging in Barrett’s Esophagus
- 2008
- Director, Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Database (BEAD) and Program, The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
- 2005-2008
- The Global Directory of Who’s Who “Top Doctors”
- 2013
Professional Interests
- Barrett's Esophagus
- Esophageal Cancer
- Gastric Cancer
- Endoscopy: EGD, Colonoscopy, Endoscopic Ablation (Radiofrequency Ablation and Cryotherapy) , Endoscopic Ultrasound
- Early Cancer Detection and Advanced Imaging: Confocal Microendoscopy, Fluorescent Imaging, Magnification Endoscopy
Professional Statement
Sharmila Anandasabapathy, M.D. is a Professor of Medicine in Gastroenterology and Vice President, Global Health at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. In her current role, she oversees Baylor’s global programs and affiliations. The Baylor Global Innovation Center seeks to develop novel, environmentally appropriate technologies and approaches to addressing global disease burden. This includes the development and validation of innovative mobile and portable solutions for clinical care, and cancer screening; point-of care diagnostic technologies, and portable, low-cost devices for the diagnosis and management of chronic, non-communicable diseases worldwide.An advanced gastrointestinal endoscopist by training, Dr. Anandasabapathy’s research focus involves the development and validation of novel technologies for diagnosis of early gastrointestinal cancer. She is currently Principal Investigator on three grants funded by the National Institutes of Health and National Cancer Institute, and eight clinical trials focused on the development of low-cost, battery-operated, portable technologies for the endoscopic diagnosis of esophageal, gastric and colon cancers. These trials are currently being conducted in the United States, Africa, China, Mexico and Honduras. In addition, she and her group are involved in several projects which seek to develop innovative technological approaches to addressing cancer and other chronic diseases in low-resource areas, such as West Africa (The Gambia), India, China and Central America. These involve the development of tablet-based reporting and documentation platforms, sedation/anesthesia and procedure-based training modules, and environmentally-appropriate innovations (battery-operated technologies, etc.). These partnerships involve active, extensive collaborations with other academic centers (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Rice University, Harvard University), NGOs, and Foundations.
In addition to her primary appointment at Baylor, Dr. Anandasabapathy also holds an adjunct appointment in Bioengineering at Rice University in Houston, Texas. She holds a B.A. in English literature from Yale University and an M.D. from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She completed her Internal Medicine Training at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and her gastroenterology fellowship at The Mount Sinai Medical Center, NY.
Innovating for global health. What can be done to create low cost deployable field hospitals with all the advantages of a modern hospital?
Sharmila Anandasabapathy, M.D. is a Professor of Medicine in Gastroenterology and Director of Baylor Global Initiatives and the Baylor Global Innovation Center at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. In her current role, she oversees Baylor’s global programs and affiliations. The Baylor Global Innovation Center seeks to develop novel, environmentally appropriate technologies and approaches to addressing global disease burden. This includes the development and validation of innovative mobile-applications for clinical care, point-of care diagnostic technologies, and portable, low-cost devices for the diagnosis and management of chronic, non-communicable diseases worldwide.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Selected Publications
- Shin D, Protano M, Polydorides AP, Dawsey S, Pierce MC, Kim MK, Schwarz RA, Quang T, Parikh N, Bhutani MS, Zhang F, Wang G, Xue L, Wang X, Xu X, Anandasabapathy S, Richards-Kortum R. "Quantitative Analysis of High-Resolution Microendoscopic Images for Diagnosis of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma." Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Feb 2;13(2):272-279.
- Ishijima A, Schwarz R, Shin D, Mondrik S, Vigneswaran N, Gillenwater A, Anandasabapathy S, Richards-Kortum R. "Automated frame selection process for high-resolution microendoscopy." J Biomed Opt. 2015 Apr 1;20(4):046014.
- Hur C, Choi SE, Kong CY, Wang G, Xu H, Polydorides AD, Xue L, Perzan KE, Tramontano AC, Richards-Kortum R, Anandasabapathy S. "High-resolution microendoscopy for esophageal cancer screening in China: A cost-effectiveness analysis." World J Gastroenterol. 2015 May 14;21(18):5513-5523.
- Parikh ND, Perl D, Lee MH, Chang SS, Polydorides AD, Moshier E, Godbold J, Zhou E, Mitcham J, Richards-Kortum R, Anandasabapathy S. "In vivo classification of colorectal neoplasia using high-resolution microendoscopy: Improvement with experience." J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Jul 30;30(7):1155-60.
- Patsias A, Giraldez-Rodriguez L, Polydorides AD, Richards-Kortum R, Anandasabapathy S, Quang T, Sikora AG, Miles B. "Feasibility of transoral robotic-assisted high-resolution microendoscopic imaging of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma." Head Neck. 2015 Aug;37(8):E99-102.
- Shin D, Lee MH, Polydorides AD, Pierce MC, Vila PM, Parikh ND, Rosen DG, Anandasabapathy S, Richards-Kortum RR. "Quantitative analysis of high-resolution microendoscopic images for diagnosis of neoplasia in patients with Barrett's esophagus." Gastrointest Endosc. 2015 Aug 5;(15):02617-6.
- Protano MA, Xu H, Wang G, Polydorides AD, Dawsey SM, Cui J, Xue L, Zhang F, Quang T, Pierce MC, Shin D, Schwarz RA, Bhutani MS, Lee M, Parikh N, Hur C, Xu W, Moshier E, Godbold J, Mitcham J, Hudson C, Richards-Kortum RR, Anandasabapathy S. "Low-Cost High-Resolution Microendoscopy for the Detection of Esophageal Squamous Cell Neoplasia: An International Trial." Gastroenterology. 2015 Aug;149(2):321-9.
- American Gastroenterological Association
- 2001-present
- American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- 2004-present
- American College of Gastroenterology
- 2007-present
- New York Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- 2004, 2008-present
- Investigator, GLNE (Great Lake- New England Clinical Epidemiology Center), National Cancer Institute’s Early Detection Research Network (EDRN)
- 2007-present
- Chair, American Gastroenterological Association’s Imaging & Advanced Technology Abstract Review Committee
- 2010
- Reviewer, American Gastroenterological Association’s Confocal Endoscopy Abstract Review Committee
- 2011
- American Gastroenterological Association’s Research Awards Committee
- 2012-present
- American Gastroenterological Association’s Nominating Committee
- 2012-present
- High Resolution Microendoscopy for the Management of Esophageal Neoplasia - #CA181275 (07/31/2014 Grant funding from National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute
- Low Cost Tethered Capsule Endoscope for Barrett's Esophagus Screening - #CA252245 (07/01/2021 Grant funding from National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute
- The Effectiveness of High Resolution Microendoscopy (HRME) in High Grade Intraepithelial Lesions (HSIL) Diagnosis for People Living with HIV - #CA232890 (02/01/2018 Grant funding from National Institutes of Health
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