Samuel Miao-Sin Wu, Ph.D.

Samuel Miao-Sin Wu, Ph.D.
Professor and Camille and Raymond Hankamer Chair in Ophthalmology
- Professor and Camille and Raymond Hankamer Chair in Ophthalmology
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Professor
Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- AB from University Of California, Berkeley
- 06/1973 - Berkeley, California United States
- Physics and Biophysics
- PhD from Harvard University
- 06/1979 - Cambridge, Massachusetts United States
- Biophysics
- Postdoctoral Training at University Of California, Berkeley
- 12/1981 - Berkeley, California United States
- Neurobiology
Honors & Awards
- Alcon Research Institute Award
- Alcon Research Institute (03/2011)
- Friedenwald Award
- Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (05/2009)
- Ludwig von Sallmann Prize
- International Society for Eye Research (07/2008)
- Boycott Prize
- FASEB Summer Research Conference (07/2006)
- James M. Barr Award for Outstanding Retina Research Achievement
- Retina Research Foundation (10/2005)
- Senior Scientific Investigators Award
- Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. (07/1997)
- Marjorie W. Margolin Prize
- Retina Research Foundation (03/1991)
- Dolly Green Scholars Award
- Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. (07/1989)
- Sam and Bertha Brochstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in Retina Research
- Sam and Bertha Brochstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in Retina Research, Retina Research Foundation
- Physiology and Pharmacology of Synapses in the Retina - #RO1EY004446 Grant funding from National Eye Institute
- Rod and Cone Signaling Pathways in Mammalian Retina - #RO1EY019908 Grant funding from National Eye Institute
- Vision Research Center Grant - #P30EY002520 Grant funding from National Eye Institute
- Research Training in Visual Sciences - #T32EY007001 Grant funding from National Eye Institute
- Pharmacological and genetic mechanisms underlying retinal cell death in glaucoma and macular degeneration (AMD) ( Grant funding from Retina Research Foundation
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