Samir Awad, M.D., M.P.H., FACS

Samir Awad, M.D., M.P.H., FACS
Professor and Vice-Chair for Surgical Quality and Safety
- Professor and Vice-Chair for Surgical Quality and Safety
Division of Trauma, Bariatric and Acute Care Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
- Operative Care Line Executive & Chief of Surgery - MEDVAMC
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
Operative Care Line Executive & Chief of Surgery
- Medical Director Surgical Intensive Care Unit - MEDVAMC
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
- Service Line Chief of Surgery
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
- Member
Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center (Hospital)
2002 Holcombe Boulevard
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- Residency, Categorical General S from University of Michigan
- 01/2000 - Ann Arbor, MI United States
- Fellowship in Surgical Critical from University of Michigan
- 01/1997 - Ann Arbor, MI United States
- M.D. from Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University
- 01/1993 - Philadelphia, PA United States
- B.S.E. from University of Pennsylvania
- 01/1989 - Philadelphia, PA United States
- Surgical Critical Care
- American Board of Surgery
- General Surgery
- American Board of Surgery
Professional Interests
- Severe sepsis
- Multisystem organ dysfunction
- Acute Care Surgery
Professional Statement
Dr. Samir S. Awad has worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs since 2000. He has served as the Operative Care Line associate executive, chief of general surgery, and medical director of the Surgical Intensive Care Unit at the MEDVAMC. Dr. Awad's areas of specialty include liver, pancreas, and acute care surgery, as well as minimally invasive surgical procedures. He is a member of the Association for Academic Surgeons, the Society of University Surgeons, the American College of Surgeons, the Surgical Infection Society, and the Society for Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Awad has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed and invited publications, and is the recipient of numerous awards for surgical and research achievements. Dr. Awad is certified by the American Board of Surgery and Surgical Critical Care.Websites
Follow Dr. Awad on Twitter
Selected Publications
- Artinyan A, Marshall CL, Balentine CJ, Albo D, Orcutt ST, Awad SS, Berger DH, Anaya DA "Clinical outcomes of oncologic gastrointestinal resections in patients with cirrhosis.." Cancer. 2012 Jul 15;118(14):3494-500. Pubmed PMID: 22170573
- Marshall CL, Balentine CJ, Robinson CN, Wilks JA, Anaya D, Artinyan A, Awad SS, Berger DH, Albo D "A multidisciplinary cancer center maximizes surgeons' impact.." J. Surg. Res.. 2011 Nov;171(1):15-22. Pubmed PMID: 21696763
- Awad SS "Adherence to surgical care improvement project measures and post-operative surgical site infections.." Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2012 Aug;13(4):234-7. Pubmed PMID: 22913334
- Brown RH, Subramanian A, Hwang CS, Chang S, Awad SS "Comparison of infectious complications with synthetic mesh in ventral hernia repair.." Am. J. Surg.. 2013 Feb;205(2):182-7. Pubmed PMID: 23331984
- Marshall CL, Chen GJ, Robinson CN, Balentine CJ, Anaya DA, Artinyan A, Awad SS, Berger DH, Albo D "Establishment of a minimally invasive surgery program leads to decreased inpatient cost of care in veterans with colon cancer.." Am. J. Surg.. 2010 Nov;200(5):632-5. Pubmed PMID: 21056143
- Awad SS "State-of-the-art therapy for severe sepsis and multisystem organ dysfunction.." Am. J. Surg.. 2003 Nov 28;186(5):23S-30S; discus. Pubmed PMID: 14684222
- Nguyen L, Fagan SP, Lee TC, Aoki N, Itani KM, Berger DH, Awad SS "Use of a predictive equation for diagnosis of acute gangrenous cholecystitis.." Am. J. Surg.. 2004 Nov;188(5):463-6. Pubmed PMID: 15546551
- Rich PB, Reickert CA, Sawada S, Awad SS, Lynch WR, Johnson KJ, Hirschl RB "Effect of rate and inspiratory flow on ventilator-induced lung injury.." J Trauma. 2000 Nov;49(5):903-11. Pubmed PMID: 11086784
- Robinson CN, Balentine CJ, Marshall CL, Anaya DA, Artinyan A, Awad SA, Albo D, Berger DH "Ethnic disparities are reduced in VA colon cancer patients.." Am. J. Surg.. 2010 Nov;200(5):636-9. Pubmed PMID: 21056144
- Kolla S, Awad SS, Rich PB, Schreiner RJ, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH "Extracorporeal life support for 100 adult patients with severe respiratory failure.." Ann. Surg.. 1997 Oct;226(4):544-64; discuss. Pubmed PMID: 9351722
- Bakran I, Erlich J, Golem F, Cavcic J, Ugljen R, Komarcic M, Awad S, Vuco R "[Operative treatment of ileus during the past 10 years at the Surgical Clinic of the Medical School in Zagreb].." Acta Chir Iugosl. 1980;27:241-7. Pubmed PMID: 7424377
- Awad SS, Hemmila MR, Soldes OS, Sawada S, Rich PB, Mahler S, Gargulinski M, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH "A novel stable reproducible model of hepatic failure in canines.." J. Surg. Res.. 2000 Dec;94(2):167-71. Pubmed PMID: 11104657
- Patten LC, Awad SS, Berger DH, Fagan SP "A novel technique for the repair of lumbar hernias after iliac crest bone harvest.." Am. J. Surg.. 2004 Jul;188(1):85-8. Pubmed PMID: 15219491
- Rich PB, Awad SS, Crotti S, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH, Schreiner RJ "A prospective comparison of atrio-femoral and femoro-atrial flow in adult venovenous extracorporeal life support.." J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg.. 1998 Oct;116(4):628-32. Pubmed PMID: 9766592
- Fagan SP, Awad SS "Abdominal wall anatomy: the key to a successful inguinal hernia repair.." Am. J. Surg.. 2004 Dec;188(6):3S-8S. Pubmed PMID: 15610886
- Lee EI, Chike-Obi CJ, Gonzalez P, Garza R, Leong M, Subramanian A, Bullocks J, Awad SS "Abdominal wall repair using human acellular dermal matrix: a follow-up study.." Am. J. Surg.. 2009 Nov;198(5):650-7. Pubmed PMID: 19887194
- Bellows CF, Albo D, Berger DH, Awad SS "Abdominal wall repair using human acellular dermis.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Aug;194(2):192-8. Pubmed PMID: 17618803
- El Said W, Awad S, Farid F, Maged Z, Fattah FA, El Maghraby M "Acute glomerulonephritis with bacteriuria: a probable etiologic relationship.." Int Urol Nephrol. 1979;11(2):155-62. Pubmed PMID: 381237
- DiBardino DJ, Vanatta JM, Fagan SP, Awad SS "Acute respiratory failure after pleurodesis with doxycycline.." Ann. Thorac. Surg.. 2002 Jul;74(1):257-8. Pubmed PMID: 12118779
- Iakova P, Awad SS, Timchenko NA "Aging reduces proliferative capacities of liver by switching pathways of C/EBPalpha growth arrest.." Cell. 2003 May 16;113(4):495-506. Pubmed PMID: 12757710
- Rich PB, Awad SS, Kolla S, Annich G, Schreiner RJ, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH "An approach to the treatment of severe adult respiratory failure.." J Crit Care. 1998 Mar;13(1):26-36. Pubmed PMID: 9556124
- Horwitz IB, Horwitz SK, Brandt ML, Brunicardi FC, Scott BG, Awad SS "Assessment of communication skills of surgical residents using the Social Skills Inventory.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Sep;194(3):401-5. Pubmed PMID: 17693291
- Gonzales E, Julien B, Serrière-Lanneau V, Nicou A, Doignon I, Lagoudakis L, Garcin I, Azoulay D, Duclos-Vallée JC, Castaing D, Samuel D, Hernandez-Garcia A, Awad SS, Combettes L, Thevananther S, Tordjmann T "ATP release after partial hepatectomy regulates liver regeneration in the rat.." J. Hepatol.. 2010 Jan;52(1):54-62. Pubmed PMID: 19914731
- Balentine C, Subramanian A, Palacio CH, Sansgiry S, Berger DH, Awad SS "AVAS Best Clinical Resident Award (Tied): management and outcomes of the open abdomen in nontrauma patients.." Am. J. Surg.. 2009 Nov;198(5):588-92. Pubmed PMID: 19887182
- Awad SS, Sawada S, Soldes OS, Rich PB, Klein R, Alarcon WH, Wang SC, Bartlett RH "Can the clearance of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 6 be enhanced using an albumin dialysate hemodiafiltration system?." ASAIO J..;45(1):47-9. Pubmed PMID: 9952006
- Awad SS, Rich PB, Kolla S, Younger JG, Reickert CA, Downing VP, Bartlett RH "Characteristics of an albumin dialysate hemodiafiltration system for the clearance of unconjugated bilirubin.." ASAIO J..;43(5):M745-9. Pubmed PMID: 9360145
- Farnsworth N, Fagan SP, Berger DH, Awad SS "Child-Turcotte-Pugh versus MELD score as a predictor of outcome after elective and emergent surgery in cirrhotic patients.." Am. J. Surg.. 2004 Nov;188(5):580-3. Pubmed PMID: 15546574
- Darouiche RO, Wall MJ, Itani KM, Otterson MF, Webb AL, Carrick MM, Miller HJ, Awad SS, Crosby CT, Mosier MC, Alsharif A, Berger DH "Chlorhexidine-Alcohol versus Povidone-Iodine for Surgical-Site Antisepsis.." N. Engl. J. Med.. 2010 Jan 7;362(1):18-26. Pubmed PMID: 20054046
- Awad SS, Fagan SP, Bellows C, Albo D, Green-Rashad B, De la Garza M, Berger DH "Bridging the communication gap in the operating room with medical team training.." Am. J. Surg.. 2005 Nov;190(5):770-4. Pubmed PMID: 16226956
- Lee L, Berger DH, Awad SS, Brandt ML, Martinez G, Brunicardi FC "Conflict resolution: practical principles for surgeons.." World J Surg. 2008 Nov;32(11):2331-5. Pubmed PMID: 18787896
- Awad SS, Fagan SP "Current approaches to inguinal hernia repair.." Am. J. Surg.. 2004 Dec;188(6):9S-16S. Pubmed PMID: 15610887
- Albo D, Awad SS, Berger DH, Bellows CF "Decellularized human cadaveric dermis provides a safe alternative for primary inguinal hernia repair in contaminated surgical fields.." Am. J. Surg.. 2006 Nov;192(5):e12-7. Pubmed PMID: 17071174
- Awad SS, Liscum KR, Aoki N, Awad SH, Berger DH "Does the subjective evaluation of medical student surgical knowledge correlate with written and oral exam performance?." J. Surg. Res.. 2002 May 1;104(1):36-9. Pubmed PMID: 11971675
- Bellows CF, Webber LS, Albo D, Awad S, Berger DH "Early predictors of anastomotic leaks after colectomy.." Tech Coloproctol. 2009 Mar;13(1):41-7. Pubmed PMID: 19288246
- Nguyen L, Brunicardi FC, Dibardino DJ, Scott BG, Awad SS, Bush RL, Brandt ML "Education of the modern surgical resident: novel approaches to learning in the era of the 80-hour workweek.." World J Surg. 2006 Jun;30(6):1120-7. Pubmed PMID: 16736346
- Awad S, Dharmavaram S, Wearn CS, Dube MG, Lobo DN "Effects of an intraoperative infusion of 4% succinylated gelatine (Gelofusine(R)) and 6% hydroxyethyl starch (Voluven(R)) on blood volume.." Br J Anaesth. 2012 Aug;109(2):168-76. Pubmed PMID: 22508964
- Awad S, Henderson GB, Cerami A, Held KD "Effects of trypanothione on the biological activity of irradiated transforming DNA.." Int. J. Radiat. Biol.. 1992 Oct;62(4):401-7. Pubmed PMID: 1357053
- Singh P, Goode T, Dean A, Awad SS, Darlington GJ "Elevated interferon gamma signaling contributes to impaired regeneration in the aged liver.." J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci.. 2011 Sep;66(9):944-56. Pubmed PMID: 21719609
- Bakaeen F, Awad S, Albo D, Bellows CF, Huh J, Kistner C, Izard D, Triebel J, Khan M, Berger DH "Epidemiology of exposure to blood borne pathogens on a surgical service.." Am. J. Surg.. 2006 Nov;192(5):e18-21. Pubmed PMID: 17071175
- Itani KM, Wilson SE, Awad SS, Jensen EH, Finn TS, Abramson MA "Ertapenem versus cefotetan prophylaxis in elective colorectal surgery.." N. Engl. J. Med.. 2006 Dec 21;355(25):2640-51. Pubmed PMID: 17182989
- Wilks JA, Balentine CJ, Berger DH, Anaya D, Awad S, Lee L, Haderxhanaj K, Albo D "Establishment of a minimally invasive program at a Veterans' Affairs Medical Center leads to improved care in colorectal cancer patients.." Am. J. Surg.. 2009 Nov;198(5):685-92. Pubmed PMID: 19887200
- Awad SS "Evidence-based approach to hernia surgery.." Am. J. Surg.. 2004 Dec;188(6):1S-2S. Pubmed PMID: 15610885
- Thevananther S, Sun H, Li D, Arjunan V, Awad SS, Wyllie S, Zimmerman TL, Goss JA, Karpen SJ "Extracellular ATP activates c-jun N-terminal kinase signaling and cell cycle progression in hepatocytes.." Hepatology. 2004 Feb;39(2):393-402. Pubmed PMID: 14767992
- Michaels AJ, Schriener RJ, Kolla S, Awad SS, Rich PB, Reickert C, Younger J, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH "Extracorporeal life support in pulmonary failure after trauma.." J Trauma. 1999 Apr;46(4):638-45. Pubmed PMID: 10217227
- Bakaeen FG, Huh J, Chu D, Coselli JS, LeMaire SA, Mattox KL, Wall MJ, Wang XL, Shenaq SA, Atluri PV, Awad SS, Berger DH "Hurricane Katrina: impact on cardiac surgery case volume and outcomes.." Tex Heart Inst J. 2008;35(3):273-8. Pubmed PMID: 18941612
- Lee L, Brunicardi FC, Scott BG, Berger DH, Bush RL, Awad SS, Brandt ML "Impact of a novel education curriculum on surgical training within an academic training program.." J. Surg. Res.. 2008 Apr;145(2):308-12. Pubmed PMID: 18262564
- Awad SS, Palacio CH, Subramanian A, Byers PA, Abraham P, Lewis DA, Young EJ "Implementation of a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) prevention bundle results in decreased MRSA surgical site infections.." Am. J. Surg.. 2009 Nov;198(5):607-10. Pubmed PMID: 19887186
- Awad SS, Yallampalli S, Yallalampalli S, Srour AM, Bellows CF, Albo D, Berger DH "Improved outcomes with the Prolene Hernia System mesh compared with the time-honored Lichtenstein onlay mesh repair for inguinal hernia repair.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Jun;193(6):697-701. Pubmed PMID: 17512279
- Awad SS, Elhabash SI, Lee L, Farrow B, Berger DH "Increasing incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus skin and soft-tissue infections: reconsideration of empiric antimicrobial therapy.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Nov;194(5):606-10. Pubmed PMID: 17936421
- Birkhahn RH, Awad S, Klaunig JE, Thomford NR "Interaction of ketosis and liver regeneration in the rat.." J. Surg. Res.. 1989 Nov;47(5):427-32. Pubmed PMID: 2509817
- Liang MK, Subramanian A, Awad SS "Laparoscopic transcutaneous closure of central defects in laparoscopic incisional hernia repair.." Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2012 Apr;22(2):e66-70. Pubmed PMID: 22487642
- Salameh JR, Sweeney JF, Graviss EA, Essien FA, Williams MD, Awad S, Itani KM, Fisher WE "Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair during the learning curve.." Hernia. 2002 Dec;6(4):182-7. Pubmed PMID: 12424598
- Horwitz IB, Horwitz SK, Brunicardi FC, Awad SS "Improving comprehensive surgical resident training through use of the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory: results from a cohort-based trial.." Am. J. Surg.. 2011 Jun;201(6):828-34. Pubmed PMID: 20883976
- Subramanian A, Clapp ML, Hicks SC, Awad SS, Liang MK "Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: Primary versus secondary hernias.." J. Surg. Res.. 2013 May 1;181(1):e1-5. Pubmed PMID: 22795342
- Fagan SP, Bellows CF, Albo D, Rodriquez-Barradas M, Feanny M, Awad SS, Berger DH "Length of human immunodeficiency virus disease and not immune status is a risk factor for development of anal carcinoma.." Am. J. Surg.. 2005 Nov;190(5):732-5. Pubmed PMID: 16226949
- Wang GL, Iakova P, Wilde M, Awad S, Timchenko NA "Liver tumors escape negative control of proliferation via PI3K/Akt-mediated block of C/EBP alpha growth inhibitory activity.." Genes Dev.. 2004 Apr 15;18(8):912-25. Pubmed PMID: 15107404
- Kao LS, Lew DF, Arab SN, Todd SR, Awad SS, Carrick MM, Corneille MG, Lally KP "Local variations in the epidemiology, microbiology, and outcome of necrotizing soft-tissue infections: a multicenter study.." Am. J. Surg.. 2011 Aug;202(2):139-45. Pubmed PMID: 21545997
- Fagan SP, Awad SS, Berger DH "Management of complicated umbilical hernias in patients with end-stage liver disease and refractory ascites.." Surgery. 2004 Jun;135(6):679-82. Pubmed PMID: 15179375
- Itani KM, Fitzgibbons R, Awad SS, Duh QY, Ferzli GS "Management of recurrent inguinal hernias.." J. Am. Coll. Surg.. 2009 Nov;209(5):653-8. Pubmed PMID: 19854408
- Liang MK, Clapp ML, Garcia A, Subramanian A, Awad SS "Mesh shift following laparoscopic ventral hernia repair.." J. Surg. Res.. 2012 Sep;177(1):e7-e13. Pubmed PMID: 22520578
- Awad SS, Rao RK, Berger DH, Albo D, Bellows CF "Microbiology of infected acellular dermal matrix (AlloDerm) in patients requiring complex abdominal closure after emergency surgery.." Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2009 Feb;10(1):79-84. Pubmed PMID: 19298171
- Orcutt ST, Marshall CL, Robinson CN, Balentine CJ, Anaya DA, Artinyan A, Awad SS, Berger DH, Albo D "Minimally invasive surgery in colon cancer patients leads to improved short-term outcomes and excellent oncologic results.." Am. J. Surg.. 2011 Nov;202(5):528-31. Pubmed PMID: 21906721
- Farrow B, Awad S, Berger DH, Albo D, Lee L, Subramanian A, Bellows CF "More than 150 consecutive open umbilical hernia repairs in a major Veterans Administration Medical Center.." Am. J. Surg.. 2008 Nov;196(5):647-51. Pubmed PMID: 18954598
- Awad SS, Colletti L, Mulholland M, Knol J, Rothman ED, Scheiman J, Eckhauser FE "Multimodality staging optimizes resectability in patients with pancreatic and ampullary cancer.." Am Surg. 1997 Jul;63(7):634-8. Pubmed PMID: 9202539
- Liang MK, Li LT, Avellaneda A, Moffett JM, Hicks SC, Awad SS "Outcomes and predictors of incisional surgical site infection in stoma reversal.." JAMA Surg. 2013 Feb 1;148(2):183-9. Pubmed PMID: 23426597
- Subramanian A, Balentine C, Palacio CH, Sansgiry S, Berger DH, Awad SS "Outcomes of damage-control celiotomy in elderly nontrauma patients with intra-abdominal catastrophes.." Am. J. Surg.. 2010 Dec;200(6):783-9. Pubmed PMID: 21146021
- Lee L, Jannapureddy M, Albo D, Awad SS, Farrow B, Bellows CC, Berger DH "Outcomes of Veterans Affairs patients older than age 80 after surgical procedures for colon malignancies.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Nov;194(5):646-51. Pubmed PMID: 17936428
- Awad SS, Miskulin J, Thompson N "Parathyroid adenomas versus four-gland hyperplasia as the cause of primary hyperparathyroidism in patients with prolonged lithium therapy.." World J Surg. 2003 Apr;27(4):486-8. Pubmed PMID: 12658498
- Birkhahn RH, Awad S, Thomford NR "Parenteral monoacetoacetin and liver regeneration interaction after partial hepatectomy in the rat.." JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr.;18(3):219-24. Pubmed PMID: 8064996
- Reickert CA, Rich PB, Crotti S, Mahler SA, Awad SS, Lynch WR, Johnson KJ, Hirschl RB "Partial liquid ventilation and positive end-expiratory pressure reduce ventilator-induced lung injury in an ovine model of acute respiratory failure.." Crit. Care Med.. 2002 Jan;30(1):182-9. Pubmed PMID: 11902260
- Liang MK, Clapp M, Li LT, Berger RL, Hicks SC, Awad S "Patient Satisfaction, Chronic Pain, and Functional Status following Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair.." World J Surg. 2013 Mar;37(3):530-7. Pubmed PMID: 23212794
- Burris JM, Subramanian A, Sansgiry S, Palacio CH, Bakaeen FG, Awad SS "Perioperative atrial arrhythmias in noncardiothoracic patients: a review of risk factors and treatment strategies in the veteran population.." Am. J. Surg.. 2010 Nov;200(5):601-5. Pubmed PMID: 21056136
- Berg C, Berger DH, Makia A, Whalen C, Albo D, Bellows C, Awad SS "Perioperative beta-blocker therapy and heart rate control during noncardiac surgery.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Aug;194(2):189-91. Pubmed PMID: 17618802
- Itani KM, Wilson SE, Awad SS, Jensen EH, Finn TS, Abramson MA "Polyethylene glycol versus sodium phosphate mechanical bowel preparation in elective colorectal surgery.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Feb;193(2):190-4. Pubmed PMID: 17236845
- Kim JJ, Liang MK, Subramanian A, Balentine CJ, Sansgiry S, Awad SS "Predictors of relaparotomy after nontrauma emergency general surgery with initial fascial closure.." Am. J. Surg.. 2011 Nov;202(5):549-52. Pubmed PMID: 21944291
- Awad SS, Swaniker F, Bartlett RH "Preliminary results of a phase I trial evaluating an extracorporeal hepatic support device utilizing albumin dialysis.." Z Gastroenterol. 2001 Jun;39:22-3. Pubmed PMID: 16215890
- Awad SS, Fagan S, Abudayyeh S, Karim N, Berger DH, Ayub K "Preoperative evaluation of hepatic lesions for the staging of hepatocellular and metastatic liver carcinoma using endoscopic ultrasonography.." Am. J. Surg.. 2002 Dec;184(6):601-4; discussi. Pubmed PMID: 12488184
- Fagan SP, Awad SS, Rahwan K, Hira K, Aoki N, Itani KM, Berger DH "Prognostic factors for the development of gangrenous cholecystitis.." Am. J. Surg.. 2003 Nov;186(5):481-5. Pubmed PMID: 14599611
- Rich PB, Reickert CA, Mahler SA, Sawada S, Awad S, Kazerooni EA, Hirschl RB "Prolonged partial liquid ventilation in spontaneously breathing awake animals.." Crit. Care Med.. 1999 May;27(5):941-5. Pubmed PMID: 10362417
- Itani KM, Rosen M, Vargo D, Awad SS, Denoto G, Butler CE "Prospective study of single-stage repair of contaminated hernias using a biologic porcine tissue matrix: The RICH Study.." Surgery. 2012 Sep;152(3):498-505. Pubmed PMID: 22763262
- Wilks JA, Liebig C, Tasleem SH, Haderxhanaj K, Lee L, Farrow B, Awad S, Berger D, Albo D "Rectal cancer patients benefit from implementation of a dedicated colorectal cancer center in a Veterans Affairs Medical Center.." Am. J. Surg.. 2009 Jul;198(1):100-4. Pubmed PMID: 19268899
- Patten LC, Awad SS, Berger DH, Fagan SP "Rectus abdominus myonecrosis: an unrecognized complication of rectus sheath hematoma.." J Trauma. 2005 Aug;59(2):475-7. Pubmed PMID: 16294096
- Awad SS, Swaniker F, Magee J, Punch J, Bartlett RH "Results of a phase I trial evaluating a liver support device utilizing albumin dialysis.." Surgery. 2001 Aug;130(2):354-62. Pubmed PMID: 11490371
- Quinti I, Renganathan E, El Ghazzawi E, Divizia M, Sawaf G, Awad S, Pana A, Rocchi G "Seroprevalence of HIV and HCV infections in Alexandria, Egypt.." Zentralbl. Bakteriol.. 1995 Dec;283(2):239-44. Pubmed PMID: 8825115
- Patten LC, Belaguli NS, Baek MJ, Fagan SP, Awad SS, Berger DH "Serum response factor is alternatively spliced in human colon cancer.." J. Surg. Res.. 2004 Sep;121(1):92-100. Pubmed PMID: 15313381
- Fagan SP, Berger DH, Rahwan K, Awad SS "Spider Bites Presenting with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Soft Tissue Infection Require Early Aggressive Treatment.." Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2003;4(4):311-5. Pubmed PMID: 15012857
- Lowry SF, Awad S, Ford H, Cheadle W, Williams MD, Qualy RL, McCollam JS, Bates BM, Fry DE "Static and dynamic assessment of biomarkers in surgical patients with severe sepsis.." Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2004;5(3):261-8. Pubmed PMID: 15684797
- Barshes NR, Gay AN, Williams B, Patel AJ, Awad SS "Support for the acutely failing liver: a comprehensive review of historic and contemporary strategies.." J. Am. Coll. Surg.. 2005 Sep;201(3):458-76. Pubmed PMID: 16125082
- Awad SS, Hayley B, Fagan SP, Berger DH, Brunicardi FC "The impact of a novel resident leadership training curriculum.." Am. J. Surg.. 2004 Nov;188(5):481-4. Pubmed PMID: 15546554
- Watts K, Lin PH, Bush RL, Awad S, McCoy SA, Felkai D, Zhou W, Nguyen L, Guerrero MA, Shenaq SA, Lumsden AB "The impact of anesthetic modality on the outcome of carotid endarterectomy.." Am. J. Surg.. 2004 Dec;188(6):741-7. Pubmed PMID: 15619493
- Clapp ML, Hicks SC, Awad SS, Liang MK "Trans-cutaneous Closure of Central Defects (TCCD) in Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repairs (LVHR).." World J Surg. 2013 Jan;37(1):42-51. Pubmed PMID: 23052806
- Horwitz IB, Horwitz SK, Daram P, Brandt ML, Brunicardi FC, Awad SS "Transformational, transactional, and passive-avoidant leadership characteristics of a surgical resident cohort: analysis using the multifactor leadership questionnaire and implications for improving surgical education curriculums.." J. Surg. Res.. 2008 Jul;148(1):49-59. Pubmed PMID: 18570931
- Awad SS, Bruckner B, Fagan SP "Transperitoneal view of the PROLENE hernia system open mesh repair.." Int Surg.;90(3):S63-6. Pubmed PMID: 16463951
- Liang MK, Subramanian A, Weedin J, Griffith DP, Awad SS "True duplication of the vas deferens: a case report and review of literature.." Int Urol Nephrol. 2012 Apr;44(2):385-91. Pubmed PMID: 21822600
- Orcutt ST, Balentine CJ, Marshall CL, Robinson CN, Anaya DA, Artinyan A, Awad SS, Berger DH, Albo D "Use of a Pfannenstiel incision in minimally invasive colorectal cancer surgery is associated with a lower risk of wound complications.." Tech Coloproctol. 2012 Apr;16(2):127-32. Pubmed PMID: 22350173
- Rich PB, Younger JG, Soldes OS, Awad SS, Bartlett RH "Use of extracorporeal life support for adult patients with respiratory failure and sepsis.." ASAIO J..;44(4):263-6. Pubmed PMID: 9682951
- American College of Surgeons
- Fellow
- Association for Academic Surgeons
- Society of University Surgeons
- Association of VA Surgeons
- Surgical Infection Society
- Houston Surgical Society
- Society for Critical Care Medicine
- Arab-American Medical Association
- American Medical Association
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