Krista Lee Olson, MD, FACS

Krista Lee Olson, MD, FACS
Associate Professor, Resident Program Director
- Associate Professor, Resident Program Director
Department of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas USA
- Director, Baylor Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center
Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas USA
- Director, Resident Recruitment
Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas USA
- Associate Program Director
Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas USA
- Jamail Specialty Care Center (Clinic)
1977 Butler Blvd.
Suite E5.200
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-3223
- Fellowship at The University of California at Irvine
- 06/2005 - Irvine, California United States
- Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Residency at Baylor College Of Medicine
- 06/2003 - Houston, Texas United States
- Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery
- Internship at Baylor College Of Medicine
- 06/1999 - Houston, Texas United States
- General Surgery
- MD from Baylor College of Medicine
- 05/1997 - Houston, Texas United States
- B.A. from Yale University
- 01/1992 - New Haven, Connecticut United States
- Diplomate - American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Diplomate - American Board of Otolaryngology
- Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- Fellow-American College of Surgeons
- American College of Surgeons
Honors & Awards
- Top Doctor 2016
- Houstonia Magazine
- Top Doc 2016
- H Texas Magazine
Professional Interests
- Rhinoplasty and nasal reconstruction
- Repair of nasal septal perforations
- Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)
- Rhytidectomy (Facelift)
- Otoplasty and auricular reconstruction (Ear Surgery)
- Mentoplasty (Chin Surgery)
- Brow Lift (Forehead Lift)
- Cosmetic facial rejuvenation
- Injectable fillers
- Closure of Mohs surgical defects
- Treatment of facial vascular malformations
- Skin Cancer Treatments
Professional Statement
My goal is to provide my patients with optimal care- for some this may be surgical while for others it may be a combination of natural remedies with medical care. I have completed my undergraduate studies in Biology at Yale University then medical school and residency in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine. This intensive training at the world famous Texas Medical Center led me obtain an extremely competitive fellowship position in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of California at Irvine.My practice covers all realms of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery including rhinoplasty and nasal reconstruction, skin cancer reconstruction, blepharoplasty and facial rejuvenation. I seek to combine this detailed training and expertise with my interest in natural remedies-cultivated in large part by growing up in southern Mexico. I am fluent in Spanish and travel frequently back to what I consider my hometown in search of alternative methods to help with everything from facial skin conditions and skin rejuvenation strategies to natural remedies for sinusitis.
Dr. Krista L. Olson, Associate Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine, discusses the complexities of rhinoplasty and nasal surgery as well as the difficulties she encounters while teaching residents how to perform nasal surgery.
Dr. Krista L. Olson, Associate Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine, views everyday as a privilege and an honor to be able to work with patients and gain their confidence as a their facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
Doctora Krista L. Olson habla sobre la cirugía facial estética y reconstructiva y su interés en esta especialidad. Doctora Krista Olson cuida a sus pacientes desde el momento que llegan en la oficina hasta la última consulta después de la cirugía. Comparte su experiencia en Baylor Colegio de Medicina y lo que puede ofrecer a sus pacientes. Doctora Krista Olson hace todo lo posible para que sus pacientes tengan una buena experiencia.
Doctora Krista Olson habla sobre su experiencia como cirujana y la relación que ella le gusta establece con sus pacientes. Comparte con nosotros su interés sobre el arte de usar las manos en la especialidad de cirugía plástica; también como se enfoca en la cirugía facial estética.
Krista Olson, M.D. is a board-certified otolaryngologist specializing in head and neck surgery, and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Professional Development
- Curso de Rinoplastia para residentes y especialistas
- Conference (Presenter, 2014)
- Sponsor: Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia y Cirujia de Cabeza y Cuello
- •Técnicas de evaluación en el área psicomotriz del residente en rinoplastia. •Métodos empleados en la enseñanza de la rinoplastia básica en el médico residente •Cirugía reconstructiva de nariz •Panel de discusión. Análisis de casos clínicos
- XXXV Congreso Nacional Fesormex
- Conference (Presenter, 2013)
- •Rinoplastia y Reconstrucción Nasal •Blefaroplastia •Cirugía Reconstructiva Facial Post MOHS •Academia Nacional de ORL lecture. Avances Tecnologicos en Cirugia Plastica y Reconstructiva Facial •Rinoplastia de Revision •Reconstruccion de Perforaciones de Septum Nasal
Selected Publications
- Victores AJ, Olson K, Takashima M "Interventional Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy: A Novel Technique to Guide Surgical Planning for Obstructive Sleep Apnea." J Clin Sleep Med. 2016 Oct 20; Pubmed PMID: 27784411
- Kwak PE, Gorman BK, Olson KL "Nasal gout presenting as nasal obstruction." JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 Apr 1;139(4):411-3. Pubmed PMID: 23599078
- Guy WM, Mohyuddin N, Burchhardt D, Olson KL, Eicher SA, Brissett AE "Repairing angle of the mandible fractures with a strut plate." JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 Jun 1;139(6):592-7. Pubmed PMID: 23787417
- Raol N, Olson K "A novel technique to repair moderate-sized nasoseptal perforations." Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg.. 2012 Aug 1;138(8):714-6. Pubmed PMID: 22801606
- Cohen HS, Stewart MG, Brissett AE, Olson KL, Takashima M, Sangi-Haghpeykar H "Frequency of sinus disease in normal subjects and patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo." ORL J. Otorhinolaryngol. Relat. Spec.. 2010;72(1):63-7. Pubmed PMID: 20424495
- Olson KL, Kelley TF, Crumley RL "Novel use of a delayed chondrofascial flap in microtia reconstruction." Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2007;9(2):125-9. Pubmed PMID: 17372067
- Porter JP, Olson KL "Analysis of the African American female nose." Plast. Reconstr. Surg.. 2003 Feb;111(2):620-6; discussi. Pubmed PMID: 12560683
- Olson KL, Manolidis S "The pedicled superficial temporalis fascial flap: a new method for reconstruction in otologic surgery." Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2002 May;126(5):538-47. Pubmed PMID: 12075229
- Weeks BH, He W, Olson KL, Wang XJ "Inducible expression of transforming growth factor beta1 in papillomas causes rapid metastasis." Cancer Res.. 2001 Oct 15;61(20):7435-43. Pubmed PMID: 11606377
- Porter JP, Olson KL "Anthropometric facial analysis of the African American woman." Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2001;3(3):191-7. Pubmed PMID: 11497505
- Olson KL, Manolidis S, Hayman LA, Chan LL, Taber KH "Use of reconstructed sagittal computed tomography images to plan middle cranial fossa surgery." Laryngoscope. 2001 Dec;111(12):2095-9. Pubmed PMID: 11802003
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