Javier F. Medina, Ph.D.

Javier F. Medina, Ph.D.
Professor & Brown Foundation Chair in Neuroscience
- Professor & Brown Foundation Chair in Neuroscience
Department of Neuroscience
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX 77030
- Baylor College of Medicine (Office)
Department of Neuroscience, S709
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-8141
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at UCSF, San Francisco
- 12/2007 - Neuroscience
- PhD from University of Texas, Houston
- 05/2000 - Neuroscience
- BS from Drexel University, Philadelphia
- 05/1993 - Computer Science
- BS from Drexel University, Philadelphia
- 05/1993 - Physics
Professional Interests
- Neural Circuits
- Computational Neuroscience
- Prediction Machines
- Supervised Learning
- Artificial Neural Networks
Professional Statement
My laboratory investigates how neural circuits use supervised learning to make predictions. Our goal is to answer two key questions about the computational algorithms implemented in the brain: (1) how is information about the past used to predict the future, (2) how are error signals used to update and improve these predictions. To provide mechanistic answers to these difficult questions, we study the function of neural circuits in mice trained to predict future events. Our experimental approach allows us to visualize and perturb the activity of cell-specific neuron populations with millisecond precision, by taking advantage of powerful new tools in electrophysiology, two-photon imaging and optogenetics. In addition, we use machine learning and build large-scale computer models and artificial neural networks to reveal general computational principles, test our hypotheses in real-world applications, and suggest novel research directions. Our work has implications for understanding and treating a wide range of motor and cognitive brain disorders that have been linked to deficits in supervised learning and prediction.Websites
Selected Publications
- Heiney SA, Wojaczynski GJ, Medina JF "Action-based organization of a cerebellar module specialized for predictive control of multiple body parts." Neuron. 2021;109(18):2981-2994.
- Kim OA, Ohmae S, Medina JF "A cerebello-olivary signal for negative prediction error is sufficient to cause extinction of associative motor learning." Nat Neurosci. 2020;23(12):1550-1554.
- Raymond JL, Medina JF "Computational principles of supervised learning in the cerebellum." Ann Rev Neurosci. 2018;41:233-253.
- Giovannucci A, Badura A, Deverett B, Najafi F, Pereira TD, Gao Z, Ozden I, Kloth AD, Pnevmatikakis E, Paninski L, De Zeeuw CI, Medina JF, Wang SS "Cerebellar granule cells acquire a widespread predictive feedback signal during motor learning." Nat Neurosci. 2017;20(5):727-734.
- Ten Brinke MM, Heiney SA, Wang X, Proietti-Onori M, Boele HJ, Bakermans J, Medina JF, Gao Z, De Zeeuw CI "Dynamic modulation of activity in cerebellar nuclei neurons during Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning in mice." eLife. 2017;6:e28132.
- Lee J, Joshua M, Medina JF, Lisberger SG "Signal, noise, and variation in neural and sensory-motor latency." Neuron. 2016;90(1):165-76.
- Ohmae S, Medina JF "Climbing fibers encode a temporal-difference prediction error during cerebellar learning in mice." Nat Neurosci. 2015;18(12):1798-803.
- Najafi F, Giovannucci A, Wang SS, Medina JF "Sensory-driven enhancement of calcium signals in individual Purkinje cell dendrites of awake mice." Cell Reports. 2014;6(5):792-798.
- Heiney SA, Wohl MP, Chettih SN, Ruffolo LI, Medina JF "Cerebellar-dependent expression of motor learning during eyeblink conditioning in head-fixed mice." J Neurosci. 2014;34(45):14845-53.
- Heiney SA, Kim J, Augustine GJ, Medina JF "Precise control of movement kinematics by optogenetic inhibition of Purkinje cell activity." J Neurosci. 2014;34(6):2321-30.
- Najafi F, Giovannucci A, Wang SS, Medina JF "Coding of stimulus strength via analog calcium signals in Purkinje cell dendrites of awake mice." eLife. 2014;3:e03663.
- Medina JF, Lisberger SG "Links from complex spikes to local plasticity and motor learning in the cerebellum of awake-behaving monkeys." Nat Neurosci. 2008;11(10):1185-92.
- Medina JF, Carey MR, Lisberger SG "The representation of time for motor learning." Neuron. 2005;45(1):157-67.
- Medina JF, Nores WL, Mauk MD "Inhibition of climbing fibres is a signal for the extinction of conditioned eyelid responses." Nature. 2002;416(6878):330-3.
- Medina JF, Garcia KS, Nores WL, Taylor NM, Mauk MD "Timing mechanisms in the cerebellum: testing predictions of a large-scale computer simulation." J Neurosci. 2000;20(14):5516-25.
- Medina JF, Mauk MD "Computer simulation of cerebellar information processing." Nat Neurosci. 2000;3(Suppl):1205-11.
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