Jason L. Salemi, Ph.D., M.P.H.

- Associate Professor (tenured)
Family and Community Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Affiliate Associate Professor
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
College of Public Health
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida United States
- Epidemiology and Statistical Data Analysis Manager
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
College of Public Health
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida United States
- Epidemiologist/Statistician
Jaeb Center for Health Research
Tampa, Florida United States
- Research Associate III
Cancer Prevention and Control
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute
Tampa, Florida United States
- 3701 Kirby Drive (Office)
Room: LMPL-600
Houston, TX 77098
United States
Phone: (713) 798-4698
- PhD from University of South Florida
- 05/2014 - Tampa, Florida United States
- Public Health, Epidemiology
- Graduate Certificate at University of South Florida
- 05/2008 - Tampa, Florida United States
- Applied Biostatistics
- MPH from University of South Florida
- 05/2005 - Tampa, Florida United States
- Public Heath, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Graduate Certificate at University of South Florida
- 04/2004 - Tampa, Florida United States
- Biostatistics
- BS from University of South Florida
- 05/2000 - Tampa, Florida United States
- Biology
Honors & Awards
- Maternal and Child Health Student Training for Academic Readiness and Success (MCH STARS) Research Excellence Award
- Texas Southern University (05/2017)
- Outstanding Alumni Award
- University of South Florida College of Public Health (04/2017)
- Outstanding Researcher Award
- Baylor College of Medicine (07/2016)
- National Institutes of Health Travel Scholarship
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (11/2013)
- Outstanding Student Merit Scholarship
- College of Public Health, University of South Florida (08/2008)
- Successful Latino Student Award
- Graduate School, University of South Florida (11/2006)
- USF Latino Fellowship
- Graduate School, University of South Florida (08/2003 - 08/2006)
- Student Honorary Award for Research and Practice
- Office of Research, USF Health, University of South Florida (08/2003 - 11/2006)
- Member, Tau Chapter, Honorary Society in Public Health
- Delta Omega Honorary Society (08/2005)
- Golden Key International Honor Society
- Member, University of South Florida Golden Key Chapter (08/1997 - 08/2000)
Professional Interests
- Birth defects
- Health disparities and health equity
- Cost-effectiveness analysis
- Public health surveillance and data systems
- Elective early-term delivery
- Complex Chronic Conditions
Professional Statement
- E N S U R E- S C I E N C E
- M A T T E R S !
Selected Publications
- ALL PUBLICATIONS "My Bibliography from NCBI." ;
- Salemi JL, Pathak EB, Salihu HM "Infant Outcomes After Elective Early-Term Delivery Compared With Expectant Management." Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Apr 1; Pubmed PMID: 26959207
- Salemi JL, Salinas-Miranda AA, Wilson RE, Salihu HM "Transformative Use of an Improved All-Payer Hospital Discharge Data Infrastructure for Community-Based Participatory Research: A Sustainability Pathway." Health Serv Res. 2015 Apr; Pubmed PMID: 25879276
- Salemi JL, Tanner JP, Bailey M, Mbah AK, Salihu HM "Creation and Evaluation of a Multi-layered Maternal and Child Health Database for Comparative Effectiveness Research." J Registry Manag. 2013 Apr;40(1):14-28. Pubmed PMID: 23778693
- Salemi JL, Comins M, Chandler KC, Mogos MF, Salihu HM "A Practical Approach for Calculating Reliable Cost estimates from Observational Data: Application to Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Maternal and Child Health." Appl Health Econ Health Policy. 2013 Aug;11:343-357. Pubmed PMID: 23807539
- Salemi JL, Tanner JP, Anjohrin SB, Rutkowski R, Correia JA, Watkins SM, Kirby RS "Evaluating Difficult Decisions in Public Health Surveillance: Striking the Right Balance between Timeliness and Completeness." J Registry Manag. 2015 Aug;42(2):48-61. Pubmed PMID: 26360106
- Salemi JL, Tanner JP, Kennedy S, Block S, Bailey M, Correia JA, Watkins SM, Kirby RS "A Comparison of Two Surveillance Strategies for Selected Birth Defects in Florida." Public Health Reports. 2012 Jul;127(4):391-400. Pubmed PMID: 22753982
- Salemi JL, Tanner JP, Sampat D, Anjohrin SB, Correia JA, Watkins SM, Kirby RS "The Accuracy of Hospital Discharge Diagnosis Codes for Major Birth Defects: Evaluation of a Statewide Registry with Passive Case Ascertainment." J Public Health Manag Pract. 2015; Pubmed PMID: 26125231
- Salemi JL, Tanner JP, Block S, Bailey M, Correia JA, Watkins SM, Kirby RS "The Relative Contribution of Data Sources to a Birth Defects Registry Utilizing Passive Multisource Ascertainment Methods: Does a Smaller Birth Defects Case Ascertainment Net Lead to Overall or Disproportionate Loss?." J Registry Manag. 2011 Apr;38(1):30-38. Pubmed PMID: 22097703
- Salemi JL, Hauser KW, Tanner JP, Sampat D, Correia JA, Watkins SM, Kirby RS "Developing a Database Management System to Support Birth Defects Surveillance in Florida." J Registry Manag. 2010 Apr;37(1):10-15. Pubmed PMID: 20795564
- Salemi JL, Jindal V, Wilson RE, Mogos MF, Aliyu MH, Salihu HM "Hospitalizations and Healthcare Costs Associated with Serious, Non-Lethal Firearm-Related Violence and Injuries in the United States, 1998-2011." Family Medicine and Community Health. 2015 Jul;3(2):8-19.
- Salemi JL, Whiteman VE, August EM, Chandler K, Mbah AK, Salihu HM "Maternal hepatitis B and hepatitis C infection and neonatal neurological outcomes." J Viral Hepat. 2014 Nov;21(11):e144-153. Pubmed PMID: 24666386
- Whiteman VE, Salemi JL, Mejia de Grubb MC, Cain MA, Mogos MF, Zoorob RJ, Salihu HM "Additive Effects of Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index and Gestational Diabetes on Health Outcomes and Costs." Obesity. 2015 Sep; Pubmed PMID: 26390841
- Cain MA, Salemi JL, Tanner JP, Mogos MF, Kirby RS, Whiteman VE, Salihu HM "Perinatal Outcomes and Hospital Costs in Gastroschisis Based on Gestational Age at Delivery." Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Sep;124(3):543-550. Pubmed PMID: 25162254
- Louis JM, Mogos MF, Salemi JL, Redline S, Salihu HM "Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Severe Maternal-Infant Morbidity/Mortality in the United States, 1998-2009." Sleep. 2014 May;37(5):843-849. Pubmed PMID: 24790262
- Marshall J, Salemi JL, Tanner JP, Ramakrishnan R, Feldkamp ML, Marengo L, Meyer RE, Druschel CM, Rickard R, Kucik JE, Kirby RS "Prevalence, Correlates, and Outcomes of Omphalocele in the United States, 1995-2005." Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Aug;126:284-93. Pubmed PMID: 26241416
- Kirby RS, Marshall J, Tanner JP, Salemi JL, Feldkamp ML, Marengo L, Meyer RE, Druschel CM, Rickard R, Kucik JE "Prevalence and Correlates of Gastroschisis in 15 U.S. States: 1995-2005." Obstet and Gynecol. 2013 Aug;122(2):275-81. Pubmed PMID: 23969795
- Block SR, Watkins SM, Salemi JL, Rutkowski R, Tanner JP, Correia JA, Kirby RS "Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index and Risk of Selected Birth Defects: Evidence of a Dose-Response Relationship." Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2013 Nov;27(6):521-31. Pubmed PMID: 24117964
- Gilboa SM, Salemi JL, Nembhard WN, Fixler DE, Correa A "Mortality due to congenital heart defects among infants, children, and adults, United States, 1999-2005." Circulation. 2010 Nov;122(22):2254-63. Pubmed PMID: 21098447
- Fixler DE, Nembhard WN, Salemi JL, Ethen MK, Canfield MA "Mortality in First 5 Years in Infants with Functional Single Ventricle Born in Texas, 1996 to 2003." Circulation. 2010 Feb;121(5):644-650. Pubmed PMID: 20100974
- Salihu HM, Salemi JL, Nash MC, Chandler K, Mbah AK, Alio AP "Assessing the Economic Impact of Paternal Involvement: A Comparison of the Generalized Linear Model Versus Decision Analysis Trees." Matern Child Health J. 2014 Aug;18(6):1380-1390. Pubmed PMID: 24158503
- Salinas-Miranda AA, Salemi JL, King-Kennedy LM, Baldwin JA, Berry EL, Austin D, Scarborough K, Spooner KK, Zoorob RJ, Salihu HM "Adverse childhood experiences and health-related quality of life in adulthood: revelations from a community needs assessment." Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2015 Aug;13(1):123. Pubmed PMID: 26260580
- National Birth Defects Prevention Network
- Immediate Past President (01/2019)
- National Birth Defects Prevention Network
- President (01/2018 - 12/2018)
- National Birth Defects Prevention Network
- President-Elect (01/2017 - 12/2017)
- Society for Teachers of Family Medicine
- Member (12/2015)
- National Birth Defects Prevention Network
- Chair, Surveillance Guidelines a (11/2014)
- National Birth Defects Prevention Network
- Member (01/2007)
- Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research
- Member (08/2007 - 08/2009)
- Society for Epidemiologic Research
- Member (08/2006 - 08/2009)
- American Public Health Association
- Member (08/2003)
- Data Management and Statistical Analysis
- Cost Effectiveness Analysis
- Data Linkage
- Geographic Information Systems
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