George Bombel, Ph.D.

George Bombel, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor
- Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX USA
- Clinical Psychologist
Department of Psychiatry
The Complexity Clinic
Houston Methodist Hospital
Houston, Texas USA
- Houston Methodist Hospital (Office)
Department of Psychiatry
6550 Fannin Street
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (346) 238-1573
Fax: (713) 383-9026
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at The Austen Riggs Center
- 06/2013 - Stockbridge, Massachusetts United States
- Intensive inpatient psychoanalytic psychotherapy, personality assessment, psychodynamic group consultation/therapy, psychoanalytic studies
- Residency at The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 07/2009 - San Antonio, Texas United States
- Short and long-term individual psychodynamic psychotherapy in inpatient and outpatient settings, Psychodynamic group therapy
- PhD from University of Toledo
- 08/2009 - Toledo, Ohio United States
- Clinical Psychology
- MA from University of Toledo
- 12/2006 - Toledo, Ohio United States
- Psychology
- MA from Washington State University
- 02/1992 - Pullman, Washington United States
- Education
- BA from Eastern Washington University
- 08/1987 - Cheney, Washington United States
- Applied Psychology
- BS from Eastern Washington University
- 08/1987 - Cheney, Washington United States
- Developmental Psychology
- Licensed Clinical Psychologist
- Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
- Licensed Clinical Psychologist
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Psychology
Professional Interests
- Psychoanalytic psychotherapy
- Psychodynamic group therapy/consultation
- Clinical supervision
- Personality disorders
- Personality Assessment/psychological testing
- Psychological assessment of psychodynamic constructs
- Construct and predictive validity of personality assessment measures/scales
- Meta-analysis of inter-rater reliability
VIICTR Research Database
Selected Publications
- Mihura, J. L., Meyer, G. J., Bombel, G., & Dumitrascu, N. "Standards, Accuracy, and Questions of Bias in Rorschach Meta-Analyses: Reply to Wood, Garb, Nezworski, Lilienfeld, and Duke." Psychological Bulletin. 2015; Pubmed PMID: 25581288
- Mihura JL, Meyer GJ, Dumitrascu N, Bombel G "The validity of individual Rorschach variables: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the Comprehensive System." Psychological Bulletin. 2013;548-605.
- Katko N, Meyer G, Mihura JL, Bombel G "The interrater reliability of Elizur’s hostility systems and Holt’s aggression variables: A meta-analytical review." Journal of Personality Assessment. 2009;357-364.
- Bombel G, Mihura JL, Meyer GJ "An examination of the construct validity of the Rorschach Mutuality of Autonomy (MOA) Scale." Journal of Personality Assessment. 2009;227-237.
- Joni L. Mihura, Gregory J. Meyer, Nicolae Dumitrascu & George Bombel "On Conducting Construct Validity Meta-Analyses for the Rorschach: A Reply to Tibon Czopp and Zeligman (2016)." 2016;98(4):343-350.
- Joni L. Mihura, George Bombel, Nicolae Dumitrascu, Manali Roy & Emily A. Meadows "Why we need a formal systematic approach to validating psychological tests: The case of the Rorschach Comprehensive System." Journal of Personality Assessment. 2018 May;
- Katko N, Meyer G, Mihura JL, Bombel G "A principle components analysis of Rorschach aggression and hostility variables." Journal of Personality Assesment. 2010;594-598.
- Kayatekin, S. M., Bombel, G., & Czelusta, K., L. "Examining Professionals. In Kaplan H. I. & Sadock., B. J. (Eds.), Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry (11th ed.).." Wolters Kluwer. 2024 May;
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