Deborah I Ritter, Ph.D.

Deborah I Ritter, Ph.D.
- Instructor
Department of Pediatrics
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Senior Research Scientist (2015 - current)
Pediatrics, Texas Children's Hospital
Dr. Sharon E. Plon Group
Baylor College of Medicine
United States
- Postdoctoral Associate (2012-2015)
Dr. David Wheeler Group
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Research Assistant
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Dr. Jenny Mao Group
University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen Medical School
- Research Assistant
Molecular and Cell Biology
Dr. Susan Rosenberg Group
Baylor College of Medicine
- Instructor
Department of Pediatrics
Texas Children's Hospital
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- BA from University of St. Thomas
- 05/2002 - Houston, TX
- Biology, Liberal Arts: Philosophy & English
- PhD from Boston College
- 09/2011 - Chestnut Hill, MA
- Biology (Bioinformatics)
Professional Statement
Research interestsIdentifying De-novo and Inherited Variants associated with Cancer Predisposition
Individuals with early childhood cancers and familial history of cancer can be a resource for discovery of novel genes involved with cancer predisposition. Identifying rare germline variants is challenging, as there is an ever-growing number of predicted damaging variants, and variant functional predictors can be unreliable. To prioritize variant and gene discovery, I focus on integrating familial variants, control datasets from large external sources such as ExAC, 1K Genomes, Exome Variant Server, and from internal sequence and annotation-matched controls, along with gene functional analysis. Project Mentors: Drs. Sharon Plon, David Wheeler
Genomic Sensitivity to Ionizing Radiation
Ionizing radiation is used to treat tumors, but in rare cases individuals with constitutional damage to DNA repair pathways can experience ionizing radiation related adverse events. Through the Texas Children’s Cancer Center and Genetics Consult Service at Texas Children’s Hospital, Dr. Sharon Plon has identified three families with adverse events or cellular evidence of ionizing radiation sensitivity. We have identified candidate genes in these families and are staging laboratory experiments to understand and characterize their function, as well as expand the search for other individuals with adverse events of radiation treatment. Project Mentors: Drs. Sharon Plon, David Wheeler
Detecting Rare Structural Variation
Tumor and constitutional genomes can undergo large structural changes such as translocations, inversions, and large duplications, deletions and insertions. I have developed a practical method to identify rare structural variation from outputs of programs such as CREST and BreakDancer, using familial pedigree and un-related control sets, with pipelined annotation, filtering and imaging. We have discovered the breakpoint genes of constitutional balanced translocations (see publications). I plan to supplement the control set content with public databases, as well as focus on improved identification of inversions and constitutional translocations. Project Mentors: Drs. Sharon Plon, David Wheeler
Detecting Rare, Functionally and Clinically Important Coding and Noncoding Variant Events
With an estimate of ~98% of the genome in noncoding bases, variants (both structural and SNV/INDEL) in these regions need improved characterization. Highly conserved noncoding regions (such as enhancers) can drive tissue-specific expression and are known to regulate fine-control of developmental genes. I integrate known enhancer sites from a dataset I created in graduate school and other multiple experimental and predictive sources, as well as noncoding data from ENCODE datasets into whole genome SNV/INDEL and SV analysis to identify variants in candidate functional noncoding regions. I plan to develop this analysis and filtering approach, identify candidate sites from whole genome sequencing of individuals with developmental congenital anomalies, and validate/characterize the variant noncoding regions using zebrafish as a model organism. Project Mentors: Drs. Jeffrey Chuang, Sharon Plon, David Wheeler
Bioinformatics and Medical Genomics Education (Academic and Public)
I am continually learning and developing teaching and communication skills that aid in making bioinformatics concepts approachable and intriguing for students and for public audiences. With the advent of personalized medicine, it is more critical than ever that the public can understand how genomic data is created and analyzed, and the ethical questions involved. I am focusing my interests on introducing learners without a background in science or bioinformatics to biological and ethical concepts in genomic medicine. Mentors: Drs. Gloria Regisford, Debra Murray, Gayle Slaughter, Kim Worley, David Wheeler, Jeffrey Chuang, Gabor Marth
Full Publications Listing at NCBI
Working groups I am on in The Clinical Genome Resource.
Selected Publications
- "My NCBI Bibliography." ;
- American Society of Human Genetics
- American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG)
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