Bradford Glenn Scott, M.D., FACS

- Professor and Vice-Chair for Education
Division of Trauma, Bariatric and Acute Care Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
- Section Chief of Trauma Surgery
Department of Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
- Ben Taub Hospital (Hospital)
1504 Taub Loop
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 873-2000
- Advanced Training from Baylor College of Medicine Affiliate Hospitals
- 01/1995 - Houston, TX United States
- Advanced Training from Baylor College of Medicine Affiliate Hospitals
- 01/1994 - Houston, TX United States
- M.D. from The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
- 01/1994 - Dallas, TX United States
- B.A. from The University of Texas at Austin
- 01/1990 - Austin, TX United States
- Board Certified
- American Board of Surgery
Honors & Awards
- Gene A. Guinn, MD Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award
- Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery
- Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching Evaluation
- Fulbright and Jaworski L.L.P.
- Academy of Distinguished Educators
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Master Clinician Award
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award
- 2020 Top Doctor: General Surgery
- Houstonia Magazine
Professional Interests
- Abdominal wall reconstruction
- Trauma resuscitation
- Surgery of the foregut
Professional Statement
Dr. Bradford G. Scott has been a Baylor College of Medicine faculty member since 1999 after completing his residency training at BCM. Since then he has improved the training of the next generation of surgeons as director of general surgery residency program. Dr. Scott's clinical and research studies focus on resuscitation of the trauma patient, care for the open abdomen, and on methodologies for complex abdominal wall reconstruction, as well as surgery of the foregut. His previous appointments include director of the Ben Taub Hospital Breast Center; surgical director of the Ben Taub Emergency Center, which cares for more than 100,000 emergency patients each year; and director of minimally invasive surgery.Websites
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Selected Publications
- Dominguez EP, Choi YU, Scott BG, Yahanda AM, Graviss EA, Sweeney JF "Impact of morbid obesity on outcome of laparoscopic splenectomy.." Surg Endosc. 2007 Mar;21(3):422-6. Pubmed PMID: 17103267
- Feanny MA, Scott BG, Mattox KL, Hirshberg A "Impact of the 80-hour work week on resident emergency operative experience.." Am. J. Surg.. 2005 Dec;190(6):947-9. Pubmed PMID: 16307951
- Nguyen L, Brunicardi FC, Dibardino DJ, Scott BG, Awad SS, Bush RL, Brandt ML "Education of the modern surgical resident: novel approaches to learning in the era of the 80-hour workweek.." World J Surg. 2006 Jun;30(6):1120-7. Pubmed PMID: 16736346
- Carrick MM, Morrison CA, Alexis DJ, Feanny MA, Pham HQ, Welsh FJ, Norman MA, Scott BG "Thoracoabdominal shotgun wounds: an evaluation of factors associated with the need for surgical intervention.." Am. J. Surg.. 2009 Jul;198(1):64-9. Pubmed PMID: 19555785
- Schreiber MA, Aoki N, Scott BG, Beck JR "Determinants of mortality in patients with severe blunt head injury.." Arch Surg. 2002 Mar;137(3):285-90. Pubmed PMID: 11888450
- Lee L, Brunicardi FC, Scott BG, Berger DH, Bush RL, Awad SS, Brandt ML "Impact of a novel education curriculum on surgical training within an academic training program.." J. Surg. Res.. 2008 Apr;145(2):308-12. Pubmed PMID: 18262564
- Lee TC, Carrick MM, Scott BG, Hodges JC, Pham HQ "Incidence and clinical characteristics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus necrotizing fasciitis in a large urban hospital.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Dec;194(6):809-12; discuss. Pubmed PMID: 18005776
- Hirshberg A, Dugas M, Banez EI, Scott BG, Wall MJ, Mattox KL "Minimizing dilutional coagulopathy in exsanguinating hemorrhage: a computer simulation.." J Trauma. 2003 Mar;54(3):454-63. Pubmed PMID: 12634523
- Tapia NM, Chang A, Norman M, Welsh F, Scott B, Wall MJ, Mattox KL, Suliburk J "TEG-guided resuscitation is superior to standardized MTP resuscitation in massively transfused penetrating trauma patients.." J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013 Feb;74(2):378-86. Pubmed PMID: 23354228
- Carrick MM, Pham HQ, Scott BG, Wall MJ "Traumatic rupture of the pericardium.." Ann. Thorac. Surg.. 2007 Apr;83(4):1554. Pubmed PMID: 17383388
- Schechet SA, Askenasy EP, Dhamne S, Scott BG "Anemia and jejunal intussusception: An unusual presentation for a metastatic phyllodes breast tumor.." Int J Surg Case Rep. 2012;3(2):62-4. Pubmed PMID: 22288047
- Horwitz IB, Horwitz SK, Brandt ML, Brunicardi FC, Scott BG, Awad SS "Assessment of communication skills of surgical residents using the Social Skills Inventory.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Sep;194(3):401-5. Pubmed PMID: 17693291
- Carrick MM, Pham HQ, Scott BG, Mattox KL "Combined Zone I and II Neck Injury Requiring Median Sternotomy for Repair.." J Trauma. 2006 Nov;61(5):1293. Pubmed PMID: 17099550
- Bruckner BA, Norman M, Scott BG "CT Tractogram: technique for demonstrating tangential bullet trajectories.." J Trauma. 2006 Jun;60(6):1362-3. Pubmed PMID: 16766987
- Scott BG, Welsh FJ, Pham HQ, Carrick MM, Liscum KR, Granchi TS, Wall MJ, Mattox KL, Hirshberg A "Early aggressive closure of the open abdomen.." J Trauma. 2006 Jan;60(1):17-22. Pubmed PMID: 16456431
- Scott BG, Feanny MA, Hirshberg A "Early definitive closure of the open abdomen: a quiet revolution.." Scand J Surg. 2005;94(1):41531. Pubmed PMID: 15865109
- Gilani R, Saucedo-Crespo H, Scott BG, Tsai PI, Wall MJ, Mattox KL "Endovascular therapy for overcoming challenges presented with blunt abdominal aortic injury.." Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2012 May;46(4):329-31. Pubmed PMID: 22617379
- Scott BG, Hirshberg A "Exclusion and bypass--a new approach to popliteal artery injuries.." J Trauma. 2004 Oct;57(4):913-4. Pubmed PMID: 15514554
- Hirshberg A, Scott BG, Granchi T, Wall MJ, Mattox KL, Stein M "How does casualty load affect trauma care in urban bombing incidents? A quantitative analysis.." J Trauma. 2005 Apr;58(4):686-93; discuss. Pubmed PMID: 15824643
- Tung CS, Zighelboim I, Scott B, Anderson ML "Human acellular dermal matrix for closure of a contaminated gynecologic wound.." Gynecol. Oncol.. 2006 Oct;103(1):354-6. Pubmed PMID: 17048346
- Morrison CA, Carrick MM, Norman MA, Scott BG, Welsh FJ, Tsai P, Liscum KR, Wall MJ, Mattox KL "Hypotensive resuscitation strategy reduces transfusion requirements and severe postoperative coagulopathy in trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial.." J Trauma. 2011 Mar;70(3):652-63. Pubmed PMID: 21610356
- Azizzadeh A, Moldovan S, Scott BG "Image of the month. Rapunzel syndrome.." Arch Surg. 2002 Dec;137(12):1443, 1444. Pubmed PMID: 12470117
- Van Pelt AE, Mohsin S, Elledge RM, Hilsenbeck SG, Gutierrez MC, Lucci A, Kalidas M, Granchi T, Scott BG, Allred DC, Chang JC "Neoadjuvant trastuzumab and docetaxel in breast cancer: preliminary results.." Clin. Breast Cancer. 2003 Dec;4(5):348-53. Pubmed PMID: 14715110
- Scott BG, Silberfein EJ, Pham HQ, Feanny MA, Lassinger BK, Welsh FJ, Carrick MM "Rate of malignancies in breast abscesses and argument for ultrasound drainage.." Am. J. Surg.. 2006 Dec;192(6):869-72. Pubmed PMID: 17161110
- Texas Surgical Society
- First Vice President
- American College of Surgeons
- Fellow
- Southern Surgical Association
- Association of Surgical Educators
- Fellow
- Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma
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