School of Health Professions

Simulation in the DNP Program


Human Patient Simulator


The Doctor of Nursing Practice Program-Nurse Anesthesia has a state-of-the-art Human Patient Simulator that provides real-world experience for nurse anesthesia students. With funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration and the College, the program has designed, developed and implemented an anesthesia simulation laboratory with the highest fidelity human simulation technology in the world.


Simulation Technology


Simulation technology, based on aviation simulation and developed by Medical Education Technologies Inc., affords nurse anesthesia students access to a realistic operating room environment, providing vast learning opportunities. All learning activities in the simulation center can be video and audio recorded to allow analysis and debriefing after a learning episode. The simulation laboratory provides a safe learning environment that allows the student not only to master technical skills, but also to integrate knowledge into practical applications prior to providing care to real patients.

The simulation lab includes fully automated Laerdal child and infant simulators. Airway management techniques training is augmented by an Olympus videoscope and advanced airway management mannequins. The lab also includes Blue Phantom ultrasound task trainers and a Sonosite S-nerve ultrasound machine that offers learning experiences in peripheral and central venous access, as well as peripheral nerve blocks.

The program integrates high-fidelity human simulation into all facets of the curriculum, allowing student nurse anesthetists to progress from novice to expert through knowledge acquisition, competency development, competency attainment and competency verification as they progress through the 36-month curriculum.


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