
Weather Update

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 21 - 22, due to hazardous weather conditions. Patients will be contacted for rescheduling.


Anatomy Education Core and Willed Body Program

Media Component
As a memorial to the donors, they created a tree representing life on which hangs written reflections from students. It will be permanently housed in the Haley Museum in the DeBakey Building.

Anatomy, the study of the structure of the human body, is one of the most important courses in the education of physicians and other health professionals. In most of these fields, the study of anatomy comes first in the curriculum and serves as the foundation for other courses. It is increasingly necessary for physicians and other biomedical scientists to conduct special anatomical studies and research to keep pace with advances in medical science. Anatomical bequests are greatly appreciated as each contributes directly to new understandings.

To assure that maximum benefit is derived from this contribution, a medical school may transfer, at its discretion, a body to other teaching or research institutions within Texas, if the needs of such institutions are deemed appropriate. With the permission of the donor at the time of donation, the Anatomical Board may also transport a willed/ donated body out of the state in the event that the holding institution and the executive secretary of that board have determined that an excess of bodies currently exists in Texas.

Survivors may derive comfort from the knowledge that dignity and respect for those who have donated their bodies is maintained at all times. The laboratory is situated in a restricted area and only medical students, faculty, staff, or students of health-related professions are authorized to use the facility. The indispensable contribution that participants in the Anatomy Education Core and Willed Body Program have made is fully recognized.

Willing your body for medical education and research is a very noble and humanitarian gesture for which we are deeply grateful. However, in some circumstances, Baylor College of Medicine cannot accept or use the body. This in no way lessens the sincerity of your intent or our gratitude for your effort.


Donating Your Body


To become a registered donor, please complete all sections of the Bequest (Donor) Form, sign, date and return the signed original form to us via mail. Witnesses must be over the age of 21 years at the time of signature. The completed bequest form must be on file at least 6 months in advance of the anticipated donation. Please keep a copy of the completed form for your files and future references. You may wish to make additional copies of the completed form and distribute to those you wish to be informed, such as your physician, minister, attorney and next of kin.

Baylor College of Medicine Willed Body Information Packet 2022



Anatomy Education Core and Willed Body Program
Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza, BCM832
Houston, TX 77030
Phone: (713) 798-3858

Upon receipt of the completed original bequest form, we will send you a donor card to carry with you for identification. Should you move or change your mind regarding donation, the bequest form will be made invalid upon written notification from you.

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