About Us
The Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, located within the largest medical center in the world, provides compassionate and exceptional care as well as cutting-edge research and extensive education and training opportunities that prepare our next generation of providers for prominent positions nationally and internationally. The department practices evidence-based care with a focus on interdisciplinary academic collaboration and expertise. The department is built on the assertion that psychiatry is a brain-based specialty that encompasses biological, psychological, social, interpersonal, and spiritual parameters.
Meet Our Chair
Dr. Wayne K. Goodman, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences chair, shares the importance of team science.
Our Research
More than 40 funded investigators are conducting research in most major psychiatric disorders and technologies.
Our divisions are dedicated to improving the lives of persons and families affected by psychiatry and behavioral conditions through clinical care, research, education, and community service.
The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences provides outstanding mental health education and multidisciplinary training. Learn more about our programs.
CME Opportunities: Furthering Your Education
Check out our Online Continuing Medical Education classes.
Department News and Events
The department takes pride in the accomplishments of its team. View a listing of our press releases and newsletters
Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Lee and Joe Jamail Specialty Care Center
1977 Butler Blvd.
Houston, TX 77030
Clinic: (713) 798-4857
Academics: (713) 798-4872