School of Medicine

Fellowship Programs


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To find the clinical fellowship program that is right for you, either browse the list below or go to our Education Programs page to search by keyword, department and other parameters for the programs that match your interests.

For information concerning curriculum, application procedures, and faculty, please visit the site to the specific program you wish to pursue.

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Approved for three fellows per year, our three-year training program is one of the largest pediatric pulmonology fellowship programs in the nation.
Our Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship offers rotations through the Texas Medical Center, as well as opportunities to participate in research.
The Emergency Administration Fellowship is a 12-month program that focuses on understanding the best practices in Emergency Medicine Operations and Leadership.
Pediatric Interventional Radiology fellows perform cases with faculty supervision, gaining autonomy as the fellow demonstrates progressive ability.
The Interventional Cardiology Fellowship focuses on the percutaneous treatment of heart disease and peripheral vascular disease for ABIM certification.
In affiliation with Texas Children's Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine offers a one-year fellowship in Pediatric Radiology accredited by the ACGME.
Our Special Fellowship in Advanced Psychiatry trains future leaders by providing a foundation in mental health research, education, and clinical care.
The Critical Care Medicine Fellowship allows fellows to work with critically ill adult patients and offers training in perioperative critical care medicine.
Our Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry Fellowship offers clinical rotations in the assessment, treatment, and management of neuropsychiatric conditions.
The Dermatopathology (Multidisciplinary) Fellowship combines dermatology and pathology in a program that covers immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, etc.
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