Baylor College of Medicine

Cravesupport: Measuring and Intervening Craving Moments in Substance Use Disorders (SUD) Using Bio-Behavioral Sensors (H-47121)



The CRAVE study aims to gather data from individuals struggling with opioid use disorder to explore the potential use of wearable devices in preventing instances of cravings in the future.

You may be eligible to participate as a volunteer if you:

  • Are 18-64 year of age
  • Have been diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder and currently off drugs for at least a month
  • Are on maintenance therapy such as buprenorphine or methadone
  • Have cell phone (IOS or Android).
  • Have no metal implant.

Participants will receive fMRI at no cost and are eligible for compensation for time and travel.


Liana Hamdan

Phone 1: 346–266–8167

IRB: H-47121




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