Core News: New USPS stamps have Baylor College of Medicine connection

Dec. 13, 2022 – The U.S. Postal Service announced seven new stamp subjects for 2023, and this round there is a Houston connection. Two images produced by Jason Kirk, Director of the Optical Imaging & Vital Microscopy Core at Baylor College of Medicine, were chosen as part of the Life Magnified category. They are among 20 different images chosen by the USPS that capture details of life undetectable by the human eye. They are taken with microscopes and highly specialized photographic techniques that can capture the fine details found in nature and in many cases used in scientific research.
About the Core
The Optical Imaging and Vital Microscopy Core provides state-of-the-art instrumentation and cutting-edge imaging/image analysis tools for the research applications of a broad range of Baylor College of Medicine investigators. This core is dedicated to vital and intravital imaging of cellular processes within cells, intact tissue explants, developing embryos and functioning organs within the live animal. Our users are focused on a variety of applications such as understanding cell migration, optimizing angiogenic therapies, how blood flow influences development and cancer, immune cell recruitment, stem cell-niche interactions and cancer metastasis.
Microscopy Methods
The following microscopy methods are available through the Optical Imaging and Vital Microscopy Core. View information on each below:

Fluorescence Microscopy
Learn more about the cornerstone of our imaging capabilities that can be used with a wide array of sample types.

LightSheet Microscopy
Learn more about how this novel 3D imaging technology can provide more insight into cleared whole mounts.

Confocal Microscopy
Learn more about how our confocal microscopes can improve your fluorescence images.

Multi-Photon Microscopy
Learn more about how our 2-Photon microscopes can help you see deeper into intact tissue.

µCT (Micro Computed Tomography)
Learn more about how μCT technology can generate 3D images from unlabeled samples.

OPT (Optical Projection Tomography)
Learn more about how our custom built OPT solutions provide fast optical sectioning for biological specimens.
Need Imaging Services?
Visit our Services page to learn more about which service level is right for you.
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From the Labs Image of the Month
- The image is a human breast cancer organoid in a collagen-based 3D matrix. The image was captured on the Zeiss LSM 880 with Airyscan FAST Confocal Microscope in the Optical Imaging and Vital Microscopy Core at Baylor.