Hearing Aid Services
Our comprehensive hearing services at Baylor Medicine in Houston, Texas, include hearing aid consultations, hearing aid fittings, hearing aid follow-ups, hearing aid repairs and hearing aid cleanings with experienced, caring staff. Complete audiologic evaluations include assessments to determine the severity and underlying cause of your hearing loss. If a medical problem is identified as the cause of your hearing loss, appropriate referrals will be made.
Our services include:
- Hearing evaluations
- Hearing aid consultations and fittings
- Hearing aid follow-up services
- Hearing aid cleanings and repairs
- Cochlear implant evaluations
- Cochlear implant activation and mapping
- Cochlear implant adjustments
- Custom earplugs for swimming and hearing protection
- Auditory brainstem response test
- Otoacoustic emissions testing
- Tympanometry and acoustic reflexes
- Assistive listening devices
When Should You See an Audiologist for a Hearing Evaluation?
Investigate the signs:
- Asking people to repeat themselves
- Avoiding activities because of problems hearing or understanding
- Being told the television volume is high
- Conversing in a noisy setting is difficult
- Hearing certain sounds or alarms that you previously heard is now difficult
- Hearing on the telephone is difficult
- Noticing some voices are harder to hear than others