About the Center
The Center for Teaching and eLearning develops multimodal initiatives that support educational content delivery and assessment across various settings, including online, synchronous, and asynchronous modalities, hybrid or blended experiences, competency-based and face-to-face instruction. The center provides expertise in instructional design and technology, educational theory, and assessment to support the effectiveness of academic programs.
Educator Professional Development and Resources
View information and apply for our Professional Learning Studios, a series of four–eight-week cohort-based instructional design workshops.
Our Center for Teaching and eLearning staff is available for virtual and in person consultation sessions.
Studio One
View information about our new Studio One which offers simplified video recording studios for BCM educators and faculty.
eLearning Projects
View a listing of our center's current and past projects and partnerships.
Collaborative Learning Lab
Learn about our new Collaborative Learning Lab which offers innovative technology for an active-learning classroom.